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  • GeorgesIV-2

  • moldero0

  • ********

    • Oooooooh....

      Imagine the reaction if a woman landed a probe on a rock and the news only talked about her clothes and made her cry.
    • Zactly
  • bklyndroobeki0

    • Get back in your mum's vagina
    • Internet Feminists are notorious for mocking/fearing transwomen and ignoring female-on-male rape, so this is rich.i_monk
    • That's blatantly a man in a pink wig
  • reanimate4



    • dead?_niko
    • Doubt it, that one guy got a couple good kicks to the head in. She ain't pretty no more. Can't say I simpathise at all
    • is her appearance all you care about?pango
    • Her appearance is what she is using to upset these folks so yea, typical narcissists attention whorery. What's your problem blondie, do you identify with her
    • So you think that they were justified in physically abusing otherwise powerless women, gilgamush? Kicking them in the head?

      You're a bit of a cunt, aren't you?
    • I'll support feminists against the religious any day.iCanHazQBN
    • "that one guy got a couple good kicks to the head in" You make me sick. You really do.Sep
    • Nice body. I approve your attention whoringHayoth
    • otherwise powerless? how do you figure that. and sorry to sound so callous but these women aren't affecting any change, just basic attention whore antics
    • lol detritus, implying that a woman's power is limited to waving her tits around. you need a kick in the head too by the sound of it
    • No, you fool, I meant that they were physically powerless lying there on the floor, getting kicked in the head by cowards, apparently people much like you.detritus
    • I'm trying to envisage The Thing I most Believe In getting confronted by topless screaming women and then justifying kicking them in the head.. and I just can'tdetritus
    • the very fact these two are getting kicked in the head justifies whatever half-considered point they might've had, so all power to them. And none to you.detritus
    • detritus I dare them to go do the same at a jewish orthodox church, we need more tits for equalityGeorgesIV
    • Fuckit, do it there too.

      I have no qualms with that.
    • Seriously though - why do we objectify breasts so much? Spend enough time around breast-feeding and it all gets a bit perfunctory...detritus
    • well, that escalated quickly.
    • i do not condone hitting anyone while they are incapacitated, obviously a cowardly thing to do. running around naked through somebodies place of worship while h
    • having disrespectful shit painted on you is also cowardly. no sympathy, this was bound to happen sooner or later. these women are an embarrassment to feminists
    • i am not a 'feminist', but these are people, and they are not an embarrassment to me.detritus
    • and you guys applauding their religious intolerance speaks volumes to what kind of people you are. two wrongs don't make the first wrong any righter
    • if you weren't a moral relativist they would be an embarrassment to you
    • Are you saying she asked for it? geez. you are really helping the feminist proving their point...pango
    • I don't give two shits for religion, but as I said — if I imagine The Thing I most Care About being interjected by two topless screaming women, then..?detritus
    • This was in France, right?detritus
    • every crime should have a justified punishment.
      her: trespassing, indecent clothing(depends on where you are)
    • him: assault. and should be jailed.pango
    • I might actually give one shit for religion.

      Just out of pity.
    • “There, religion, I shit on thee”.detritus
    • ANYONE that resorts to violence in a situation like this is a coward. You escort them offstage, done. Anyone that contributed to hitting is a coward.formed
    • They chose a method that got them attention and forced a discussion. Protesting is hardly 'attention whores', what a cop out.formed
    • These men should be charged with assault.
    • I agree, and she should be arrested for a hate crime. This is not protest, this is indecent exposure and religious intolerance. No hitting people isn't justifie
    • Justified in this context but it certainly doesn't justify what these women do either
    • http://scontent-b.cd…detritus
    • I've said it all along, fuck this gilgamush character and his shit opinions
    • Not cool
    • Yea well fuck you too pal
    • Well at least we agree on something
    • Get a room you 2!pango
    • For once, I have no words for the shit I just read in these notes. Fucking hell.Continuity
    • For the record the left monk took a peak.
    • Probably not the best way to protest. But infinitely better than arming yourself to the teeth and killing innocent people.monoboy
    • she could at least had nicer tits... Just sayingnecromation
    • i thought those tits are mighty fine. :\pango
  • pr22

    • from above videopr2
    • Yup. What these women are doing isn't the same as this pointles tumblr self pity.

      I hope this blows up massively.
    • other than pissing people off, what is this shit accomplishing. disrespecting a room full of people's gods and prophets earned her an ass whooping, so what
    • there is "ass whooping" and there is kicking mercilessly the opposite sex while on the ground.pr2
    • yea that was fucked up, being intolerant towards peoples religions and rubbing it in there face is fucked up too. was bound to happen
    • I worry about you man. If being pissed off is the green light for you to assault people. you should really get it checked up by a doctor. Wish you well :(pango
    • condescending imbecile is condescending
    • :D I won't deny that.pango
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      my point still stands. being pissed off is not a queue for you assault people .
    • ...should be charged with assault.
    • i agree, and she should be charged with hate speech, trespassing and indecent exposure
    • yay we finally agree on something.
      although hate speech is a bit of far stretch.
    • no it isn't, if you go into somebodies place of worship and defame their religion while conducting yourself in a lewd manner what else would you call it
    • protest? yea right. if you think this is ok based on your lack of respect for religion than you are no better than the very people you look down your nose at
    • hmmm i'm not sure these words "i'm my own prophet" defame or insult anyone's religion. it really just saying "i don't agree with you".pango
    • well i guess these details can only be worked out in court.pango
    • ya.... it is protest. with side of violation of the by or the law. depends on where you are.pango
    • my biggest complain is that these feminist never came to my place to protest :(pango
    • Is this the best approach to protest, no, but it is nonviolent and it works. "Respect" towards religion is a fine line. If your beliefs interfere with other'sformed
    • lives, then that is not acceptable.formed
    • Bullshit. Protest outside the place if you actually have a message. This was just a destructive and disrespectful display of childish attention whorery
    • fucken pussiessea_sea
    • by pussies i am referring to the "religious" little men who feel the need to gang up on a woman. if a pair of tits scare you, then YOU are the gawdam problem.sea_sea
    • these women have more balls than any of these asshats put together.sea_sea
    • O_O i want those feminist to scare me with their tits... plz...pango
    • are you implying that it takes balls to be intolerant of other peoples religions and violate their right to congregate and practice their faith unmolested
    • in front of so many religious people of the said religion. who might potentially commit a crime to beat you up... yespango
    • not smart. but it takes balls.pango
    • How is any worse than protesting the Westboro baptist church?yuekit
    • For some perspective, those Muslims were attending a conference based around the topic, when is it OK to beat your wifeyuekit
    • i'll bite.
      when she threatens your or someones life with violence.
    • LOL yeukit :)sea_sea
    • This is so wrong /sad on so many levels.sea_sea
  • pango0

    "Tits For Equality"
    I think that's a pretty good deal.

  • PonyBoy-2


    • ^Hayoth
    • This pretty much sums up the radical left. Can't wait for MSNBC to give her a primetime show.Hayoth
    • downvoted because feminist are not like this woman, even if you post 50 examples of that mental illness, I'll still downvote you because womyn are oppressedGeorgesIV
  • Hayoth-3

    Tee hee hehe

  • ********

    oooh femen is back in the news,
    I guess they need more funds,

    but honestly,

    > Femen
    > Feminism

    pick one my friends,
    because you sound like a bunch of hedgy teens,

    can I was in an abortion clinic dressed like a foetus?
    can I go up in an orthodox church dressed like hitler?
    can I disturb a benny sanders's talk because black lives matters?
    can attend the 9/11 familly reunions dressed like osama bin laden?
    can I walk in a kiddie pool with my brand new DSLR?

    guess what, if I'm a man, I'll probably get my teeth kicked in, but as a woman, I can scream patriarchy/rape culture and expect white knight to come to my rescue,

    want some hedginess? look at this

    • This make absolutely no sense. At all. Not a shred.Continuity
    • make sense, but I'm not the type of guy to encourage behaviours that leads to people kicking my ass, but they are femen so I can only support there tits for =tyGeorgesIV
    • Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. You can do all those things. Any more questionyuekit
    • Sounds like a good premise for a comedy show actually.yuekit
      getting my teeth kicked in for equality
      ( I will watch the shit outta this show)
    • what?Fax_Benson
    • Are we talking about personal safety or violation of the law?pango
    • where did you hear that the women didn't expect to get a beating? it's often violence towards the protesters which makes the news. which is their intention...kingsteven
    • ya they took the bait. now gonna face charges.pango
    • Yup, anytime you let anger take over and act like a thug, it'll make the news and make you, the thug, look like an ass.formed
    • Bernie was smart enough not to engage that protest during his speech. These punks were clearly not.formed
    • Just what in the fuck are you babbling about?face_melter
  • Fax_Benson0

    Can't get my head around the squeamishness over some naked breasts. Some of you must have images turned off. This site is full of gratuitous female nudity. Images of women posted here tend to be naked ones and generally have an accompanying comment explaining why the subject is suitable / unsuitable for male attention. And probably stupid. Women being rated and judged on their appearance alone. With their tits out. It's the same across the internet. It's the same everywhere.

    Why wouldn't an activist make the point that it's easier to engage a male audience if you're naked?

    • honestly nobody gives a fuck about the naked breast, the below user pointed out, that if I go into an event to disrupt it and I get my ass handed to me, I can'tGeorgesIV
    • complain, because at the end of the day, nobody asked me to go there, simple right?GeorgesIV
    • I don't think they would have been surprised by the treatment they received. I wasn't. That doesn't justify it.Fax_Benson
    • *gets into tigers's cage at the zoo dressed like a steak, get mauled, complain that the tiger should have been more understanding of my rights.. >> femen ehehGeorgesIV
    • nahhh would have been more like them suing the zoo for making it too easy for them to get into tiger's cage dressed up like a steak.pango
    • and then the zoo "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's the tiger who killed her. we'll let you kill the tiger. Then PETA be like FUCK NO! nobody is killing this tiger! and got intopango
    • the cage with tiger. naked and drenched in fake blood to block the zoo keeper getting to the tiger. Then the tiger killed PETA people as well and the tiger ranpango
    • away and joined MMA and fight like no other's in the cage" the end.pango
    • and ben will come to a last second save of the tiger, then they will fly in the sky while holding hand/pawGeorgesIV
    • cool story bro!
    • is that ben?GeorgesIV
  • GeorgesIV-1

  • Projectile0

    To boobs or not to boobs?

    That is not the question.

    The real question is "why must she boobs?"

    The stupid shit that religion forces on the rest of the world, especially upon women... some of the rest of us, the all too apathetic majority, need to fucking show some boobs or whatever every now and then if it gives us a voice.

    Otherwise we will simply let things slide in order to "not cause offence" until too many of our freedoms will be taken away.

    • How can she boobs!?
    • because she can boobs. thats why she boobspango
    • ^
      that pretty much sums it up.
  • GeorgesIV-2

    *insert long rant about how femen is retarded and they act like children who never expect to get hit.

    anyone remember this guy, nobody complained when he got tazed and arrested for asking a simple question, people even applauded while he was getting taken our and screaming for help..

    but like poster below, I, GeorgesIV can't walk into a KKK summit, pull out my dick and expect to walk out alive, it's called common fuckn sense,

    but religion baaaad, muslimmmms bad,

    • lol, what are you talking about, everyone thought it was horrible when this happen and the guy became a mini celebrityyuekit
    • Also let's note that you seem to have adopted the argument that peaceful protesters should have the expectation of getting the shit kicked out them, if peopleyuekit
    • ^formed
    • disagree with them. All because you don't like femen?yuekit
    • also note that this guy puts up a fight, they tried to get in out calmly. In the other video, the girl was beaten immediately. Big difference there too.formed
    • < what an utterly retarded point of viewFax_Benson
    • femen is so far from being peaceful, but it's ok, you're allowed to believe what you wantGeorgesIV
    • hahahahahaha don't tase me bro.pango
  • GeorgesIV-2

    femen peaceful, how interesting
    just goes to show how much you know about the movement you support,

  • GeorgesIV-2

    femen peaceful?

    • Meh. Mild acts of vandalism to make a point (not violence against people), is really no worse than what Banksy does.yuekit
    • ^ and this is why noone takes feminists seriously, destroy property that means a lot for millions, "hey, was just joking, I'm banksy",GeorgesIV
    • ya i'll agree on no one takes them seriously.pango
  • GeorgesIV-3

    femen so peaceful..

  • GeorgesIV-3

    no femen are just cute little snowflakes,
    they're always peaceful

    • Extremism is wrong, topless or not.ApeRobot
    • its way sexier topless thoautoflavour
    • Probably a reaction caused by centuries of oppression....ApeRobot
    • here we go, everyone get on the oppression train, there's space for everyoneGeorgesIV
    • (¬‿¬)ApeRobot
    • Lol, g4, I thought I was the only one here that had a brain. +1 to you
    • hahahaha @ having a brain.pango
    • Say what you mean kiddo
    • alright. i'll start from the dumbest for the entertainment. of course everyone has a brain.... ok it's actually not that funny....pango
    • if you have a rational brain then you would understand you can't just judge entire group of people based on few members' action. whatever illegal actions theypango
    • done, they should also receive punishment. but they shouldn't be judged on things they haven't done. especially when it's a blanket judgement.pango
    • which group would that be
    • femen?pango
    • we talking about femen right? i sometimes jump on the wrong topic.pango
    • i thought you might be talking about feminism. from what i've seen, femen are are for the most part vindictive assholes out to hurt feelings with shock value
    • the original ones who were going topless in the street shouting about their discontent with the sex trade of eastern european women had a point in sexualizing t
    • themselves, it applied to their message. others saw the attention they got and hopped on to pull the same stunt for any old cause with increasing criminality
    • sure. still. i will only judge them case by case.pango
    • especially when you are on ukit's jury trial after he reenacts one of these stunts and claims the first amendment as his defence
    • well i'll be that jury who says they should be fined for setting shit on fire in the public with out proper permission from the city and repercussion.pango
    • you can express whatever shit you want. you just can't set shit on fire as you please.pango
  • GeorgesIV-3

    let me stand on your altar because fuck your religion,
    but don't dare to touch me

  • GeorgesIV-3

    let me pee on the picture of your elected president for feminism,
    don't worry I can do that to, without getting slapped with public indecency and god willing get put on a sexual deviant list for life

    • porn?maquito
    • not sure peeing on your elected president is illegal. but peeing in public might be.pango
    • ah feminists even when they try to make some kind of point about something they still manage to be super hot._niko