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  • utopian5

    A Timeline of Donald Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss Universe


  • whatthefunk5

    • crooked Hillary.
    • someone give her a bigger spade, shes well and truly stuck in that holeBluejam
  • Ramanisky24

    Here's another one idiots are posting on social media
    Look how angry Bill looks at sweet internet star Ken Bone
    I'm mean just look at the rage.

    and then ....

    • that what i mean. there is no reason for that guy to be a star. he asked a basic broad question an answer like i think innovation _ future _ good would answer.
    • this saves omg from posting that image heremoldero
    • and yet there is content like your image posted clearly out of context to drive mindless content. is it organic, is it media outlets and trend reports?
    • Lol MoldieRamanisky2
    • you think a simple question like why would bill be mad would trigger a BS detector to go off. is it just filling a void. i dont get it
    • i don't get what the big deal is with Ken Bone. He asked a question. whats the big deal?
    • he looks funny. thats it. People are stupid and latch on to anything outside of the norm. Zzzzzz...sofakingback
    • i never considered his looks. i get chic not impressed meme, but this one seemed different, and maybe that was do to a quasi media spin treating meme as news
  • BuddhaHat6

    Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf Resigns In Wake Of Bank Scandal

    Wells Fargo & Co’s veteran chairman and chief executive officer, John Stumpf abruptly departed on Wednesday bowing to pressure over its sales tactics that has damaged the bank’s reputation and put Wall Street under renewed scrutiny.

    San Francisco-based Wells Fargo said Stumpf, 63, was retiring and would be replaced as chief executive by President and Chief Operating Officer Tim Sloan, 56.


    Warren's follow-up:

    • Drumpf's cousin?yuekit
    • warren needs a dick photoshopped into her mouth. an incentive program gone wrong by individuals and bank managers who found a loop hole.
    • or a master planned scheme amongst thousands of employees all the way to the foot soldiers without a single paper trail of said scheme.
    • occams razor for the latter with current info.
    • They committed fraud on a massive scale
    • Somehow I don't think 5,000 employees just decided to do this individually.yuekit
    • ever work at a corporate retail type job?
    • be surprised how low level find easy ways to milk system. hell mot shrink is employee based. if u see the numbers most people did it in a way that didnt hurt.
    • some seemed to have gotten greedy. the mass firing is a PR move likely also effecting innocent people that they couldnt confirm
    • bwaha...cmon man can't believe you're defending this. It's just predatory criminal behavior by a big bank.yuekit
    • And of course they should have had internal checks to prevent this....CEO ultimately responsible.yuekit
    • he is ultimately responsible, but likely did not know. and the 185m hit + 5m payback should be reflected in his pay.
    • but seriously if you have ever worked in one of thsoe jobs you know exactly how its low level employee stuff. look into best buy employees and warranties
    • go into a hoe depot and off a guy 100 bucks for a palette of concrete, or 20 bucks at jiffy lube. jsut because theyre paid 12 bucks theyre not stupid
    • one home depot store plans for 1 million in shrink by employees every 6 month. Conspiracy by employees?
    • Hard to know exactly how it happened without more info... but not being aware or turning blind eye to 2 million fake accounts is just as damning.yuekit
    • 400k cost them 190m. they paid. the rest is warren posturing and pissed about not heading CFPB. its a political career move for her
    • There had to be, at some level, complicity by higher level people. Unlike Home Depot example where there is no paper trailyuekit
    • a number i also didnt see was what rewards they paid out to employees who did make those sells goals. they lost that too.
    • I knew if I made another Warren-related post that you would post some of this drivel, deathboy. Again with the South Park references, too, classy.BuddhaHat
    • im not a fan of big banking but i gotta call it as i see it. there is bigger fish to fry than this
    • None of what you say is supported by evidence. The CEO likely didn't know? Likely? wtf kind of assertion is that?BuddhaHat
    • well guess u still wont even see it for what it is buddha. and yuekit, i actually imagine some lower level managers encouraged it. they got a kick too
    • you're trying to equate the creation of bogus bank accounts at an endemic scale to retail salespeople flogging warranties at home depot. not remotely the same.BuddhaHat
    • the majority saw no one got hurt for it and they got rewarded. but i a small few took it to far. went to big or was too stupid to think about the consequences
    • The last time there was a Warren post in this thread, you posted a similar line of drivel, and every part was shot down... kudos for persistence tho'BuddhaHat
    • you remember that? you said 'she should have gone after the student loan institutions', and I posted linksBuddhaHat
    • absolutely stupid incentive deal. and it cost them a shit ton. its warrens foolish posturing that pains me. last thign we need is another idiot politican masque
    • and on and on it went... 'til there was not a leg left to stand on... yet you continued to hover... on a bed of your own hot air.BuddhaHat
    • erading as a social justice hero. Not to mention she already plagued with her own hypocrisies
    • lets not be dumb villager with pitchforks
    • In Member-berry voice: 'member the idiot politician masque? 'member all her qualifications and high public standing being listed? 'member?BuddhaHat
    • 'member how none of what you said was true? 'member? I 'member.BuddhaHat
    • yea her degrees dont mean shit. i thoguht i explained that clearly
    • what she does is what i merit. and this case its 100 percent posturing. the company was fined a ton. all she is doign now is bullying hurting stocks
    • gettign more employees than necessary fired for PR to counter her bullying and being a cunt. fuck trump should have picker her as running mate
    • if its not bullying buddha what is it for?
    • plus here's this for larger picture posturing http://www.wsj.com/a…
    • im surprised shes not asking for everyone behind the failure of dodd frank not be fired fined pay back wages, oh wait that's the program that created hers...
    • Lol, the hypocritical fake Indian chief sure loves to wave her pitchfork
  • utopian4

  • dbloc3

    Putin Ally Tells Americans: Vote Trump or Face Nuclear War


  • Ramanisky24


    Then, in December 2005, around the time Trump had his now infamous conversation with Billy Bush, I traveled to Mar-a-Lago to interview the couple for a First Wedding Anniversary feature story.
Our photo team shot the Trumps on the lush grounds of their Florida estate, and I interviewed them about how happy their first year of marriage had been. When we took a break for the then very-pregnant Melania to go upstairs and change wardrobe for more photos, Donald wanted to show me around the mansion. There was one “tremendous” room in particular, he said, that I just had

    We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds, he was pushing me against the wall, and forcing his tongue down my throat.
Now, I’m a tall, strapping girl who grew up wrestling two giant brothers. I even once sparred with Mike Tyson. It takes a lot to push me. But Trump is much bigger—a looming figure—and he was fast, taking me by surprise, and throwing me off balance.
I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself.
    The butler informed us that Melania would be down momentarily, and it was time to resume the interview. I was still in shock, and remained speechless as we both followed him to an outdoor patio overlooking the grounds. In those few minutes alone with Trump, my self-esteem crashed to zero. How could the actions of one man make feel so utterly violated?  I’d been interviewing A-list celebrities for over 20 years, but what he’d done was a first. Did he think I’d be flattered?

    I tried to act normal. I had a job to do, and I was determined to do it. I sat in a chair that faced Trump, who waited for his wife on a loveseat. The butler left us, and I fumbled with my tape recorder. Trump smiled and leaned forward.
“You know we’re going to have an affair, don’t you?” he declared, in the same confident tone he uses when he says he’s going to make America great again. “Have you ever been to Peter Luger’s for steaks? I’ll take you. We’re going to have an affair, I’m telling you.” He also referenced the infamous cover of the New York Post during his affair with Marla Maples. “You remember,” he said. “Best Sex I Ever Had.”

  • whatthefunk6

    • absolutely brilliantkona
    • yes!sarahfailin
    • the mainstream banter is on fire.
  • ********

    Thoughts on tuition free public education? I know lots of folks who would have gone to college if it were free.

    • This is the wrong video post. i didn't know they were gonna crop Hillary the entire time looking lost.
    • i originally listened to the post without watching.
    • but the speech is still good nonetheless.
    • Ohhh omgRamanisky2
    • Haha, Ramookisky would like the vid.
    • You know a lot of people who didn't go to college?yuekit
    • Lots of the kids I used to skate with didn't go to college.
    • I think 95% of them didn't go to college, or went half way because they needed to work.
    • Actually very few of us went to college now that I think about it.
    • Ohhh omgRamanisky2
    • so most of your friends have little or no education past high school? that explains a lot dudemonospaced
    • Trump LIKES youmonospaced
    • Like Trump, I too thinks that education needs improvement.
  • IRNlun6-1

    Good times

    • Is this really so damning? They met with the media in order to announce the launch of their campaign?yuekit
    • I agree that certain parts of the media are skewed towards Hillary, but you have to balance that out with the blatant pro Trump propaganda on right wing sites.yuekit
    • If you go to Breitbart you will get a popup to contribute to Trump/Pence just like if it was his campaign website.yuekit
    • And this proves what exactly? Off the record meetings with journos have been going on for years, in all shades of politics. It's an open secret.face_melter
    • Good points but looks like a pattern. The coverage of these leaks is virtually non-existent, extremely damning info, with many emails showing direct collusion.IRNlun6
    • Collusion with super pacts, info on apparent allies funding terrorism, pay-to-play with government positions... barely a peep from these organizations.IRNlun6
    • http://pbs.twimg.com…IRNlun6
    • Political reporting has become a series of regurgitated statements and clickbait shittery. Decent nvestigative work is crowded out by TITS! PUSSY! COMA!face_melter
  • ********

    Lots of headlines about russia and trump today....


    Can't technically be proven that the money was paid for a favor (why foundations work, and on a side note perhaps we should get rid of non-profits and such. No such thing, might also help people see the business in religion), but without any other motive it doesn't quite make sense...

    Hard to tell really what motivates her. Power, and money. Am I not privy to any other politician that has a foundation on the side stackin so much paper? I cannot honestly say who I think is a worse potus candidate. Cold half-calculated no fucks given if i get mine central planner, or a special kind of stupid blowhard that really really needs attention and probably wants to look like a central planner but really just wants photo ops and ribbon cuttings and a sexy intern to compliment him every 15 minutes, one he can say hey bill she hotter than monica, im cool... Only thing I know is i'm ready for it to be over. The news isnt entertaining. its sickening. it bums me out. Get that out the way, and get locals out of the way where i'll probably get fucked harder. and back to sports bloopers and dumb entertaining memes....

    • April 2015. still actual though.
    • i know its older. still relevant
    • more relevant than pussy grabbin talk. but does take media away from lookin at actual actions. youd think ppl have heard the saying talk is cheap.
  • dasmeteor2
    • women got smarts, men are morans.lowimpakt
    • Men pay more income tax and women pay more sales tax (because they buy more) Men more valuable for building/maintaining a societyrobotron3k
    • Women are mooch from the "patriarchy" they rail against. It really is a gender race and this seems to prove it, partially.robotron3k
    • That's because you wrote off Hillary as a viable candidate the day she was born female.monospaced
    • Facts are there has never been a 20th century society that has been built, maintained and protected by women. I'm just no into myths and fads.robotron3k
    • Bill also "opened to door" for her, political, so to speak. And she's been a paper tiger for 30 yrs. "Women, kids, Women kids" repeat...robotron3k
    • I know you may agree on only one thing mono, that we had better choices.robotron3k
    • I don't agree with you that being female is a disqualification for leadership. If you're saying I agree that the candidates both are awful choices, then yes.monospaced
    • Strategically they will be releasing electoral college results way before the election so dissuade T voters even more. She'll have 4 years then Pence 2020 lol.robotron3k
    • Only one things left on the table to happen, rampant voter fraud.robotron3k
    • A female leading a company is one thing, many great examples of that. But building, maintaining, protecting a 20th century society there are none.robotron3k
    • Women receive the benefits of patriarchy, they are not victims and held down like they want people to believe. Esp. In the west.robotron3k
    • In 3rd world an Asian countries women go for it. Western women make easy life decisions, they could be powerful but take it easy.robotron3k
    • Start by reading the classic book The Manipulated Man by German Esther Villar. Or listen for 5 minutes: http://bit.ly/2dZhhq…robotron3k
    • you're not going to school me, educate me or change my stance on the idea that a woman can be a great leader, evermonospaced
    • at one point no woman had ever led a global company either, and there were lots of men, just like you, who used that as a bullshit reason for objecting to itmonospaced
    • I look for fact mono, matriarchal societies have always existed and women have been bosses. It will take 1000 year or breeding for a woman to create a society.robotron3k
    • But in the West, a woman's biggest concern is "how does my hair look?"robotron3k
    • wow, robo, wowmonospaced
    • so you're doubling down that Hillary is, by default, unfit to be President because she's female, and the possibility of a fit woman is at least 1000 years awaymonospaced
    • do you say this stuff, out loud, to actual living women that you know, or do you reserve it for posts like this?monospaced
    • But she will win mono, not to worry. The electoral college is in the bag. Now she and media has to convince the population she's the one, that's their challengerobotron3k
    • sure, but that's really a separate issue from the fact that you can't even admit she's a viable candidate because she's femalemonospaced
    • whatevermonospaced
    • Ohh monorobotron3k
    • really?monospaced
    • The fact that this map actually started a #RepealThe19th hashtag is proof positive Trump and his supporters are disgusting.kona
    • robotron3k seems like you are just hating on women because they happen to vote Democrat.yuekit
    • There have been plenty of woman leaders...U.S. is behind the curve in this regard.yuekit
    • They didn't "build" societies because almost all societies were created hundreds or thousands of years ago when women were treated as second class.yuekit
    • "Men more valuable for building/maintaining a society"

      Absolute Bullshit
  • BusterBoy5

    • If they say it enough it might become true
    • m-m-m-m-meltdown
    • Who you voting for Terry?fadein11
    • Ur mum
  • CygnusZero43

    Bunch of women coming out that Trump touched them without their consent. As soon as that dam started leaking with the access hollywood vid, turning into another bill cosby situation.

    Its funny seeing retarded trump supporters saying shit like they were paid to say this. Uhhhh, except trump is actually on tape saying he does this shit! Woops!

  • elahon3

    In regards to the two maps above, Trump supporters are now using the hashtag #RepealThe19th, basically saying they want to deny women the right to vote.



    • Sure, women pay way less tax, men much more for longer. Taxation without representation, look up the meaning...robotron3k
    • That over the top hashtag, but every man has said at lease once "that woman is crazy"robotron3k
    • smhmonospaced
    • robo, still arguing that no woman can be president because she's female... and now this bullshit that women aren't taxed as much as men? what?monospaced
    • Robo, show me a an article says women pay less in taxes then men that doesn't reference the 1860's.elahon
    • robo, I hope you never have a daughter that you have to tell can never be president because she doesn't have a penismonospaced
    • and that the only thing she has to worry about in life is "how does my hair look?" it really saddens me this is how you think.monospaced
    • I can't believe you think women shouldn't be able to vote because you think they do not, have not, and cannot contribute to society as much as men. smhmonospaced
    • As and you shall receive: http://phys.org/news…robotron3k
    • Ask*robotron3k
    • Hahahha, the robo3k construct has finally blown a gasket.face_melter
    • The IRS has the stats too, but I buried on their siterobotron3k
    • Robo, you realize that that study was done in New Zealand, not the US, right?elahon
    • the scary thing is that many Trump supporters think exactly like robo and are intent on taking the country back hundreds of yearsmonospaced
    • I literally lost sleep over that exact thought the other night, mono. Blows my mind.elahon
    • I'm okay with whatever you guys believe in, I just prefer facts. I've never even name called on QBN, but i've been called every name in the book based on facts.robotron3k
    • And that's a fact.robotron3k
    • I'm calling you sexist.monospaced
    • NEW. ZEALAND.elahon
    • put robo in the basketRamanisky2
    • Thank you for not calling me another name mono.robotron3k
    • lol @face_melter.
      I am struggling to believe what I am reading here.
    • Yeah, I am pretty sexist, I like my women feminine and ambitious. Not masculine and complaining of being a victim.robotron3k
    • wow... that's mighty sexist robokona
    • And I have two badass sisters who are well educated and feminine as my reference. But since I'm a "minority" maybe I'm cut from a different cloth.robotron3k
    • http://www.qbn.com/r…monospaced
    • @NateSilver538 Women are not fit for politics. #RepealThe19th — Reichsführer Pepe (@smugpepe1488) October 11, 2016 - expert level GOD troll
    • robo i get what you spit. on tax all you have to do is use argument women get paid less so of course they pay less tax
    • and biologically speaking women are different. emotional levels with periods, menopause and what not. And world looks at women differently in different cultures
    • my girlfriend has made some arguments as you. and yes it doesnt mean a women cant be successful, but certain things make it harder. like a 5ft person in the NBA
    • if im readin it right?
    • or were u defending that hash tag..? cant make heads or tails if president or voting..
    • he's saying women can't be leaders because they need another 1000 years of evolution before they are even capable, and they shouldn't vote until thenmonospaced
  • moldero3

    Praise Jesus!

    • sweet baby jesusRamanisky2
    • Everybody wants to follow the Bible but nobody wants to follow the Bible.
    • ohh religion.fadein11
    • I suppose Trump has been useful for surfacing all the crazy.lowimpakt
    • Hillary is a sulfur smellin, fly attractin Demon from HELL.Ramanisky2
    • follows bible with pagan symbol behind!mugwart
    • Fuck off idiot.BusterBoy
    • Hurry up November 9 when fuckwits like this hibernate for a few yearsBusterBoy
    • No way. If trump loses it's just proof the devil is at work. They'll get all biblical and demand recounts while chanting rigged for years, frothing from mouths.monospaced
    • Mark my words. They won't shut the fuck up and accept a female president and will make her life hell for her entire term.monospaced
  • lowimpakt5

    One benefit of the trump campaign it is getting easier to spot the assholes around here and the findamentalist freaks across the US

  • BonSeff1

    what in the literal fuck..

  • reanimate0

    Obama talks about AI, self driving cars and basic income with Wired


    • I was working on the same thing with Georges on the cover.
      The Futurist
      "I've seen the future and it's Trumptastic! "
      - G
    • ^ Why don't you make a cover with all of your screen names. That would impress uskona
    • You just gave an idea for a cover of Home Cooking, the sodium special.
    • pshoped! Where are the flies!mugwart
    • I can see the sulfur from hereRamanisky2
  • ********


    "That woman was out cold, and now she’s coming back. We don’t go by these new, and very much softer, NFL rules. Concussions—oh, oh! Got a little ding on the head. No, no, you can’t play for the rest of the season. Our people are tough."

    The man is an idiot.

    • He's a floundering, ignorant, spunk bubble of a man. Wishing ill on someone is a fool's game, but in this instance I hope this pres. run destroys him.face_melter
    • He should stick to entertainment.