
  • Started 19 years ago
  • Last post 19 years ago
  • 81 Responses
  • mirrorball0

    Book into a nice sexy hotel. (But don't tell her)

    Spend the day together goin places she has always wanted to visit but never had the chance to.

    After she complains about her aching feet, hail a taxi and head back to said Hotel. After you have massaged them aching feet of hers look smugg as when room service calls with the Real Sushi you ordered. (No M&S or Tesco, Sainsburys cack).

    Any gal who dosn't have a smile on her face or proposes mariage after this amount of effort ain't worth your time dude.

    As for you having a girlfriend in the best capital in the world...
    U jammy lad yah!!!

    Belfast dosn't even compare to an alley way in London. :(