- Started 19 years ago
- Last post 19 years ago
- 81 Responses
- Gordy22
my new girlfriend is working really hard at the moment. When she's not, she's playing hard and often laments the fact she never has any time to relax.
What would you think'd be an ideal thing for me to do / give her to allow her to totally relax. not thinking drugs, drink or sex - more picnic / spa etc.
Anything is an option tho' something london / UK specific'd be best
- shutdown0
"What would you think'd be an ideal thing for me to do / give her to allow her to totally relax. not thinking drugs, drink or sex - more picnic / spa etc."
You can have sex on a picnic!!
- Peter0
Edible underwear. And if that doesn't work; one bag of massage oil.
Mr romantic
- paraselene0……i've not been, but it's meant to be lovely. in notting hill.
- paraselene0
or, at the weekend, just give her a train ticket for cornwall or something. better yet, find a super nice spa out on the coast somewhere and take her out there for a massage/spa hingmy followed by a quiet lunch. get that girl out the damn city.
- kelpie0
or, alternatively, get on to the roof of a tall building, have a lovely picnic and then base jump off it. YEAH!
- paraselene0
gordy, how new? cos you'll want to be a bit cautious if she's super new.
- ********0
Spa is a good idea
- Gordy220
Para - you're a saint - thanks for the non sarcastic, helpful suggestions.
6 weeks new - no awkwardness anymore so anything is fair game.
- Fariska0
blindfold and take her in a place where there's no phones/internet etc. A fairy place.
- Gordy220
We have a winner:
- ********0
We have a winner:
(Oct 3 05, 05:51)Run her a bath and save the money fer fucks sake. ;)
- Nairn0 ?
Personally, I'd take her the fuck out of dodge - go to Paris for a w'end, or spend some time in the hills in Wales or Scotland or something.
- ********0
New Forest? Not far from London. Stay in a B&B, walk in the forest, go down the pub.
- paraselene0
six weeks is too soon for going away together. you might scare her. here's a test:
if she has any of the following items stored in your house, you are allowed one medium-sized gesture:
1. facial wash
2. shoes
3. phone charger
4. pantsif she has all of the above items in your house, then you are allowed a large gesture, but not a grand one.
- paraselene0
at six weeks, i'd say get her a gift certificate for either a massage or a top-of-the-line facial at a spa. or the tank. but don't schedule it and don't go with her (unless she asks you to accompany her not once, but twice).
- gruntt0
i want to try that tank thing.
- Gordy220
I've got her shoes, pants and toothebrush...
I like the idea or the new forest moth... however, my folks have a flat in Bournemouth (they live in Paris) which I can use. Would that be considered cheep if I took her there instead? Nice place tho' - 5 mins walk from beach...
- paraselene0
the shoes push you into away-for-the-weekend category. find a spa or tank hingmy in bournemouth and take her away for one night (but not the whole weekend). and only if there's a full bed there that is not your parents'.
- Nairn0
Your parents have a place in Paris? Jesus, I can't think of a grander, more nonchalant gesture than to blithely offer to take her for a fantastic w'end abroad..
..then, maybe's that's why I'm single?
- Gordy220
Nairn - the thing is my parents live there and it's not really paris, it's Versaille - pretty but f*cking boring.
Maybe if i can get shot of 'em it's an option...