Climate Change
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- 569 Responses
- sted1
We should use plastic waste as payment, I am sure people would even fish for the micro-plastics in seawater.
- Too smartrobthelad
- Deposits on cans and bottles sort of achieve this - homeless people scour cities to cash them in. Not pretty, but a rounded sort of reasoning.Nairn
- to easy to recreate and generate wealth********
- this is the type of thinking of idiots running for public office with real belief they can change something. narrow views end only end game is what they see********
- the reality to is instill such a thing you change the entire eco system. does one invest in a country micro plastic market or bonds. specualtive nature into********
- any micro plastic farmer as a new gold miner, bit coiner. the value of legalized offerings. plenty of ways to game the system********
- so many ways teh person who would lay down the rule never gave it a tenth of thought********
- and if i remeber right you ar not american. hungarian i believe. think you know soemhting of gov promises and goals that dotn work out********
- NBQ001
Happy Earth Overshoot Day
- Hayzilla2
Bit of a side note to climate change, but I've always felt that all human waste/garbage/plastic should be granulated. In massive grinders. Turn everything into sand. Plastics can be used for roads, wood & paper burnt, food turned into fert. anything else can be buried. Should reduce the size of hole needed massively if granulated.
- In that form it can wreak havoc in the oceans. It currently is already.monospaced
- Well the idea is not to put the granules in the ocean innit!Hayzilla
- Interesting idea but most of the plastics/garbage we generate aren't stable enough for that type of reprocessing.ben_
- exactly to both points. plastic is not indefinitely recyclable. microplastic is ruining the ecosystem as it is being eaten and passed up the chainimbecile
- nothing good comes from hydrocarbonsimbecile
- They actually do grind up plastics and use them in roads in Scotland, Holland and Germany. Trouble is - what happens post-friction? More micro-plastic.Nairn
- imho, waste post- post- consumer, no-longer recyclable plastic should be burnt for fuel or buried for future processingNairn
- "nothing good comes from hydrocarbons" Your love of fixing up cars and motorbikes seems to defy that stance :)Nairn
- my willingness to ignore the evils of my happiness doesn't make the repercussions of my actions any less impactful. I know gas is bad, i just don't care.imbecile
- Ouch. Better fix up an old one than buy a Prius or Tesla though eh?MrT
- Nairn3
Slightly unbelievable figure, but even if it's 1% it'd be quite impressive..…
- so china, india and now africa.
https://earthobserva…uan - doing something in the right direction, while we still defending ideologies against another instead of focusing on solutions.uan
- This is crazy, they are pretending that intensive farming counts as "greening" - that would not be helping the environment. Also they talk about change inzarkonite
- greening... here in Canada we already have tons of forests, there's no room to grow. We're actually carbon negative, this kind of analysis isn't helping at all.zarkonite
- so china, india and now africa.
- R_Kercz3
Helpful earth temperature timeline from xkcd
- sted1
Climate Cage
- Bennn3
Very good article :…
For the people who believes climate change doesnt exist. think again.
- Bennn1
Underground cities are coming. Its cool in the ground.
- Ianbolton2
Why do we judge a country on its 'power'? We at least do this from a western perspective. It seems though, if we viewed things by 'competency', it would surely mean we change the tone in which we hold our own governments to a higher level of scrutiny. When you see the trajectories of say for example China, we begin to realise they seem to have at least some kind of goal/narrative they're working towards. Here in the UK we've spent 3 years concentrating on fucking Brexit and it seems America still don't believe in climate change.
We need a global narrative, yet we don't even trust our next door neighbour, nevermind a ruling government.
- Honestly, i think we're fucked. Humanz are too stupidz.Bennn
- but a global narrative would be from a single view point. and if wrong would ruin everything. or more than likely setup a path for complete control based on********
- goal narrative. freedoms could be crushed on whims and anything goes by those dictating to such goal/narrative.... hasnt this been done already?********
- strange it always find champions to repeat itself in a new angle, form, adage.********
- I don't agree. We all have our own inner stories, as we're narrative-driven species, and we're tribalistic in our nature - to some extent.Ianbolton
- But to say that a global narrative would be a dictatorship is assuming that everything is based around power and we're forced to believe in one truth.Ianbolton
- We all have our own individual stories that get us up in the morning, but i believe if governments came from a place of competency, not power, we'd be...Ianbolton
- way more inclined to see positives in a forward movement to be part of nature rather than see our goal to control nature.Ianbolton
- haha ian global narrative gov is a single truth. u seem to state people have all kinds of narratives, but jsut want a happy ppl to accept a gov global truth********
- willingly ignoring every for such difference of narratives. Think of it this way from a business perspective. Wouldnt it be great if all people just willingly********
- and without coercion choose our product. that is a pretty asinine conclusion. duterte has a vision and popular to get voted in killing a bunch of unsavory types********
- the competency of it makes sense for function of his rule. but not for rule of law. i think i see where your ideology may be trying to go. and some truth to it********
- hell kill all liberals we'd be a better unified place right :). but rule of law and individual rights is the western culture of real advancement********
- away from tribalism and true freedom unless its the hiccup of an era dicators have waited to pass. And jsut about hoping to have the right dictator********
- notesboy strikes again leaving many scratching their heads wondering what the shit this asshat is trying to actually say again.monospaced
- mono. quit riding my dick and add your response based on ians post. starting to think your gay bro********
- gay? really? you're a fucking idiotmonospaced
- well you like dick riding. maybe one of the other alphabet soup letters you are.********
- i dont know know. you do you but sometimes dick riding does nothin. try to get a opinion with any basis********
- like heres an example of how full of shit you are. you insult and try to assert your view as others that i make no sense. which is baseless. it displays********
- either you get it or you don't and you don't like it. and running form it like tom cruise gay thoughts.********
- if something was unclear and actually curious or didn't have a set opinion you would ask.typical educated solution..********
- but in all the times you engage you only do in insult. if ever challenged on a detail you ghost. you and trump with your realities might have more in common********
- than u know. Of course i never expect you to consider it for personal growth. some people just cant do it.********
- Haha. Wow! "How old are you?" would be a great thing to start/end this. Although I need to be careful incase you insinuate I ride Mono's dick. Which I obv doIanbolton
- Maybe you could lay out your arguments a little better for us to work out. How about with clearly bullet pointed explanations as to WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN?Ianbolton
- ian i explained why your utopia is fake. either there is a singel global narrative as china liek you point out or mutlipel narratives that embrace free markets********
- OR you have multipel narratives that jsut happen to coincide with a large narrative you like. probably unlikely though.********
- either way its a question of individuality or collectivism. again who says we all unite and kill off all cliamte alarmists and socialist woudl we not see a********
- a better future? the issue with all collective narratives is they are usually based on bias and bum statistics to validate actions.********
- and should also take into consideration the bg fear of monopoly in business. a single narrative is a monopoly. all problems are similar with it********
- is science a collective narrative?Ianbolton
- it very well can be but wont lump all science together. much of how we perceive of science is opinion. postman wrote a bunch of how our culture misinterprets********
- abotu how we perceive what is science and how we think of it back in the early 90s which still rings true to this day********
- have you ever wonder about collective opinions of a specific journal or peers in science? that is a collective narrative. and as such most collectives usually********
- form out of weak seeking power. and any narrative they have hardly deal with truth and more reflects hos it will effect themselves. since man looks out for self********
- interests and the whole wallstreet greed is good.unless you only believe the "bad" guys have self interest?********
- "Since man looks out for self"? I think you're missing the whole point of what I'm saying in that one statement. The only reason we are where we are today is...Ianbolton
- through our ability as a species to collaborate and to build group narratives. We are story led creatures. Do you still think evolution is an opinion?Ianbolton
- is this collaboration willingly? Any narrative will be built out of any collaboration willingly or unwillingly. A company in free to work state is different********
- than old slavery. and hard not to acknowledge ecomic edge slavery gave industry in labor********
- all sanctioned by gov approval.********
- i think evolution is a pretty solid hypothesis. see it in small scale, however i think in long term talking millions of years there are holes left unfullfilled.********
- but im fully on board with the survival of the fittest. which of the majority of people fittest largely comes down to capital.********
- the top 10% are scared of losing there ocean front property or island vaction homes and real estate they mroe than liekly will have the largest voice in order********
- to try and save them while they lobby gov to subsidize their interest and everyone elses costs. COme on what person living on 18K a year wants to pay $5 lb burg********
- er meat which is less healthy to protect nothign they own while the 10% dine on good old beef.********
- yeesh bad type. trying to watch netflix as i type. i own it. sorry. but think you get should still see where im going.********
- I'd say science is and clearly shows a willingness to collaborate, to further the understandings of what it is to be human. Beyond politics.Ianbolton
- id say its a perfect area to get into politics for funding and sell bias. its hard to have unconditional science in regards to funding********
- notesboy strikes again!monospaced
- You don't make sense, because you can barely type a coherent sentence, and on that point you will NEVER be able to show that I am wrong. Ever.monospaced
- lol @ you talking about an "educated decision" when you are uneducated and I am very educated. Fucking idiot.monospaced
- lol the idea of talking how educated you are is all i need to show your ignorance. thanks for proving my point********
- you don't have a point, though.monospaced
- i do. but dont worry abouting ducking for it.********
- wut?monospaced
- it is over your head... ducking... jeez i thought that was tee ball easy.********
- but ian seems to accept collaboration. He just ignoring the incentives of it. Ceo with many cheaply paid people is collaboration.********
- you are absolutely right about collaboration amongst humans but peopel collaborate willingly for what suit there INDIVIDUAL narrative********
- anyone preaching a group collaboration narrative has a closet case communist collectivist style agenda.********
- but i mean its so obvious you totally got that right mono? hahaha********
- PonyBoy2
Melting glaciers in the Russian Arctic reveal five new islands…
"The Navy first spotted the islands in 2016 using satellite imagery, but only confirmed and mapped them in August and September during an expedition to the site, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday."
- Bluejam7
- ExactlyBennn
- *slow claps.pango
- Next time, don't send the clown.Nairn
- ^ thisGnash
- PhanLo2
- utopian-2
- i_monk-2
Office Workers Post Photos Of Greta Thunberg Near Single-Use Items To Shame Employees
- https://www.zerohedg…********
- ^ By Tyler Durden ffsi_monk
- when boomers attackmoldero
- https://www.zerohedg…
- PhanLo4
Scifi.- Phan, let me tell u a secret but don't tell anyone. Australia has a real arson problem by people ranging in age from under 10 to 24 yrs, then in older age.robotron3k
- Added to that they litterally slashed land management 60%, down to $825 million for the ALL of Australia. And done by the Turnbull liberal party! Ouch!robotron3k
- Arson can start a fire but it doesn't explain fires spreading to the size of a small country. You need increased temps and drought for that to happen.yuekit
- What are you talking about robo? I don’t understand what you are getting at?thumb_screws
- thumb_screws - a bunch of climate change denying conspiracies are being trotted out that the fires were started intentionally, some suggested greens did it etclowimpakt
- Yeah aware of all the green blaming that the Coalition gov and Murdoch’s cronies have been falsely spouting.thumb_screws
- The situation is beyond fucked. Our current government is peppered with climate change denialists. The lack of leadership from a federal level has been awful.thumb_screws
- Robo is feeding the chooks! What a load of absolute bollocks!sab
- robotard comment of yearutopian
- well you fucked up the election, here are the consequences. a gov what shits on your face when real problems occur.sted
- they aren't just climate change denialists. just listen to this:… best answer at 5:00sted
- You dumbasses need a pope slap.…robotron3k
- Arson starts 50% fires in Aussie...…robotron3k
- lifestyle news... ahh u moron. people visit for gossip and celebrity news.sted
- He is telling you to get educated idiot.Hayoth
- Robo, eat shittank02
- Have “Robo” in your name is actually insult to Robots. It well known that Australian economy is based on fossil fuels. My girlfriend is currently at parents...necromation
- Outside Sydney and in 40 years this the hottest it’s ever been. They all know this is a few bush fire set by kids. Everything is dry! Her folks birds died...necromation
- Died outside the other day, from the heat. Right wing government Deny’s the fact to keep getting kick backs. This gov is gonenecromation
- *Correction - the folks know this NOT a few fires set by kids!necromation
- here in melborune everything smelled like ash the other day, and it turned out that large area is burning 2 hours from the cbdsted
- but it's raining right now. i guess u guys in Sidney aren't this lucky :(sted
- dying reef, drought, country burning, people burning, mass death of animals, homes reduced to ash, 42˚ days in major cities.....inteliboy
- and robo trolls this forum with some shit about arsons. psychopath.inteliboy
- Unfortunately there is some truth in what robo is saying arson.thumb_screws
- That data is over 10 years old and by no means definitive.thumb_screws
- links are down there with those from the Daily MailMrT
- Yes arsons have been lighting fires for centuries. Maybe lets start an arson thread. Worry about all the arsons. Clearly that is the solution to the problem.inteliboy
- Im by no means saying stopping arson and problem solved.thumb_screws
- I read the comment before reading the name. Fucking knew it was Robotard.Hayzilla
- lowimpakt0
this is a 100 year temperature trend (1910 - 2010) in Australia from the Government's Bureau of Meterology
Also 2019 was their hottest year on record
- The right wing, God fearing, racist, low IQ, Russian Lovin', Trumptards .... refer to this as fake news. Just watch Fox News.utopian
- So 45-47 C but if it hits 50 C we'll have an entire continent lost to climate changegrafician
- Australia government are idiots too https://www.thejakar…robotron3k
- Send your money now! No time to wait! The planet is already died but your money can jump start poster making for protests. Posters protect the planet!robotron3k
- whats a 1000 look like or a 100,000? relevance of perspective. not to mention logistical data measurements on short timeline********
- a few years in a short time span would make people think the world is ending extrapolating the data... remember global cooling before our ages********
- The Arsonists would be a good band name…robotron3k
- robotron3k-8
Definitely the sun has some blame but finally someone writing about the possible causes of the fires. That's because 85+% of the "climate change" fires all happen off roads and near populated areas. They should make a list of local Australian arsonist to keep track of them, it's a pretty destructive hobby.
Arsonist fever in Australia…
The liberals made Land Management efforts to control fires illegal
- california fires? arsonists too? amazon?renderedred
- Siberia? Africa? Spain? Greece?
GLOBAL ARSONIST CONSPIRACYNairn - Mainstream political conservatism is primarily represented by the Liberal Party of Australia. The Labor party is the left wing party over there.T-Dawg
- Fires happen all the time, in most warm and dry places. The point is less about their occurence more their extent and severity.Nairn
- Just not to confuse this with US politics where liberals = democrats.T-Dawg
- In Greece many fires were started by landowners wanting to circumvent very strict land use laws that protect forestsGnash
- Major forest fire is natural & necessary. We have made fires more brief but intense through suppression & prevention, which allows forests to store up 'fuel'********
- I know that playing dumb while knowing better is good for getting a rise, but, this is really stupid stuff, robo. Bit worried you actually believe it.Fax_Benson
- The greens have 1 seat. But yeah sure, blame them. And arsonists. Which have been around since the dawn of mankind.inteliboy
- Also harbingers daily? Lol.inteliboy
- Is it really that hard to understand? No one ever claimed climate change caused spontaneous combustion of the forests.yuekit
- Something (arson, power lines, etc) caused the fires and then record-setting hot, dry weather caused them to grow into the giant inferno you're seeing now.yuekit
- https://www.theguard…yuekit
- ********-1
- Ask yourself how many mining and oil companies failed on the road to its current state, all while taking big money subsidies. A century's worth.T-Dawg
- We all know know new industry comes with hard lessons and failures. That's part of the deal.T-Dawg
- ah yes sacrifices. tdawg. nuthin new nor claims of their virtues. we all know one must break an egg for an omlette********
- and as the article states is the defense of such an issue. but i doesnt question the role of gov to user public funds for venture capital that may promote their********
- political aims. im still a free market capitalist and support private investment. take tesla market cap for an example. a complete********
- casino shit show and waste of money, but like a casino private funds. or shittard pensioners who should know better********
- oil, mining, farming and even the early railroad should have all been private. and you will get better returns becuase simply private capital has more self********
- interests. fundamentally speaking. of course there is plenty of private capital backed by public capital in various schemes and becoming a more popular route********
- for mitigating risk. and plenty of political people selling such risk mitigation for campaign payouts. reid is a great example in nv********
- from his land contracts to basic dairy farming. he only did what put money in his pocket book than ate shti excercising in a bathroom********
- and tried to sue the seller of the cheap as seller of runner bands. Something funny in it all really.********
- Maybe t-dwag you need to explain why its good for an elected official to funnel subsidies and public funds to a single industry?********
- do they really do it out of greater good, or personal incentives. is it smart to risk all on one thing? should we really go all in on edison DC?********
- should we ignore fallibility of elected officials?********
- and can you even make a comparison of oil/mining that had nearly a billion that failed? Who failed and to how much?********
- was it federally funded or by local state voting? Big difference on those 2.********
- When did public officials ever pump funds into a single industry? It's part of a budget, a piece of the pie. Nothing else was funded those years?T-Dawg
- Fallabilty is also part of the deal. Along with integrity, incentives. Do you hold government officials solely responsible?T-Dawg
- How about the voters that put them there? Or the non-voters that let special interests have their way?T-Dawg
- I find it strange that you seem to focus on this single industry, when the concerns you mention are universally applicable.T-Dawg
- I'm all for more responsibility in government spending but through accountability rather than throwing out the baby with the bathwater.T-Dawg
- What's your intent behind specifically posting this? To have someone bite so you can talk about our lord and savior the free market?T-Dawg
- Uhm always public officials pump funds into single industries. Especially where prevalent to their campaign funds...********
- do you forget obama and corn ethanol?********
- and yes i hold gov officials wholly responsible for hamstringing the private investment, incentives and desires of the people for what they think may work********
- and voters are quite dumb. why i don't support democracy but rule of law, and against gov financial roles in developing enterprise in what they think is good.********
- that shit is so china backwards. and yes my concerns are very universal and without hypocrisy. Gov finds it abortion economically unsuitable or payout by groups********
- subsidize certain behaviors and rig the rules and procedures that are politically acceptable for voters to accept regardless wether right or wrong********
- or any reason behind it. And you never made a solid point allowing gov to pick industry winners over free markets...********
- you only questioned wether it was bait for free markets. bait? well i hope so that people still have sense of reason. Havent forsaken the baby in the water********
- completely yet .. if you get that. I think you jsut cant get past your id politics. The idea you might be "evil" socially if you don;t agree. you know the********
- whole climate ID politics are quite similar to nigger lovers or gays politics. jsut tweaked a little bit. ID politics with popular times. funny seeing the trap********