- Started 19 years ago
- Last post 19 years ago
- 81 Responses
- paraselene0
nah, nairn, they've got a place in bournemouth but they live in paris.
he's right though, gordy. when they leave paris you should take over their place there.
- ********0
at six weeks, i'd say get her a gift certificate for either a massage or a top-of-the-line facial at a spa. or the tank. but don't schedule it and don't go with her (unless she asks you to accompany her not once, but twice, and there's an "R" in the month, she had tea first thing and not coffee, and ensure that her dog's name ISN'T Sally. If she doesn't own a dog - forget the whole thing).
(Oct 3 05, 06:05)
- eficks0
i'm waiting for dinky to tell you to send her to him.
- -scarabin-0
it's odd that they would advertise that tank thing as something pleasurable, when numerous studies have found sensory deprivation in humans to be intensely distressing
- paraselene0
i must say, the tank doesn't look appetising to me either...
- paraselene0
p.s. moth, you're very funny
- Nairn0
Hey, Vogue did an article on us and Magic Mushrooms and how they should be every Girl's new drug..
..obviously, the Editor had never over-done it and spent 12 hours crawling back from the brink of mental abyss.
No accounting for some things.
- ********0
aww thanks ;)
p.s. women are fickle.
- tkmeister0
if i were you, i'd take her far far away to some nice warm beach. sometimes, that's what it takes to drop everything and relax.
if you do it around or same environment you already are in, it won't work and she'll be wondering about her daily things.
- Gordy220
Fuck tk - If I could afford it we'd be off to the Bahamas for a long w'end but alas the UK and Europe at a push is about it.
- tkmeister0
i am sure you can go to spain or portugal, no?
- Gordy220
Just to keep you in the loop; she's a closet claustraphobe so the flaot tank thing is out of the window.
Women eh.
- kelpie0
*wheels out big NT drawing board.
- paraselene0
do the bournemouth thing, then. sounds really nice...
- milo0
a picnic at Kew Gardens is a great day out - weather permitting.
However nothing clears the head like a weekend hiking in the lake district... followed by a warm fire, good beer & great food... ahh.
- ********0
However nothing clears the head like a weekend hiking in the lake district... followed by a warm fire, good beer & great food... ahh.
(Oct 4 05, 01:49)Ditto that.
Take her up Striding Edge, make her fear for her life, then goto the pub for slow roast lamb shank and serveral ales.
- jamble0
You can have sex on a picnic!!
(Oct 3 05, 03:37)That would surely squash all the food though?
- vespa0
it's not just women who like a bit of pampering you know. my bf wants me to take him to a turkish bath to be whipped with birch sticks whilst a mud pack is ridding his face of blackheads. i've put a mud pack on his face before but he's insisting it doesn't feel the same unless it's GREEN.
- ********0
omg, vespa has a gay boyfriend. how very trendy.