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  • moldero4

    omg & yurimon's "news" source

    • She smells like sulfur and flies love her.Ramanisky2
    • my cat's eyes does the same thing at night. The pupils get really big like that.
    • what?! why's my name up there next to yurimon?
    • yurimomgyuekit
    • ^ lolfadein11
  • monospaced1


    • Lolrobotron3k
    • "If black lives matter, how come I don't matter" – Danney Williamsrobotron3k
    • "I just want to shake his hand."monospaced
    • (Rolling eyes)
    • Michael Jackson wasnt mulato
    • Arnie and Tiger. Belivesofakingback
    • I wasn't going for mixed here. Just good popcorn eating gifsmonospaced
  • ********

    Hillary Clinton degrades Trump to make him look silly.

  • ********


    such stupid politicians. an example of how both parties pretty much operate on same platforms. sad thing is not sure anyone good locally is running. politics just attract the wrong type of people, much like the police. power, position, prestige, all on someone else's dime.

    They've also been running a million dollar PR campaign to raise sales tax to generate a proposed 780 million. And been selling it as a necessity to prevent multiple track schooling, but the reality opponents was saying is it will be multiple track anyways, which they announced last week that it will be. Basically been promoting the shit out of a lie. Vetoed a school voucher program while making small business and new business taxes permanent. ... its all such a fuckin racket

  • Dillinger-1

    Locker Room Talk ?

  • yuekit3

  • Dillinger0

  • sofakingback2

    The absolute worst memory I have about this election is when CNN posted the night before the primary election between Bernie and Hilary that Clinton had won.

    It was at 12am, front and center. The day before the big election. I might have even taken a screen shot. It literally said: its over, Hillary is the first woman nominee!!!! yay!!!

    When I saw that, I was honest to god disgusted, I remember talking to my parents and just telling them how fucking disillusioned I was with with this country and the reporting.

    Its sad, its frustrating, its fucking sick.

    We're better than this, we have to be. Then again, we might just be ripe for harvest season... and on to the next season. •_•

    • It literally said "yay!!!!!" ? Doubt that.monospaced
    • No, I was being dramatic. the rest was official. It was fucking disgusting, that moment will stay with me forever. no joke.sofakingback
    • Just messin with the old non literal use of literal. Carry on.monospaced
  • ********

    Vote Linton Kwesi Johnson!...

  • ********

    • haha. give me back my 10 minutes lol
    • oh wait. there's 9hr and 50 minutes more of this shit?! haha
    • Wake up White people!utopian
  • Fax_Benson1

    • i fucking hate farage.
      why couldn't he have lost a leg of something in that helicopter crash and just fucked off out of politics
  • BonSeff0
  • CygnusZero40

    Another day, more destruction of trump at the polls. Shes sitting at an 82% chance of winning the election right now, and some of his dumb supporters actually think this guy has a chance.


  • Ramanisky21

    from a Facebook friend ... who also posts tons of Alex Jones
    and other conspiracy site.
    So I went to Trump's and Hillary's fan pages to see who supports these two... Someone told me to do this to show how it's being rigged... So my results were astounding... I had 240 friends for TRUMP vs. 8 for Hillary... That's 30 to 1... TRUMP had almost 12 million followers vs Hillary with 6 1/2 million followers... And they still try to convince"we the people" that TRUMP is losing... I had other friends do the same from different parts of the U.S. and their statistics were found to be the same... Cant have Hillary behind and put forth voter fraud it wouldn't work.

    its all rigged folks ... because people, (mostly 'the Blacks') will be voting for Hillary 2 to 3 times a clip.

    grab your AK's Muricah it's fucking REVOLUTION time.

    Sweet Baby Jesus ... I'm in the Twilight Zone

    • I saw this come through as well. For me, it was 24 Trump, 6 Hillary. I = it to intelligent people not wanting to Like a page which would 1) Give FB more info tokona
    • spam them on and 2) Open the floodgates for the Trump supporters to go off once they see their 'friend' Liked 'the devil.kona
    • What I found most interesting, of the 24 who liked Trump, a large majority of them consistently post fake stories against Obama and Hillary... you know the oneskona
    • Obama's Islamic 'Forever' Postage Stamp, the flower postage stamp, and all those obviously fake stories they just regurgitate across FB.kona
    • I can't tell you how many times I've had to respond with a link to Snopes.kona
    • oh I know those people kona. a few of em are my friends, who just post horeshit all day long. I've stopped engaging them ... its quite sad.Ramanisky2
    • i'm sure many trump followers are doing it for the shits & giggles. I know I follow a few wing-nuts for entertainmentGnash
    • lol @ making up one's own polls based on how many Rhondas he is friends with.... LOLmonospaced
    • is social media feeds where all this stuff originates from? anyone wonder if this crap is buy a cow on the edge of the heard mistakening a rock for a predator
    • wut?monospaced
    • by*.. herd mentality. Everyone on social media is like gazelle in the middle of a herd. They move & react to what certain gazelle see on the outside of the herd
    • are the people on the edge of the herd plants, or have bad eye sight and share irrelevant info.
    • ohhh devils advovateRamanisky2
    • legit question. i see headlines that run the circuits of major news that seem to be based on nothing. bad journalism based on social, or misinformation
    • ppl have learned alot on how to manipulate people since arab spring. and im starting to get some of that smell domestically. just curious if its intended or
    • more of the stupidity and copy catting that caused the housing collapse. seems more interesting than the election anymore. but yes i do play devils advocate
  • Dillinger-4

    • "Cant Make This Up"...
      FauxNews ... LOL
      fuck outta here
  • mugwart-3

    Is it me or does it look like they are using Trump as a away of voting for Clinton?

    For an outside non american its like they have found the two worst people in country and have asked the people to vote and silent potential people from stepping up.

    Though it seems that people are sick of the current system/way of things and want a change. Putting someone like him in highlights in the most stupid way peoples problem so no one can now talk about them without being an ist or an isum and has panicked people into voting for the same?

    Clinton's actions should have struck her off (and in jail) but she seems to be 'common' sense next to that man. She's Wall street and the blood on her hands is extensive.

    If it is a charade I hope to God it back fires and the world gets Trump!

    • Reminds me back in the day when many people in the world were talking conspiracy and ufo. XFiles came out and people were shut up you sound like Mulder.mugwart
    • sick of the system??? ok
      and how did the party of everything"NO" when Obama took office help, exactly?
    • Chill Winston! It seems to be the impression I get from the news/reports. A lot of people (it seems) wanted a 'straight' talker not a liar typical politician.mugwart
    • I'm clearly not on trumps nor Clinton's side. Think they both are corrupt.mugwart
    • It does look that way doesn't it? And the funny thing is Trump and Clinton were good friends for many years.yuekit
    • mugwart look at johnson/weld. quality candidates are running, just not part of the duopoly. and ppl believe if u dont vote duo u waste vote.
    • trump is a liberal democrat. he's been supporting the D party for most of his adult life. endorsed hillary for president in 2008. basically he is a total fraud.CygnusZero4
    • he said himself he loves the uneducated. well when you look at redneck uneducated racists, theyll buy anything he sells. whos party do they align with? exactly.CygnusZero4
    • Agreed @deathboy. Any of those two are vastly suprior, perhaps a little too politically correct but seem to be real humansmugwart
    • @cygnus - my education is piss poor but I still scratch my head at this! I just seem to see a darker darker back hand to all of this.mugwart
    • the puppeteering of mainstream media seems dark to me. cant tell if they are buying trending data writing content to it, despite journalism integrity or what
    • is the media puppets or the social hive minds of hash tags and shares. cant tell who's driving the bus, just can tell most of the content lacks meaning
  • CygnusZero46

    Lmao this guy

    • good 1moldero
    • at first i was like meh this guy is too good at this to be some random nobody. turns out hes an actor and a comedian.CygnusZero4
    • yeah he's polished
    • one of the best that - everytime I piss myself.fadein11
  • Gardener2
  • utopian1

    • bin bin bong
    • They're denying Bill Clinton as a working example of whether or not superficial issues on character can define a good president or not. why?
    • Either Bill Clinton was a good or bad president. Color his face with marker and ask yourself the same question again.
    • He was a good President, not so good husband. Either way, he's not running and is irrelevant (beyond Trumpsters deflections and excuses)formed
    • Are you not going to base your decisions on good examples that have worked in the past?
    • Your question is whether or not Trump will make a good president or not. So previous examples should be relevant
    • yet some hot girl in a purple dress is relevant. She's also not running for president.
    • Even if Hillary is your champion, it's useless if you're not one of rational thought.
    • Ohhhhh omgRamanisky2
    • omg!
    • If we're going to base your decisions on good examples that have worked in the past, let's talk Trump then. Because since I can remember,kona
    • Trump has consistently been in the news for shady deals and business tactics, sued more times than I can count, been caught up in umpteen controversies,kona
    • Gone through 3 wives, all of which he's cheated on, one raped btw. He's filed for bankruptcy 3 times, lost almost a billion in a year and has paid 0 in taxes.kona
    • And now, you think he's going to be a stand-up guy fighting 'for the people'? LOFLkona
    • so you're saying Bill Clinton was a bad example a good president then...
    • shady deals, business tactics, issues with the law, marital issues, money problems happen to be equal issues for both Trump and Hillary.
    • if fighting for the people is your reason of choice, then you should ask the military and law enforcement for their opinion
    • military and law enforcement prefer hillarymonospaced
    • was because of the useless wars she put them in? or putting them down for trying to do their jobs?
    • maybe it was arming the enemy with over $600m of weapons that made them like Hillary.
    • smhmonospaced
    • or in another light you can suggest these wars are necessary... law enforcement knows what they're talking about... and Hillary fucked up, she won't do it again
    • .. and at least thats $400m better than Trump's $1b loss. though there's the issue of bloodshed.
    • you talk like Trump would usher in an era of world peace and end all bad things from happening instantly just by standing theremonospaced
    • and you've have somehow ignored all the shit he's said related to nuclear capabilities and use, here and globallymonospaced
    • or what said he plans to do to get oilmonospaced
    • the internet is amazing. maybe we can put all the rockets together and form one big space ship. not sure if clean coal is a good option though.
  • Ramanisky21