PVN Anthology V

  • Started
  • Last post
  • 193 Responses
  • joyride0

    Enter broadcast:Playboy Enterprises, Inc. seeks an FCP Editor in Los Angeles, CA.

    Krop for jobs!
    QBN, Newstoday
    (sep 21 07, 05:14)

  • blaw0

    if your fat..go get tattoos

    no one will mess with a fat guy covered in tats!

    (Sep 24 07, 11:09)

  • blaw0

    See 'Idiots' thread.

    (Sep 25 07, 07:29)

  • lvl_130

    nice form fella's

    your still talking shit....

    i think maybe i can get some help with something that the newstoday community might be informed about.... but no its just a bunch of assholes working jobs they hate spending all their employers time on this fucking site.

    i used to live on this site, checked it religously. then assfucks like e-pill made me realllllly hate the community b/c it flames people for no reason. you guys must all be gamers and you must all hate yourselves to come on here and talk trash total strangers. Nice repeat on the crybaby audio dude it was SOOOOOO funny the first time.

    guys seriously.. i bought one iPhone and apple has given me 5 of them to replace the broken pieces of shit i keep bringing in.

    im going to go back to work now and keep hoping that someone intelligent like j. davis actually reads my shit, but no its no talent assclowns like e-pill that have one ugly ass style that they have played out years ago but are still holding on to hoping someone still cares.

    fuck you newstoday. your a bunch of creeps! i hope one day you actually spend your time working on real stuff and quit trash talking threads and making people look down on the QBN community. I am not the only one that thinks this i have had numerous convo's with other people that have the same issues.

    (Sep 27 07, 00:06)

    you talk about money all the time like you have some sort of great job? you try to claim your lifestyle is better than most and yet you still rant and whine.

    you claim others are against you when we are just re-acting to your first childish remarks.

    you like to scapegoat me and love to call me out on here by saying i brought down some vibe on nt.

    you come here and ask for help but in the next sentance you push it so far away claiming we are all children and you dont want to hear any bullshit.

    you insult the providers here of nt and call them assholes for no reason at all.

    your shortcommings are what your faults are and you drown your sorrows in drugs instead of using that to a more positive lifestyle.

    you claim to have lived on this site yet then you quention the validity of anyone who opposes you, yet this is what nt is about.

    you yourself trash talk everyone prior to us responding back, and then when it happens to be everyone responded bck anger you cry and guess what...scapegoat me into your problems.

    FUCK OFF!!!

    you claim to have intelligence and use it towards your career and then try to bash everyone elses at thesame moment.

    you try to put yourself on this un-touchable pedistal and wonder why you are alone.

    you talk about how others are not working hard or arent spending time on real stuff yet you come in here with the rants of a child to being with.

    you finish your rants with an explaination of being stoned and try to blame everything on others.

    and you think that i am trash talking??

    you begin every stance with talking trash first.

    who is the asshole now??
    (Sep 27 07, 06:44)

  • jevad0

    "fuck you newstoday. your a bunch of creeps! i hope one day you actually spend your time working on real stuff and quit trash talking threads and making people look down on the QBN community. I am not the only one that thinks this i have had numerous convo's with other people that have the same issues.

    (Sep 27 07, 00:06)"



  • lvl_130


  • rafalski0

    qwit talking about the weather.

    (Sep 27 07, 08:37)

  • e-pill0

    fuck full-time!
    (Sep 27 07, 19:42)

    there's your answer Meeklo!!

  • kelpie0

    Absolutely fucking horrific.

    I just don't get why they'd go down this route? For a human interaction company which would appear to focus on taking the tech out of the equation and replacing with analogue fluidity, why would they go with such a dreadfully cliche techie font? I'd expect them to be aiming for as far away from that as possible! Fuck the reasoning that they're wanting to maintain the w/m mirroring, that was a trite non-entity on the first place.

    I don't even want to think about that retarded bastard child of a logo graphic - it's a visual rape which doesn't have any logic, grace or purpose.

    (Oct 1 07, 14:44)

    nairn on wacom branding. quality rant, my good man, quality.

  • edd-e0

    I got my black shirt on.
    I got my black gloves on.
    I got my ski mask on.
    This shit's been too long.

    I got my content filter off.
    I got my ignore list turned off.
    I'm 'bout to bust some threads off.
    I'm 'bout to dust some threads off.

    Thread killer, better you than me.
    Thread killer, f**k PVN brutality!
    Thread killer, I know your client's grievin'
    (f**k 'em)
    Thread killer, but tonight we get even.

    I got my brain on hype.
    Tonight'll be your night.
    I got this long-assed rant,
    and your thread looks just right.
    My adrenaline's pumpin'.
    I got my stereo bumpin'.
    I'm 'bout to kill me somethin'
    QBN banned me for nuthin'!

    Thread killer, better you than me.
    Thread killer, f**k PVN brutality!
    Thread killer, I know your Client's grievin'
    (f**k em)
    Thread killer, but tonight we get even.
    (Oct 3 07, 17:02)

  • edd-e0

    until you think of a way to rectify the situation, pee on his door knob daily.
    (Oct 3 07, 20:30)

  • Concrete0

    Vice Records - Scion Mixtape

    Nowt amazing, but worth a listen.

  • Concrete0


    *removes bulldog clips from eyelids

  • KevinTx0

    Artist: "That's my Polly-O String cheese you're eating."

    Guard: "Not anymore. Pinko."
    (Oct 4 07, 08:44)

  • edd-e0

    Always ignore Jaline.
    (Oct 4 07, 13:14)

    hahahaha hahahaHA

  • flavorful0

    This is my son'd 3rd big birthday with friends. Last year was superheroes and before that was animals. At this rate, next year will be serial killers.

    (Oct 5 07, 12:41)


  • k0na_an0k0

    * Dairy.

    Though I also think keeping a diary is essential to growing as well.

    * Goes to secret cubbie hole, to get secret diary, which can only be opened up with a secret key I keep around my neck.

    * Begins new entry...

    Dear Diary,

    I am glad I never really kept a diary, because all my hopes and dreams that I would have written about simply would have never came true.

    Also, Sarah smiled at me today, unfortunately I ran right into someone knocking all of their books out of their hands while I was taken aback she even knew I existed... double unfortunately it was Greg (who knew he carried books anyway?).

    This might as well be my last entry, as he plans to beat me up after school on Friday.

    In his words, "You, Fitzgerald, Flagpole, 3PM, Friday, Be There, To Die, Or else."

    ... I don't really see why he had to be all Incredible Hulk about it (luckily he didn't see my comics hidden in my science book in hind sight). I jokingly shouted back, "And that's how you make nitrogen!"

    But no one got it, or thought it was funny. I don't get it either to be honest, I just wanted to try and not piss my pants.

    And what is up with this "Or else?" bullshit. If he plans to kill me, and I don't show up ... really what am I losing? Postponement of death?

    Gosh, I sure hope I get to see Sarah before Friday and at least talk to her. Maybe I should steal my brother's jambox and stand outside her house later tonite just in case Greg decides to kill me tomorrow instead.

    Welp, smell ya later,
    (Oct 8 07, 10:31)

  • Jaline0

    what wrong with you lot ?
    Strip clubs are for sad sad people. Sad women who are selling their dignity for cash they either can't or won't earn some other way, and sad guys who could be spending their time trying to find a girl to do those things who actually wants to, but can't be bothered, spending money for 'da action' or what ever twatty word they jockishly give it.
    By giving the women money to 'do the things' they do, the guys are admitting that the only power they have is what they can spend, and that they are entirely complicit in the women selling their dignity, and that it is a sane, ethical thing to do, which it is not. Imagine it's your mom, or sister, or girlfriend doing it, well sorry, if its not good enough for them, then its not good enough for anyone elses mom, sister or girlfriend, dont pass the moral buck just cause you dont these people.
    Its a sad sad desperate exchange, however trendy and validated by celebrities or FHM-Kappa-Delta culchur it might be, don't come on this board talking about this shit as if it's alright, and signifying you're the big I-am cause you know, like, er, the best places, with the most 'talented' girls, and everything, and you're such a player 'gimme some!', and all that crap, and you cruise around to a shit-talking soundtrack, drinking over-priced gaso-piss out of a plastic cup with your collar popped and your shades on at 1am. You're a fucking idiot who thinks its either funny and smart to take part in the whole disrespect of women you dont know, and yourself, in which case you have an emotion age of about 14, or you have some serious maternal seperation anxiety and can only get close to women when you know they wont leave you.
    I would say just fuck off, but I'd love you to show yourself up a bit more by trying to respond to this and justify your sorry ass.

    (Oct 8 07, 19:02)

    I like the vocabulary...

  • paraselene0

    swedish is easy yo! check it.

    'clog dyke orangeeboom'
    (Oct 11 07, 07:16)

  • kelpie0

    for raniator:


    Prev, Next Respond
    ooh, here it come.

    i'm guessing she's a fatty. or if not a fatty, then a total minger.

    i ONCE fucked a fatty. Her face weren't *too* bad - but she was a lard ass. FAT and fucking dimply thighs.

    Here's the thing with ugly/fat girls - they *usually* have low-self-esteem. Obviously this one's an LSE girl. This means you can be propa filthy with them. This is good.

    This one fatty i fucked, man her ass was so big, i couldn't even manouevre my cock inside her. Id do it doggy, no go, too much ass in the way. I'd do it missionary and sort of come down from the top trying to guide it in like a missile. No go, too much thighs, kept popping out.

    Man i thought fuck this shit, i started pounding the folds of her fat with my cock.

    This chick was GRATEFUL for what she got. I jumped on her face and made her lick my arsehole - somthering her with my butt cheeks. Rusty-trombone that shit. I stuck my thumb up in her ass. I flipped her over and fucked her from every angle like a monkey humping a sow.

    By the end of it, my sheets had blood, cum, and shit stains all over - it was HARD CORE. When she left, that same night, she was totally fucking confused. Liek "wtf just happened????"

    In her mental view of the world two things happened:

    1) Holy shit, i just got pounded by some freak!!!
    2) Well at least i got laid.

    In other words - everyone's a winner!!

    PS - Make sure you have lots of condoms. I used up three with my fatty, cos i kept going soft. In the end i fucked her bareback - which was STUPID, no motta how freaky it was.

    Good luck.
    (Oct 11 07, 06:44)


    I should perhaps point out for the uninitiated that it is generally accepted that Kuz is, in real life, yet to actually sample a lady in any way shape or form.