- Started 19 years ago
- Last post 19 years ago
- 81 Responses
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omg, vespa has a gay boyfriend. how very trendy.
(Oct 4 05, 02:27)This is a worrying trend.
My cousin refuses to un-button and un-tuck his shirt in the pub on a Friday night. He also refers to himself as Metrosexual, shaves his chest hair, and "moisturises".What in the bloody hell is the world coming to huh?
- vespa0
hehee his face does feel nice when he takes care of it tho. my man is gonna have better skin than you lot in ten years that's fo sho!
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Man. Pah! Where I come from men run around with clubs! No relaxing saunas such. Noooo.
- kelpie0
that's nothing Moth - my wee bro just bought a really really short 80's leather biker jacket and got highlights put in his hair, yet swears blind he's not caught the gay - I worry about htis new-fangled society of ours.
*crosses legs
- paraselene0
don't worry, the metrosexual thing is over. i read it in the observer magazine. everyone's going to start being like that guy from lost, all burly and dirty again.
although there really is no reason to live with blackheads.
- vespa0
"caught the gay" ahahaaaaaa!!
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Aye. Can't have biker jacket and no bloody bike! Shocking. I suggest you get him down the docks. Ask for Renee.
- vespa0
see mine is both. good skin, lotsa manly chest hair. grrrrr.
ok i'll stop now.
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don't worry, the metrosexual thing is over. i read it in the observer magazine. everyone's going to start being like that guy from lost, all burly and dirty again.
although there really is no reason to live with blackheads.
(Oct 4 05, 02:39)Racist Bastard
(Oct 4 05, 02:40)
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i miss kuz.
we need a petition.
- paraselene0
that's the ticket, vespa. 30% metrosexual, 70% banjo playing caveman...
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Man. Pah! Where I come from men run around with clubs!
(Oct 4 05, 02:37)Ones like that moth?
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Not quite.
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- paraselene0
great chat in here, you two.
*two thumbs up
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well he's got a knife...
- kelpie0
you're too nice Para, I think they're a right pair of boring bastards.
yes, I knoooooooooooow
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I am fully concentrating on my work today. I have no time for frivilous chitter chatter. I don't know how to spell that word. Or even if i've used it correctly. See, the everyday preasures I have to contend with and at the same time remain witty and entertaining for you lot. pfgffft
*waves knife.
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see? I too am busy filemtime ' ing my directory lists.
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oh skt. I need a favour.
I got hold of this hawkman EP. I dont own a record player (yet). Would you be able to convert to mp3 or such?