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  • DrBombay0

    oh dear...

  • redant0

    well you guys are probably going to get what you want. Obama is most likely going to win! I just don;t see how he is going to make things better for me.

    • don't be so selfish.DrBombay
    • So, you're in the wealthiest 5%?joeth
    • ..or Jesus rides dinosaurs in your world?TheBlueOne
    • What did Bush do for you?Mimio
    • I agree redant. Although I'm leaning towards Obama winning this thing. His policies aren't anything I agree with.tommyo
    • were you the guy on the front of the atv in the video??? Or the guy trying to hide his face?DCDesigns
  • ukit0

    redant, I am guessing you like her because she shares your beliefs, and that's fine. But so do lots of people, right? Doesn't the country need someone who understands the basic issues of running the government and foreign affairs?

    • People who have shared those beliefs have just spent the last eight years driving this country off a cliff. But hey, sure, more of the same, eh?TheBlueOne
  • BattleAxe0

    Watch it live : http://www.c-span.org/Watch/C-SP…

    works on IE , FF needs Real Media or Windows Media Plug In

  • tommyo0

    It's kind of amazing to me that you guys seem to think that the Democrats are going to 'make it all better.' Don't get me wrong I'd be pretty sad if McCain won. But I guess I don't share in your optimism. At the very least, I think Obama gives the country a sense of hope and his foreign policies are worlds away from Bush. But by no means do I think he represents our long term interests - too much socialism, too much takie takie from the rich. Too much of the same. Big Gov.

    • What makes you think the republicans are going to make anything better?dbloc
    • At the very least it's a major step in the right direction.Mimio
    • Uh I think I just said that I'd be sad if McCain won. So I would think you could extrapolate that I don't agree with the R's either.tommyo
    • I'm referring to the first sentence:
      It's kind of amazing to me that you guys seem to think that the Democrats are going to 'make it all better.'
    • Honestly we just need a change of leadership right now...Our country is falling apart.dbloc
    • Gotcha I see what you mean. No it's this Democrats riding in on white horses feeling I get from you guys sometimes.tommyo
    • Yeah I agree with you dbloc. No matter what the change is, I'm for some variety.tommyo
    • anything is better than what we have now...why not give the dems a chance.dbloc
    • lol...how many times do I have to say 'I hope Obama wins'...do I need to put on rose colored glasses?? Or can I be wary?tommyo
    • I don't get it so you hope McCain wins. j/kdbloc
    • I hope you win dbloc...I hope you winnnnnnn! It's too bad you decided to have your coming out party during the primaries.tommyo
  • tommyo0

    Oh and...good morning Dobs. Sleep alright?

    • ?!Nairn
    • Aaaah! He IS here!

      Hiya there, xxxx - I didn't know you were back. Peace.
    • What the hell do you mean '?!?' Are you threatening me? hehe jk jk Saying good morning to Dobolina.tommyo
    • He's all cloak and dagger now. You know that he's a Free Mason right? Also Skull and Bones n stuff.tommyo
    • hiDrBombay
    • I ALWAYS suspected he was a Republican plant, anti- astroturfing from the leftfield, wily bastard that he is.Nairn
    • I only really post in this thread. I have been getting a ton of work done not being here.DrBombay
    • I think we could all learn something from that. Glad to see you've not completely deserted us though! xNairn
    • I know too many people around here for too long to disappear entirely.DrBombay
    • ahem...I did tell you almost a year ago that you needed a break. ;)tommyo
    • why are you always so obnoxious, tommy.DrBombay
    • Stop trying to change me, accept me for who I am. :Dtommyo
    • QBN is better with Dobs in it. That's a fact.blaw
    • QBN is a bladder with Dobs in it. That's a fact.tommyo
  • ephix0

    A friend of mine who isn't a US citizen posted this video (

    ) with this comment ( If she ever become Vice Pres of USA, it will be the end of the White House ) and another US citizen person I know responded with:

    "And thank God that your opinion cannot be placed with a vote. However, my opinion can and will be used to help elect this great woman. At least she is honest and helped clean up corruption in her her own party. What has Barack Obama accomplished? Oh yeah...wasn't he a Community Organizer? What is that anyhow? Calls himself black when he's actually a mix and was raised by whites. Hmmmmm....oh, and he voted 'present' 169 times in the senate not a yes or no vote cuz he doesn't like to leave a record in case his views are unpopular by some. Just basically means he has no backbone and hasn't developed balls yet. Oh, and after only 143 days in his Senate office, he decides he's qualified to run for President. Not to mention his ties with his friends Saul Alinsky, Tony Rezco, William Aires, Rev. J. Right. Oh, and did I mention he voted 3 times against legislation that would make it illegal to murder a baby who survived a botched abortion and was outside the womb? You really like Obama? WOW!"

    what is up with these people????????????

    • The "Obama was a community organizer, and has done nothing else" bit is just so shortsighted.mg33
  • BattleAxe0

    New name for bill Financial Markets Bill

    vote at 1230 EST , most everyone is making a case for passing it and now they are saying 700 Billion "PLUS"

    those sobs!

  • ukit0

    so tommyo, Obama is going to bring taxes back to what they were under Reagan - is that socialism? I am hardly an extreme leftist and I don't understand how you guys can constantly push in one direction only (deregulation and lower taxes), and think that is the answer to everything. If no taxes and no government was the answer, life would be pretty simple, right? Things have gone much too far in that direction. Nixon would probably be considered center left in today's world.

  • hallelujah0

    a part of me wishes that McCain would win so all the idiots who voted for him would get the destruction they deserve... but that already happened in the last 8 years and they haven't learned from it

  • vanilla_cam0
  • BattleAxe0

    Ron Paul on the Floor , !! good stuff

    • Ginny Brown Waite , Marcy Kaptur , Gwen Moore , ! good peopleBattleAxe
  • tommyo0

    Right and Bush Sr. said no new taxes. That's the trick man ... make promises, then when you get in 'OH MY GOD I did not know what a mess the last guy left, sorry guys.' By the way, the rich are taxed way too much in my opinion. That's a nice little present when you get to the top of the food chain only to find out that the Government is now entitled to 60% of your money and I believe the chart someone posted has Obama taking another 11%. So 71% of your income goes to the country. That's just not fair. If you guys want to view the rich as blood sucking baby eaters than go for it but it's simply not fair.

    The Socialism in question for me is the health care. 100% disagree with that and I hope it never gets out of Congress.

    • something has to pay for the wars and the bailouts.DrBombay
    • Is Japan a socialist nation?DrBombay
    • And the federally backed fannie and freddy risky subprime lending the Dems started pushing back in 77.tommyo
    • To push our problems today on 8 years of failed policy is silly. Dems have their hands in this almost as much.tommyo
    • so what is your point?DrBombay
    • That your focus is off if you think this is only a Republican issue.tommyo
    • so what is the solution?DrBombay
    • Fiscal responsibility. Never been a Dem strong suit but it's also not representative of current Rep strategy either.tommyo
  • Ramanisky20

    Chris Rock on Politics

  • joeth0

    I don't think there's any perfect solution to health care that works well for everybody. But since the number one cause of people declaring bankruptcy in America is because of medical bills, shouldn't those innocent people get a little assistance?

    Or just screw 'em? If they didn't come from a wealthy family or saved up enough before they got ill, then let 'em suffer?

    • Giving government the power to oversee your health is not good. We need to find a different solution.tommyo
    • what about cloning wolverine so we all can have his regenerative powers? did anyone ever think of that?kona
    • it happens. read a comic book.kona
    • Well that is definitely one option. I like that one. haha dork.tommyo
    • Letting corporations keep the power over people's health is REALLY not good. Until a better solution comes up, I prefer Obama's.joeth
    • ... I prefer Obama's.joeth
    • You think there is a chance for a solution after gov passes free healthcare? No chance. Once it clears it's done. Hey you know..tommyo
    • Maybe we'll all get to share one needle with 6 other people..just like kids have to do with their text books now.tommyo
    • Gov has shown no aptitude for being able to run the other responsibilities they have...what makes you so optimistic?tommyo
    • take the competition out of health care. why does an operation cost one sixth in India?DrBombay
    • medicare and social security are very efficient programs.DrBombay
    • tommyo it works in the rest of the devloped world...ephix
    • There are other ways to solve that besides giving it to our gov. What happens when free healthcare hiccups like SS did?tommyo
    • ephix...talk to sputnik2 about socialism.tommyo
    • this isnt about socialism.ephix
    • Free healthcare IS socialism. Do you not agree??tommyo
  • moural0

    I think the issue I have with the lovefest around Obama is that everyone seems to think it's going to be unicorns and sugar cookies once he is in office. There's this argument that McCain is going to continue along the path that we're on, but apparently Obama isn't. Does he have some secret route that I don't know about? I don't get it. As far as I know both roads lead to Washington.

    I'll say it again - the federal government does not have as much of an effect on your day-to-day life as many of you seem to think. We can keep complaining about Bush's actions and policies, but really, has having him in charge of this country for the last 7+ years really affected your life? I mean, getting a cell phone has been more important to my daily routine than anything bad - or good - emanating from our government in recent years.

    • So they're all pretty much the same? That's a pretty narrow-minded view of the world.joeth
    • Some valid points. Get ready for the hazing though. Dissension is not allowed in this thread without a beating.tommyo
    • It's like Lord of the Flies QBN Style.tommyo
    • +1johndiggity
    • You're kidding right? Please say you're kidding...
      So you live in a bubble??
    • wait till a bridge collapses from under youdanthon
  • ukit0

    I guess you're right, we're lucky to live in a country where we are not in daily danger of getting shot or blown up by a land mine or starving to death. On the other hand, there is a huge opportunity cost to blowing our entire future on a war and reckless spending. It means infrastructure that needs to will not get built, investments that need to will not get made, and ultimately that affects the competitiveness of our economy, so it goes affect you. Maybe you can't see it because it is happening slowly, but the rise of China and Russia is a big thing, and it will affect the world your kids live in, if we fall behind. In my opinion, his idiotic foreign policy has also made it far more likely that there will be another terrorist attack against us. And I guess it doesn't affect me, but I sure as hell don't like to see my government killing innocent people in a pointless war that never needed to happen, or torturing people, or spying on people.

  • DrBombay0

    moural, do you travel outside of the country much? first off the dollar is worthless, second people think you are an idiot if you come from America. I don't like that. You might, but I don't.

    • I don't and you are right on those points.tommyo
  • joeth0

    I know it sounds a bit "Obama is God" around liberals sometimes, but it's really just a strong reaction the fact the we seriously need to change courses. It's like half the country didn't even notice what happened over the last eight years.

    Are you not affected by rising oil, food, and energy costs? Because there are a hell of a lot of people that are. Better policies could have avoided that.

    • Yeah like not choking off our ability to drill our own for 16 years. I think we all agree we do need serious change.tommyo
    • I hope he brings it. I really do. I'm going to go work on my own economy now - time to get busy!tommyo
    • America doesn't have that much oil, and it's environmentally risky to obtain...joeth
    • We could be living on mostly renewable energy by now if it had the support it needed.joeth
    • America uses too much oil for domestic drilling to do much of anything for long.ETM
    • Really...I'd love to see pictures of your renewable energy car. Oil co's kept that from being a reality and gov did nothing...tommyo
    • we're stuck with oil dependence for a while. That's the reality. And drilling is not risky.tommyo
    • "Oil co's kept that from being a reality and gov did nothing." Exactly! Gov should've done something.joeth
    • Totally agree. We should have gone towards the technology decades ago. btw http://en.wikipedia.…tommyo
    • I'm not as anti-drilling as I am anti-Big Oil. They're making record profits off us, and we're letting them call the shots.joeth
    • I think all in all the oil companies are owned 85 - 90 percent by John Q Public. But yes, too much clout.tommyo
    • Who says they have to sell the oil drilled here to us? They can sell it to whoever they want!DCDesigns
    • It will help nothing, except for the Oil co's pockets...DCDesigns
  • BattleAxe0

    Voting Time

    • looks like it will pass 100yay-38nay so far 11 mins leftBattleAxe
    • Bastards. Did they at least get rid of that crap the Senate added to it?!?!tommyo