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  • monospaced0
  • Gnash-1

  • kona3

    Another day, another Trump leak.

    Latest Trump Leak: When He Criticized an ‘Apprentice’ Contestant’s Skin

    “I assume you’re gonna leave this off, don’t put this s*** on the show, you know. But her skin, her skin sucks, OK?” he said, according to the transcript of the unaired scene. “I mean her skin, she needs some serious f***in’ dermatology.”

    “Personally, I am, as you probably heard, not a gay man, but I think he’s better-looking than Emily, OK?” Trump said about Bryan at one point. He also asked guest judge Trace Adkins what he thought about brochures produced by each team. “Well I, um, I, I think the one they did for Emily is a little more polished-looking,” Adkins said, and Trump retorted, “You’re obviously not a skin man.”

    Just think omg, if Trump discussed policy with the same concentration he uses to rate women on a scale, he maybe coulda been president.

    • Republican response: Yeah well you know... BILL CLINTON...kona
    • Trump's gonna fight for women's rights guyzkona
    • I agree that grabbing pussy should be the rights for everyone. including women.
    • Wake Up White People!utopian
    • class act omg, class actkona
    • we can always give up porn.
  • monospaced1

    • looks like a fun bunchRamanisky2
    • At least one of them supports Hillary.
    • INCEST

    • the white sheeple are awakeRamanisky2
  • Dillinger-5

    Pay for Play $6 million

    Date: 2011-11-22 22:07
    Subject: Re: Talking points for President Clinton and the Sheik

    I agree with Doug and this seems rather easy and harmless and not a big time sink.

    On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Doug Band <> wrote

    > If he doesn't do it
    > Chai will say he didn't give the money bc of wjc
    > From: Amitabh Desai [mailto:adesai@clintonfoundation...
    > Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 06:06 PM
    > To: Bruce Lindsey < Doug Band;
    > <>
    > Cc: Terry Krinvic 2
    > Subject: Fw: Talking points for President Clinton and the Sheik
    > Unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check, this sounds crazy to do.
    > ________________________________
    > From: Ira Magaziner
    > To: < Doug Band - PC; Bruce
    > Lindsey; Amitabh Desai; Terry Krinvic
    > Sent: Tue Nov 22 18:02:33 2011
    > Subject: FW: Talking points for President Clinton and the Sheik
    > All:
    > CHAI would like to request that President Clinton call Sheik Mohammed to
    > thank him for offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia and
    > expressing regrets that President Clinton's schedule does not permit him to
    > attend the conference.
    > Ed Wood has prepared a briefing memo for President Clinton about the call
    > which is attached.
    > Please contact either Ed or me if you have any questions or if you need
    > anything else from us.
    > Thanks
    > Ira

  • CygnusZero44

    Damn, trumps rape case of a 13 year old is getting pushed back to december. It was supposed to be this month.

    He had 2 other rape cases with minors but settled out of court. And nothing says im guilty af than handing someone a bunch of money to go away. Ask Michael Jackson.


    • Rapey McTrumpRamanisky2
    • But.... BILL CLINTONkona
    • Trump loves that you gash...grab em' in the pussy.utopian
    • How does this compare to Hillary's rape case, and future FLOTUS' multiple rape cases?
    • Let's not forget poor little Danny Williams and the hate Hillary has in her heart.
    • lol, Hillary never faced rape chargesmonospaced
    • you tell that to the victimized 12-year old girl that Hillary set free while the rapist roams free. She was later caught on film laughing about her victory.
    • oh omg...monospaced
    • omg is well trained ...
      I admire his effort.
    • holy shit you're really comparing a defense lawyer doing her job to being formally charged and brought to court on rape charges?monospaced
    • Hillary knew the poor little 12-year old girl was victimized. And she says she helps women and children? Freeing rapists is her job? Worked for Bill I guess.
    • She was assigned the case, and she wasn't laughing about some poor girl's misery. She wasn't taking pleasure from that. She has dedicated her life to helpingmonospaced
    • She was laughing at the ridiculous outcome of the case she was forced to defend. She didn't even want to take it. Seriously reaching there, buddy.monospaced
    • but mono .. Hannity played this over and over 24/7 .. so it must be true.Ramanisky2
    • She aint runnin to be Pope, right omgkona
    • Hillary Clinton not only blamed the young 12-year old girl for luring the guy. She was laughing because she knew the guy was guilty.
    • 'We're not electing a Sunday school teacher" - LewandowskiRamanisky2
    • She also laughed at how he was able to pass the polygraph knowing he was guilty
    • She is a master of fooling people. She swerves around evidence and plays the innocent game for everyone. Pretending she is working for you.
    • omg, try reading the facts before posting such rubbish. http://www.snopes.co…kona
    • These aren't cases that are placed on your table. These are cases that you lawyers strive to get to make themselves look good.
    • WHAT'S FALSE: Hillary Clinton did not volunteer to be the defendant's lawyer, she did not laugh about the case's outcome, she did not assert that the complainankona
    • complainant "made up the rape story," she did not claim she knew the defendant to be guilty, and she did not "free" the defendant.kona
    • Oh, and the pic flying around FB is missing the lower right piece that says the 'story is real, the pic isn't'. What utter shit you spoutkona
    • Lots of rape apologetics here today.
    • She claimed many times she knew the defendant to be guilt. Recordings show. She even later tried to apologize
    • the guy climbed on top of this little girl and took her virginity. she was in a coma for 5 days. Hillary said it was the girl's fault
    • there was "hardly" any blood and semen on his underwear.
    • in the end when the balloons fell from the sky, and people cheered her... she was so proud. her victory laughs made available on tape
    • you're right kona. the rapist wasn't "free". Instead of life, he spent two month in jail.
    • there's your champion. helps women and kids.
    • There will be millions of rape apologetics come November.
    • dude, you really think Hillary is into freeing rapists? that's insanemonospaced
    • I don't know why you bother arguing with him. He makes Yuri look like Chompsky. Let him cling on to his woman hating narrative.monkeyshine
    • actually it was a little more truth than i wanted to handle today.
    • how many bullshit conspiracies that you claim to be true and turn out being bullshit can you possibly believe until you realize you're just spreading bullshit?monospaced
    • the only way it can be bullshit is if every single piece of retorting evidence was built by bigger liars.
    • how much do you pay someone to get raped, or be that person's mom. Or pretend to be someone's 30 year old kid?
    • would you let someone pay you to stand in front of the world and tell them you were raped by that guy?
    • no one considered the bravery of those 3 ladies who made themselves at the debates.
    • think they go home at night to keep that lie everyday amongst their friends and family?
    • maybe they're all hired goons of the CIA pretending?
    • these are all real cases taken to court. fakes usually can make a claim, they may file suit, but will drop the case once the media is done publishing it.
    • in other words. The conspiracy story you want to believe is more crazier than the one in front of our faces.
    • monkeyshine. i'd love to hear your thoughts on the story. please share.
    • i would rather know that the entire shit was all bullshit. a bunch of actors just pretending to be rape victims.
    • omg, the new Mook of QBNRamanisky2
  • Dillinger-3

  • Ramanisky25

    sasssy trump

  • Ramanisky24


  • Ramanisky27

    While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.

    Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders.

    The old farmer said, "Well, as I see it, most politicians are 'Post Turtles'.''

    Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.

    The old farmer said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle."

    The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there to begin with."

  • Beeswax-5

    It hasn't been 1 week since a democrat president killed over 140 people in Yemen. I can't even image what a republican president or Hillary would do.

    Of course that's not your concern right.
    I mean, right?!

    • "Well, they are all brown people, so it doesn't count" says an Obama supporter.Beeswax
    • vote johnson
  • BusterBoy7

  • ********

    Today, Bill Clinton's son Danney Williams gives an interview

    • lol, you really think it's his son, don't you?monospaced
    • https://m.popkey.co/…monospaced
    • would love to see this play out on jerry springerGnash
    • me too.
    • our government system at work!
    • stories people take with them to the grave.
    • what people will do for money and or power
    • you're either the red pill or the blue pill.
    • omg the new Mook of QBNRamanisky2
    • what people will do for money? like make up stories that the governor was your daddy you never met?monospaced
    • i'm open to the idea that this guys faking. but at what cost?
    • you would need to be one hell of a sociopath. maybe they grabbed him out of the mental institution.
    • but you saw bill's face at those debates.
    • haha GTFO with that Infowars shitmoldero
    • Dick head as Alex Jones is and his bollocks interview techniques. This stuff has gone on throughout the ages, wouldn't be so shocked if this turned out truemugwart
    • ^
  • Ramanisky23

    ‘His Hands Were All Over Me’
    Jessica Leeds, a businesswoman at a paper company, was sitting next to Donald J. Trump on a flight to New York in the early 1980s. She told The Times that he lifted the armrest and began to grope her.


    • amazing these folks only come out for the election.
    • You're amazing, omgRamanisky2
    • she was cute
    • amazing how this lady never existed until today
    • By all means keep defending
      Donald Cosby. Ohhh omg.
    • I'm not trying to, but she's literally never existed til today.
    • check google.
    • if you do it within the next 24 hours, you can beat the indexing of Googles servers
    • There are 2 others with accusations
      and pretty soon he will pass Cosby.
      But keep defending him.
    • That article is from the New York Times.
      Pay attention.
    • Thousands of documents showing Hillarys corruption, "it's nothing". Unfounded accusation, a few weeks before election, "GUILTY!"IRNlun6
    • in case they try to populate some random article somewhere.
    • no doof, look up Jessica Leeds on google and see if you can find her existence before today.
    • now i think 24 hours is too short if this is seriously a hot story.
    • Ok MookRamanisky2
    • Did you look Ram?
    • if you can find one shred of evidence that Jessica Leeds existed before today, i will give you $50
    • ^ https://dallasnews.i…Gnash
    • and it has to be within the hour in case they fake populate that servers with fake articles
    • Give Gnash his $50Ramanisky2
    • Yaaawn omg ....
    • gnash, that photo may have been taken long time ago. but it was posted today.
    • Defender of Rapey McTrumpRamanisky2
    • Keep up the solid work buddyRamanisky2
    • im sure a business person in this day and age would be keen on the importance to have a social presence.
    • anyone who has ever had a web client would know this.
    • there are mothers with more web presence than this Jessica Leeds
    • I'll give you till 9:30PM EST, and that sweet fifty is all yours
    • or whoever is the first person to find it.
    • drip drip drip ... omgRamanisky2
    • it should only take you one minute. it's like making $3000 per hour.
    • Okie dokey defender of
      Rapey McTrump
    • i ain't jokin'
    • riiiiight omg, riiiiiightRamanisky2
    • you must think that lady in the article is real
    • true or not -- an 80s millionaire pawed a girl in first class? how shocking.Gnash
    • i can't believe you would go this far to support corruption, even when someone gives you a peak at the answers, you still fail the test.
    • i'd be scared too if i were you to see the truth
    • it's 9:11pm.... give up?
    • keep on keeping on omg.
      Rapey McTrump thanks you for your support.
    • i'm glad to help. if i can help assist you with your search please just ask. i would love to put a crisp $50 bill in your pocket right now.
    • You owe Gnash $50
      I don't don't need your silly wager
    • 9:35PM
    • Did you at least bother looking?
    • Gnash is waiting on his $50
      No welching omg.
    • I didn't see any time stamp on the photo or the article.
    • Ohhh omgRamanisky2
    • plus that was Rachel Crooks. I didn't know there were two girls. I'm pretty sure she doesn't exist either.
    • It should be illegal companies like NYT to resort to such tactics. I'm not sure how they get away publishing enquirer type articles.
    • If I were the public, I would not stand for it and sue them.
    • Now a Peoples magazine reporter
      But keep defending Gropey Rapey McTrump
    • Haha
    • Sue for what?!?! That's more butt hurt than trump.monospaced
  • chukkaphob2

    not a single post discussing the issues, platforms, plans, strategies, ideas, etc.

    oh, human race!


    • People are drowning in corrupt media and lies.
    • so talk about the issues.dbloc
  • utopian5

    2 Women allege Trump assaulted them


  • utopian6

    Donald Trump’s Creepy Stewardship Of The Miss Teen USA Pageant


  • utopian7

    Donald Trump's brand is now a total disaster


    • he got disaster insurance on his brand probably
    • No such thing.monospaced
  • utopian5

    This Trump Lie from Sunday Night's Debate Is Stunning, Even By Trump Standards


    • That's what I said. He got two months for a crime that should have served life. People think that rapist kid from Stanford got it easy.
  • utopian5

    Donald Trump threatens to sue New York Times over sexual harassment report


    • they'll drop charges once elections are over, and the women will disappear forever as Jane Does.
    • wouldn't be surprised if he does sue, this is defamation.IRNlun6
    • Hahaha. No it's not and his lawsuit would be 100% frivolous. Now he has to sue or else admit guilt. So embarrassing because he can't win.monospaced
    • These are baseless accusations with no evidence to prove otherwise. http://dictionary.la…IRNlun6