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  • ********

    Anyone with a strong understanding of biology / human nature knows that a woman that goes to work and gets paid in cash, is akin to a man going to work and being paid in sex.

    Women making as much as men is just not equal.

    • Hi troll. I can't buy a coffee with sex, so your argument is invalid.
    • ehehehe gtfoBillGates
    • but everything you do is to sustain yourself to get some. you man hoars.yurimon
    • finally QBN gets a new troll! I was getting tired of the old ones.sarahfailin
    • green with envy?Fax_Benson
    • Set, you like coffee more than sex? Your argument is invalid
    • I don't even drink coffee
    • lolyurimon
    • or have sexscarabin
  • GeorgesII0

    The sandman, y the last man, persepolis,
    fuckn hell...

    “I chose several highly acclaimed, award-winning graphic novels in my English 250 course, not because they are purportedly racy but because each speaks to the struggles of the human condition,” he told the RDF. “The course in question has also been supported by the faculty [and] administration and approved by the board.”
    Schultz and her parents spoke to the college administration to protest the material. Their ideal outcome, they stated, was to have the books removed from all class syllabi and the school bookstore—but if that were not possible they wanted to be sure students would be aware of the potentially objectionable content before purchasing. “At least get a warning on the books,” Shultz told the RDF. “At most I would like the books eradicated from the system. I don’t want them taught anymore. I don’t want anyone else to have to read this garbage.”


    • Random student asks college to remove books from syllabus. College says no, justifying reason. When will this madness end?Fax_Benson
    • I can't wait for book burning to go back in trend
      oooh wait a sec,
    • The feminocalypse is nigh...any day nowyuekit
    • i've read all these except Fun Home and can't see anything to be offended about. ...except Last Man which is pretty shit, imo.sarahfailin
    • Last Man is not as feminist as it would like you to believe. In fact I think it's a kind of weird male fantasy, to be the only man in a world of women.sarahfailin
    • GeorgesII, the difference in those pictures is that one is a giant crowd and a govt, the other is one person. Have some perspective.nb
  • yurimon0

    I'm came across this meme, seems a bit of mind bender. mind you i'm very politically correct on this particular one so I just want to share with you the type of filth that is online these days. girls dont let these memes get you down.. fist up.

    • lol. I'm glad you decided to keep broggingyuekit
    • i'm quiting soon. i have a cut off. I'm going to rehabbing. blogging rehab. heheyurimon
  • ********

    So it seems that being anti-feminist is being a troll.

    Is everyone on here a feminist?

    • why don't you try to simplify it some more.Fax_Benson
    • Yes. Everyone here is a feminist. Your childish insult masked as a query has been answered. Next!face_melter
    • Jeremy, you have to excuse face here, he comes from sweden. they beat you with a belt if you are a man and not politically correct. my apologies.yurimon
    • Your previous comment was just so stupid that a couple people assumed the only explanation could be that you are a troll and didn't really mean it.nb
    • nb, it's not stupid if you understood biology. Men work for sex, women have sex for resources. Always have, and as long as they're the ones getting pregnant...
    • ... to some degree, always will.
    • forgive nb he comes from an increasingly politically correct country, unfortunately buys into it, there are new anti free speech laws that could put him in jailyurimon
    • It's hard to forgive the stupidity of feminism in the western world yurimon. But I'll try.
    • Please explain biology to me so that I might understand it. Lulz.nb
    • Well nb, one act of biology would be your mom sleeping with me because she finds your dad repulsive.
      What's her number?
    • wow. you're bad at trolling.sarahfailin
  • i_monk0

    1st women to pass U.S. Army Ranger School gain foothold for followers

    Trailblazing soldiers have 'earned the respect of every ranger instructor,' says school leader


    • those are 2 tough ladies. wowza. they still wont be serving as rangers though. no direct combat roles for women
  • GeorgesII-1

  • GeorgesII0

    literally insane

    Is having a loving family an unfair advantage?

    "...I don’t think parents reading their children bedtime stories should constantly have in their minds the way that they are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally...."


  • GeorgesII0

    How can our future Mars colonies be free of sexism and racism?

    "...The white, male European conquerors of the New World and 19th-century American pioneers of Manifest Destiny still colour the space age, so is it a myth that we’ll turn nice on Mars?..."


  • ********

    If feminism is about gender equality, when are women going to start asking men out?
    And when are men going to start getting pregnant?

    • Women ask me out all the time. Not sure what's wrong with you, guy.nb
    • What??? In what part of the world nb? Sure as hell not in Toronto Canada they don't
    • yeah, man, I think you need to work on yourself if you're waiting for others to make the first move. btw: canadian girls always made the first move with meGeorgesII
    • Damn Georgesll, you're the man!
    • Maybe women don't ask you out because you're the type of guy who blames women for not asking you out.nb
    • Burn
    • I live in Toronto. Women ask me out on occasion. Just go to better parties bruh.Al_dizzle
    • https://www.youtube.…
    • I think your first point is valid, second point superflous.
    • I'm male and 8 months pregnant single parent supporting 4 other kids from different mums/dads trying to scrape a living slightly modifying wordpress themes forfadein11
    • grow yourself, take care of yourself, be responsible for yourself.
    • guys asking girls dangerous
      girls asking guys not dangerous
    • and who pays?formed
    • How do you validate users?yurimon
    • there's type?!
    • Docpoz, superfluous? Everything we do we do because of mating, and men and women mate differently, which means everything we do is different. Men and women...
    • ... will never be equal the way society and feminism currently sees it.
    • current gender roles are more political. breakdown the family unit and manage the control of society. eliminate the roots, destroy values, cause internal chaosyurimon
    • manage with controlled solutions.yurimon
    • A man getting pregnant is superfluous. Deal with it.
  • chukkaphob1

  • sarahfailin0

    Man Who Treats Women With Respect Asked What His Secret Is

    MINNEAPOLIS—Commenting upon his seemingly effortless ability to interact with all kinds of women, friends of local financial analyst Matt Brownlow, a man who regularly treats members of the opposite sex with respect, reportedly asked the 28-year-old Monday what his secret is. “You just seem to have such a way with women—what’s your trick?” friend Alex Stegman inquired of the considerate man who sustains healthy, meaningful relationships with women by consistently listening to them and not treating them as utilitarian instruments for male gratification. “I don’t know how you do it. It seems like talking to women is so easy for you, and you’re always able to get them smiling and engaged in conversation with you. Man, I wish I could do that.” At press time, sources confirmed Brownlow could be overheard working his magic on a female coworker by thoughtfully asking about her weekend.

    • I wish I could learn how to be like this, thank you sarah shirtlord for triggering me :/GeorgesII
  • Krassy4

  • ApeRobot-1

    • downvoted because you're a sexist cis shitloardGeorgesII
    • lol ^
  • GeorgesII-3

  • GeorgesII-3

    I'm officially a feminist!!

    • I loves me some rape and custard
  • detritus0

    Not really the appropriate thread, but part of that whole overly dramatic milieu of boring nonents desperate for something, anything, that provides for them the illusion they're anything other than boring nonents.


    Particularly amusing, and clarifying of her actual stance, is #5.

    ok, pan, whatever makes you happy.

    • "I don't need to justify my sexuality to anyone"

      apart from the whole fucking world on the internet.
  • Ianbolton-1

    Apparently this is aggravating a few guys...

    • I came across a few extroverted feminists on tinder. Naturally I asked them to whip their baps out. I didn't even want to see their baps.
    • 'Entitled Ignorance'.

      To the Band Name thread!
    • Set, if a guy asked you to get your cock out, how would you feel if inevitably you felt he was mocking you?Ianbolton
    • haha incomparable. I am totally fine with mocking people that are so vehemently deluded and self absorbed.
    • but you're making those judgements based on your experiences which may also be deluded and self-absorbed from their perspective.Ianbolton
    • Well I can't argue with that
  • GeorgesIV-4

    she's right though, reverse racism isn't a thing, as a proto feminist I agree with her msg

    I find it highly comical when white people believe they can experience racism. Whenever I bring up the ills that affect people of color — and indite white folks as the perpetrators — some white soul comes out of the woodwork proclaiming that his or her race can also fall victim to racism.IMG_2057

    It never fails.

    I find this to be frustrating and annoying more than anything else. Black people, as well as people of color in general, have already had to create our own spaces where we can discuss OUR lives, OUR culture and share OUR sentiments about OUR oppressors – now that’s in jeopardy.

    It appears as though white people want everything. They want the beauty standards, the economic resources, the sociopolitical power and, now, the other side of oppression.

    Can we, non-white people, have anything? We can’t have our fashion statements. We can’t have the benefit of the doubt. We can’t have justice. We can’t have a damn thing unless we’re serving the cultivation of whiteness in some way, shape or form.

    Sounds a lot like the purpose Black bodies served during slavery hasn’t changed in the minds of white folks (collectively). It’s irritating to explain why people of color can’t be racist to white folks who want the world to acknowledge how they, too, can experience the suffering that non-whites endue on a daily basis.

    • [but shit guys, this is the tinder girl above writing, not mine, either you agree with her 100% or you're a bunch of self centered racist!!]GeorgesIV
    • us & them, us & them, us & them, blah blah blah
    • God damn it! Quit reinventing the meaning of racism!pango
    • racism - noun
      the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race.
    • Yes. there isn't reverse racism. It's just racism!pango
  • GeorgesIV0

    wtf, I kindly contacted that girl, but it didn't go as I intended :/
    it's not fake, I swear

    believe me, I'm a grill

  • GeorgesIV0

    • lol
      Razors are such a rip off anyway. Seems like it is monopolized by a few companies that charge ridiculous price
    • haha, oh boy.

      I feel bad now.
    • Buy the mens one then you silly fat cunt
    • Could be worse ... could be rainingWeyland
    • i've heard mens razors work even better on women's legs than men's.sarahfailin
    • Men shave more than women.Hayoth
    • i'm no mathematician but it's supposed to be "1/3 less"dorf
    • So what's he complaining about?CALLES