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  • GeorgesIV-4

    let me destroy private property,
    coz I believe in freedom, but let me call the press first

  • GeorgesIV-4

    let me burn barbie jesus because fuck you and fuck these little girls for liking that doll

    • I am so offended. Let the beatings commenceyuekit
    • lol, yuekit, as much as I was hardcore growing up, I still understood there repercution of what I did, you apparently are ok, with anything as long as you agreeGeorgesIV
    • with it, and it's quite pitiful.GeorgesIV
    • The fact that you are so bothered by them, instead of just finding it funny and ridiculous, is what's wrong hereyuekit
    • who said I was bothered, I just find the double standard appalling. you said they were peaceful, I posted many example they aren't, you still ignore the factGeorgesIV
    • if any other group was doing it, they would be in jail, why do you give them a free pass?GeorgesIV
    • What double standard? IMO cutting down a cross or burning a plastic doll is pretty harmless in the grand scheme of things.yuekit
    • If they were arrested, I would expect maybe they had to pay a fine or some community service. Just like anyone else who did the same thing.yuekit
    • religious intolerance isn't funny in the least bit but because you like tits and dislike religion everything is a big laugh to you
    • this shit isn't protest, this is mindless shock value attention whorery. and yes, you are a hypocrite
    • "but because you like tits and dislike religion everything is a big laugh to you"
      lol guilty as charged
    • But ask yourself, would you rather live in Saudi Arabia where they lock you up for "religious intolerance" or a place where they shrug it offyuekit
    • religious intolerance is a crime in the western world also. the u.s. is founded on freedom of religion. what are you talking about pal, if you infringe on my ri
    • right to practice my religion i will certainly not shrug it off. that said, i don't practice organized religion, i take that right seriously though, and so shou
    • should you
    • Not sure what you are talking about, you are perfectly free to make fun of religion in modern Western society and should be.yuekit
    • running on to the stage of a religious function half naked with offensive slogans is not making fun, neither is cutting down peoples crosses, neither is shoutin
    • shouting down priests during a service, etc. that is a hate crime and should be treated as such. it would be if they weren't teenage girls with their tits out
    • so everyone laughs and commends the destructive attention whores on how brave they are
    • So would you consider protesting Westboro Baptist church or making fun of Scientologists a hate crime? Anyway it isn't treated that way and there is noyuekit
    • religious intolerance law thankfully.yuekit
    • hypocrites
    • protesting doesn't include violating peoples rights and destroying shit, which is what these girls do. and making fun of people is irrelevant. argue the point
    • i'm sure that nut in sc who shot up the church would call his actions an act of protest, doesn't make it any less of a hate crime. hyperbolous, yes, but you are
    • either confused what protest is or are playing stupid
    • The point is that there is no extra charge in the U.S. legal system for "religious intolerance" nor should there be.yuekit
    • yes there is, in the uk, also. it's called a hate crime
    • if a crime is motivated by difference of race, religion etc, it is a hate crime and carries a heavier sentence
    • In the US though, we have something called freedom of speech
    • Are you stupid or something. Freedom of speech doesn't allow you to go do whatever you want
    • If you go and call someone a nigger or a faggot you will be charged with a hate crime assault. Get real
    • Do you bother looking shit up before you type? Of course you are perfectly free to say nigger or faggot, do you think this is Soviet Russia?yuekit
    • The whole point of free speech is exactly that, you can say whatever you want.yuekit
    • You are retarded, you cannot call someone a nigger or a faggot and not get arrested for assault. You are living in a fantasy land
    • It's called assault. The battery part is hitting somebody. Yelling at somebody or calling them hatefull words is assault if they press charges on you. Why don't
    • You look it up
    • Just off appearances they probably thought they could get one over on you. Hope you didn't let that bullshit slide
    • Godamn it, wrong post. But yea yukit, you look it up pal, you are very mistaken as to what freedom of speech and the first amendment allow you to say to people
    • If you literally threaten someone with violence it could be considered assault. But not the same thing as criticizing religion.yuekit
    • Generally speaking the right to free speech trumps the right not to be offended in this country which is a good thing.yuekit
    • If they damaged peoples property or broke other laws they should be charged for that, but sending people to a prison camp for "insulting religion" like theyyuekit
    • did in Russia is backwards and ridiculous.yuekit
    • you are playing dumb and i am tired of it, see you later pal
    • one more point before i move on, russia was communist which banned all religion, where do you come up with this crap. never mind, don't answer that, i'm done
    • I'm referring to what happened recently in Russia where protesters (similar to femen) were sent to prison for two years for playing a song in a church.yuekit
    • are you talking about pussy riot,that was almost 4 years ago. you are trolling
    • And apparently you would like that kind of sentence in the U.S. too. But fortunately doesn't work like that here.yuekit
    • Ok then troll, run into a church naked with offensive shit written across you, I'll send you a book or two while you do your time
    • So just because I don't want to send them to a prison camp means I literally should run naked into a church. Not sure how you got to that point. Also funny howyuekit
    • you call people troll for disagreeing with you. It's a legal issue we're talking about, and you happen to be wrong like you were on marriage rights issue.yuekit
    • I was wrong on that, prove me wrong on this and go run through a church naked spewing hate speech. That's why you are a troll, because you argue shit you can't
    • Back up with vase law, constitutional law, and aren't in a million years going to act on it yourself. NB, showed me legal documents and I am man enough to admi
    • People who pulled off that kind of protest in the U.S. would get a mild slip on the wrist at best, not years in prison.yuekit
    • Admit when I am wrong. You though, you are just a troll
    • *case law
    • lol, you haven't backed up a single thing yourself. Show me an example of someone who was jailed for years in the U.S. for protesting in a church or burningyuekit
    • a Barbie doll. Not sure what kind of country you think you live in.yuekit
    • That's because it is so obvious what these attention whores are doing is ingenuine and downright illegal. You are being contrary for shits and giggles. Why am I
    • Still engaging with you. Good day troll, I am done with your troll shit
    • omg! how did i miss this note section!pango
    • Lol welcome to the party bro
    • Yeah...troll troll troll bla bla...your argument does not suddenly become convincing by screaming troll all the time my friend. Learn to back up with facts.yuekit
    • so where are your facts then. yea, real cute. do you like to disagree for the fun of it or do you have something to say about the subject other than that you ar
    • are super duper heterosexual and like to see tits
  • GeorgesIV-4

    honestly this was a barbie installation with children,
    I can't imagine the day I'll be able to whipp my dick out and be at home for supper

    • depends on where you are really. it's legal to take your top off for both genders at some places and not at some others. so... it's actually not that hard topango
    • ... imaginepango
  • GeorgesIV-5

    I guess at this point it's decided that you can't do no wrong as long as you frame it as a protest:

    so me GeorgesIV will stage a protest,
    I will go in front of the white house, take off my pants, shit in my hand, smear it on my body,


    and I expect y'all to come defend me and tell me how I'm helping the feminist movement

    • but you wouldn't be doing it because you're interested in helping the feminist movement. That's the fucking point.Fax_Benson
    • sorry I don't get itGeorgesIV
    • they aren't interested in helping feminism either. they only want notoriety and attention. this much is obvious by the vulgar nature of their supposed protests
    • •__• no i wouldn't defend you. i would just bring a camera... Million views on youtube!!pango
  • ApeRobot2

  • ApeRobot-2

  • GeorgesIV-4

    fuck femen,
    lets post some equality

  • i_monk-1

    A bullshit article linking men's mental health to the patriarchy, but some brilliant comments below tearing it apart:


  • maquito-1

    I bet in the deep dark porn websites there's already a "feminist porn" category.

  • maquito0

    • a nsfw example of feminist porn, 1st page google image search http://oneplusonejou…maquito
    • femenism doesnt = lesbianism but the loudest feminists tend to be man hating lesbians so that's what you see online. most every woman would advocate the global
    • I've seen the "porn for women" category, that is different from "lesbian porn" I assume; and now I also assume that "feminist porn" is something different.maquito
    • And that't totally fine, even if I don't give a fuck.maquito
    • embetterment of women's social standing and human rights and that is the basic tenet of feminism. all this other shit is individuals with personal agendas, and
    • of course the biggest loudmouths represent what feminists are to the general public. what i'm saying is that everyone who is an egalitarian is also a feminist
    • when you see a woman sucking on a dildo. that's not really lesbo porn. cuz... just think about it. it's pretty obvious.pango
    • •__• i like the idea of egalitarian... but i'm not a feminist...pango
    • ya.... really have no idea what feminist porn is....pango
    • You have stated over and over that you are indeed hetero, so that would lead one to assume that you like women and would care to see them treated well, that's a
    • All a feminist really is. The rest is individuals and their political agendas co opting the message for their own purposes
    • In other words, why wouldn't you be a feminist, don't you like women. You say you do over and over to redundam as if you are trying to convince somebody
    • this comment "i like the idea of egalitarian... but i'm not a feminist..." was for this statement. "everyone who is an egalitarian is also a feminist"pango
    • just trying to show you "not everyone"
      over and over how? and where? please do call me out on that. i welcome you.
    • unless you are not talking to me... then ... oops.pango
    • your reactions towards femen antics was that you want to see more tits, several times. i'm sure you were just trying to provide comic relief but it came off for
    • forced. and yes, everyone who is egalitarian is also a feminist, whether or not they support the actions of all the nuts who call themselves feminists
    • Well. you can only interpret it. Read it however rocks your boat. If it makes you happy i'll let you call me surely :)pango
    • ok, sup shirley
    • you happy now?pango
    • Sure, why not
    • you weird...pango
  • yurimon-4

    it was bound to happen. endless stupidity. are you used to it yet?
    Are ye naught entertwained?


    "I didn’t really consider it so much a discrimination thing as – it’s a barbershop... for guys. You know, I’m not opposed to doing women’s hair...just not in this shop. I don’t even have [the equipment] to do women’s hair." Interval said.

  • pango2

    well.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I just can't condemn an entire group of people and judge their actions based on their history. That's how a lot of terrible shit in our history happens.

    it's alway a yes and no answer when applying blanket judgement on entire group of people.

    Do i think some feminists are bat shit crazy? yes.
    Do i think all of them are bat shit crazy? no

    Is it wrong she trespassing into a conference and have indecent exposure? Yes
    Is it wrong and cowardly action to kick someone on the floor when she was already on her way off the stage? yes
    that's why when someone say she deserves it i just had to call him out on that. Not because she was right but because the kicker was wrong and the commenter was encouraging the wrong action.

    Do some men refuse to give woman equal opportunity? yes
    Do all men refuse to give woman equal opportunity? no

    Does exposing their tits help getting the message across? No, cuz all i see are tits. none of the message. but hey whatever floats your boat.
    Do i like tits? yes i do very much.

    • That's way too reasonable man, this thread is supposed to be about how modern feminists are literally bringing about the end of humanityyuekit
    • YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!pango
    • but modern feminist are litteraly bringing to the end of humanity yuekit!!!!
      *brands himself with third MRA tatto!!!
  • drgs0


    ^Funny article about that women soon will no be needed.

    The author argues that sex with women will soon be a thing of the past and everyone will be having sex with robots -- and he blames it on feminists.

    Also the author, who himself is gay, is arguing that feminism is the cause of homosexuality.

    Personally I think that the reason for this is not feminism, but evolutionary psychology. Evolution has rendered men to bring food on the table in exchange for sex, but sex is not particularly needed by women, or at least they need substantially less of it.

    In reality women have pleasure not from sex itself, but when they get paid for it materially and from its social aspects (to be seen by others in company of powerful males). In individual cases this may not be so, but the evolutionary design of women is exactly like this.

    Nowadays there is plenty of food and women require significantly higher pay for sexual requests from men. This is the essence of feminism.

    On the other hand, with easily accessible pornography and accessories for masturbation, you can just stop "paying" anything to them at all, and instead constantly masturbate and engage in homosexuality. In a society of universal welfare males turn out to be bankrupt and in principle cannot satisfy a woman, because there is nothing they can offer that women do not have, although many are trying.

    It all will end with no men and women having sex altogether. To meet their needs men will masturbate, have sex with robots and with each other. What women are going to do in this situation -- I have no idea.


    • 7.125 billion (2013) on Earth, humanz could uses some weeding out.

      I'm OK with this.
    • It's an interesting thought. I think that what we'll see over time is a redifining of 'sex' to be a purly recreational activity with reproduction a more...Morning_star
    • ...clinical process detached from 'sx' as an activity.Morning_star
    • "I mean, look, I don’t mean to be rude, but most of the reason I went gay is so I didn’t have to deal with nutty broads."
      Bahaha. Nobody "goes gay" like that.
    • this rant sounds a lot what that turd ian bolton or whatever was saying. by the way, women can reproduce without men, not the other way around. women will be ju
    • just fine no matter how many men are gay for whatever reason or cause
    • Lulz at blaming a rising trend of "sex w/ robots" on feminists.nb
    • "Nowadays there is plenty of food and women require significantly higher pay for sexual requests from men. This is the essence of feminism." - moronnb
    • How are women gonna reproduce with out men? Vagina trap men then milk em?pango
    • Until the robots start demanding to be paid. This is the essence of artificial intelligence.sarahfailin
    • Nothing on Breitbart is interesting. It's a circle-jerk for infantile, women-hating goons masquerading as journalism.face_melter
    • ^ says the pc brainwashed conformist from .seyurimon
    • Stupendous retort, sir!face_melter
  • maquito0

  • ********

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  • ********

    • But that goes flat too before you can use it all.BabySnakes
  • i_monk3

    Spotted in Toronto.

  • SteveZissou-1

    ^ Milo is a spiteful bitch, but a necessary spiteful bitch; in an age when it's outrageous to suggest that men and women are different:

    • the thing is milo can say what he say because he's openly gay, that's an automatic cockblock for 3rd wavistGeorgesII
    • Hell no it isn't, google gay misogyny. Some even think being gay is the ultimate disrespect of women.i_monk
    • Was about to say that, yea the two groups are very much at odds
  • drgs2