Proud dads...

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  • 525 Responses
  • CALLES20

    He did it! he sat up

    • How old is he now? Ours sits quite contentedly, but getting there is often an amusingly chaotic struggle...Nairn
    • he will be 5 months next weekCALLES
    • I've reproduced. Sprouted. Still kind of wildCALLES
    • Congrats. Next step: roll over.monospaced
    • Welcome to child ownership brother!ideaist
    • Welcome to child ownership bother!Nairn
    • woah... congrats, our youngest one is now 14, can't remember when my daugthers were this little, they grow, enjoy every second!OBBTKN
    • 14 yo, obv.OBBTKN
    • still wondering how an ugly guy like you can generate such intelligent eyes and sweet little nose. maybe those aren't yours :D congratulations to the two of yousted
    • CONGRATS!!!JackRyan
    • lol @stedjaylarson
    • LOL Sted.

      thanks guys
    • did you take him on his first donkey ride yet?utopian
    • He's almost ready to get a job and put some money on the light bill.BonSeff
    • :D congrats!!! Your dick works!!!!pango
    • congrats!ernexbcn
    • mazel tovben_
    • Beautiful
      Enjoy every moments.
      My daughter is now 18. They are so precious.
    • dude, congrats, such a cute baby!_niko
    • congrats bro..fatherhood is fucking awesome :) my kids are now 16 (maya) and 13 (max) and it just gets more fun as they get older :)exador1
  • tank029

    Making a book every 6 months of the little shrimp

    • wow, that is awesome.BonSeff
    • That's a great idea!dmay
    • cool!renderedred
    • Thanks for making me feel like shit about NOT doing something similar @tank02!

    • Shit I’m lazy I guess. I just slap my favorite photos into and click Buy.noRGB
  • BonSeff3

  • BonSeff5

    Merry Christmas & what not, Whichever your religion, I hope your kiddos are filled with wonder and surprises

  • canoe3

    My 5 year old is coloring in his workbook and he glances to my screen as I'm going through logo directions I designed... he says, "go back" and he points to the logo he likes... and it was my fav or the group too.

    Awe, my little guy likes my taste!

  • dbloc25

    2 New Additions to the family

    Maxon Hurst Brown
    Born @ 8:58am
    6lb 2oz
    18" 3/4 long

    Cy Denson Brown
    Born @ 9:01am
    7lb 6oz
    20" long

    • Welcome! Handsome boys you've got there, and you can tell they already have a secret between them :)monospaced
    • wow, amazing, congrats dude!
      I don't know much about twin birth but that seems super close together. I heard it can take 30 minutes between births or more
    • amazing - they look so alert!
      Massive congrats dude
    • ^ niko, me a twin, 11mins between.shapesalad
    • But that is close! Double the trouble, congrats!shapesalad
    • I'm a twin, with only 2 minutes between.monospaced
    • It was a c-section so they pulled them both out pretty quicklydbloc
    • congrats to you & mama, hope everyone is healthyBustySaintClaire
    • double congrats!!zaq
    • they look like PSD mockupsutopian
    • congrats dblocutopian
    • Congrats! Daddy dblocbezoar
    • Whoa! Welcome to the twin club. Are they identical? Mine are nearly 5. I'd tell you how challenging it is, but everyone else is going to tell you that.mathinc
    • The best part about twins is witnessing that bond. It's like nothing else. Every night is a slumber party. They're an unbreakable unit. If I scold one of them,mathinc
    • the other one defends her. They're bolder because they have each other. It's neat to witness it.mathinc
    • jesus h christ they look like plastic dolls. is that in phone shit or just the lightdeathboy
    • Congrats in stereo!mort_
    • go away deathboymonospaced
    • congrats! they look like mini Kraftwerk.uan
    • So amazing to see such strong expression on both of them! So lovely!
    • Keep them BOTH away from QBN as long as you can! Welcome to child ownership!!!ideaist
    • Congrats, twins are definitely an interesting ride. Mine are 11, and for the record were born 4 mins apart, with the second one a breach birth.evilpeacock
    • Big congrats to your family! They look so alert at such a young age. Best friends for life!nocomply
    • Congrats x 2!stoplying
    • Thanks all we're excited and very sleep depriveddbloc
    • @mathinc. they are fraternaldbloc
    • Congrats! Enjoy the ride!!!Krassy
    • awesome!moldero
    • Congrats! Fraternal twin here as well. Enjoy the ride!BonSeff
  • slinky2

    Does anyone have a child with Trichotillomania (pulling out hair)? Our 8yr old son has been dealing with it for about 6 months. (goes along with his major anxiety/adhd/ocd struggles)...

    anyone have success with helping child stop?

    • Did all theses symptoms just start 6 months ago? Do you remember if he had strep or some other staph infection then?Gnash
    • pulling started at about 6 months ago... major increased anxiety started a couple years ago (has had anxiety disorder for entire life)...slinky
    • never confirmed for strep, but we are looking into PANDAS/PANS and Bartonella.slinky
  • fadein1125

    Me and my youngest last Christmas.

    • word upBonSeff
    • same eyes - and suggest same eye color. but i am not 100% sure on this pic... +1api
    • aww :)jagara
    • You look surprisingly.. unsurprising. I was expecting dreads or a missing tooth or some sort of DIY forehead scarification, but nup, nuttin'.Nairn
    • Just, Dad.

    • haha, that tickled me.fadein11
    • ;)

      Good to finally have a face to the name.
      If for future PSing, if nothing else.
    • it did cross my mind in the moment of sentimental weakness :)fadein11
  • moldero50

    I'm famous now

    • haha greatutopian
    • yessssinteliboy
    • every kid needs a dad like that and
      a yt channel to show the torture :)
    • "Is he Japanese?" my partner just asked as she walked in as I watched this, lol
      Love it, mold.
    • Because Mother Russia loljaylarson
    • I've been playing this with my kids last couple weeks.. you guys just taught me you can get the soup from the pot with a plate.. Mind BLown!dee-dubs
    • Should get some incentive money from the qoob.ben_
    • Newstoday Tee too! :)microkorg
    • looking at her channel, she has probably have done more work in a year that most of us herezaq
    • Your daughter got my boy hooked on Slime Rancher! :)Melanie
    • Get on Twitch!jaylarson
    • Just saw it lolpango
    • Awesomebezoar
    • amazing! and the shirt!prophetone
    • THE SHIRT!ArchitectofFate
    • damn that shirt hahaernexbcn
    • haha, that is so cool!Fabricio
    • Yes!! Muy buena Moldero...OBBTKN
    • bahahahahans_glib
    • Haha amazing man love itpedromendez
    • Haha nice Moldy.
      I kept seeing Borat when you spoke.
    • damn front page!! lol thanks guys!!moldero
    • Wawaweewa!moldero
    • Old-skool All Your Base reference!evilpeacock
    • Brilliant man! Was jumping around to see if your fake accent ever broke lol_niko
    • is not fake, i crush you!moldero
    • ha! :)_niko
    • Looks like a truly fun time together with your daughter. Well done!stoplying
    • First!Bennn
    • haha, this is brilliant :)fadein11
    • Loving the OG NT tshirtBaskerviIle
  • Nairn3

    Midget Nairn is beginning to stand unsupported and make a few steps, especially if she has a target to reach for (as you'd expect, I guess).

    Got a call from Mrs Nairn earlier today - apparently Midget Nairn shouted "Mama! Mama!" which made me well up a bit, stuck as I am here in a cold workshop away from my wee fam.

    Father of Nairn won't be so chuffed - he's already less than impressed by the prospect of Midget Nairn's first words being in Italian, rather than English, haha.

    • Kind of glad first word is Mama! Especially given I've been trying to get her to say the three Cs of European linguistic civility -
      "Catzo, Coño and Cunt"
    • *Cazzo, even - tsssk, Nairn.Nairn
    • Father of Nairn should start speaking Spanish to get Midget Nairn confused, what later will make her/him pick the most obvious language: English.sted
    • As it happens, Father of Nairn's lived in Spain for thirty-odd years and Spanish is one of the languages Mrs Nairn speaks (putting Nairn utterly to shame) :)Nairn
    • how old is the bairn now?monospaced
    • 11 months this week.She's nearly a year old. I've no idea where the fuck time's gone. I get it now, all the parents saying "treasure this time" etc. So short.Nairn
    • According to this, she's on track:
    • Poor little fucker already understands 'No' from her Dad's panicked 'NO!' when she's pulling shit off shelves.
      Also: Need better shelves.
    • Mine is just past 2 years now. Nearly full on conversations. It’s crazy.monospaced
  • Nairn2

    One thing I find weird: In most content referring to infants (online and in books, youtubes etc), they invariably presume to refer to the infant as male "At x months point he should be.." blah blah.

    I find it really odd.

    I thought the accepted form in language generally was to assume the feminine gender?

    • stopcanoe
    • what?Nairn
    • The traditional was to assume male but I see it the other way around more and more over the years. I suppose it is up to the author now.monospaced
  • DaveO3

    I was doing phonics with my kid the other day and we started spelling words out.. Kind of amazing seeing him add up the letters and start 'reading' – even if it's rudimentary, still highly mindblowing!

  • timeless3

    Had a few proud moments this year –

    • our son decided, without letting us know, to take entrance tests to get into advanced placement art, math and an academically talented class that meets during lunch, he got into all of them, never told us, found out in passing conversation when he said he needed to work on a project for his AT group

    • went to see him perform at band performance, there's no written program, just announced what's next. Kids standing up doing solo songs, the group doing songs together. The next thing we hear "Up next we have Firstname Lastname with his rendition of "This land is your land" - well it was almost comical how we looked grasping for our phones not knowing he had a solo. We knew he was performing this song, he was practicing like crazy, and doing great. We just didn't know it was a solo!

    typing it out like this makes me think we're not doing something right, like we're missing some big things in his life, this just proves that he's not mine, or that he takes after his mom: I had won an award when I was young, but not that young, I was one of many "recipients". I said to my mom, I know I'm a recipient, I can't wait to go to the dinner to see who actually wins!"

    • I'm not doing something right - that last paragraph doesn't make sense to mecanoe
  • nocomply15

    There is a small silver lining to all this doom and gloom and quarantine. I know a lot of us are spending a lot more time than anticipated with our kids.

    Yesterday I rode bikes with my older son (age 5) for the first time... Meaning, like, he rode his bike all on his own and I took my single-speed out for a spin with him.

    In all of our past excursions I've had to walk because I've needed to be there to help him pedal, steer, and keep the rubber side down. But we've put in a lot of practice time together this past week with some major results.

    He's currently riding with 1 single training wheel which he's afraid to remove, but he's tearing up the track like a speed demon!

    We rode to a school parking lot around the corner and did "races" there. We stayed out for over 90 minutes. He was so excited to have a riding buddy. I told him I was too.

    • Very nice!stoplying
    • great! sounds like quality time! :)api
    • Our whole family rides 2X a day, keeps us sane!

    • Sweet whip there, Davey!nocomply
    • Dear World: More notes like this, please. Sincerely, Everybodyzarb0z
    • Nice! Hope his biking is life long!BustySaintClaire
    • Thank you for posting this. And congrats! +1maquito
    • Stoked for you, its such a good feeling, everything else melts away. Me and my 9yo hit the pump track at dawn before anyone gets there to ride our BMXs. Best.slappy
    • :.)Nairn
    • Thanks all! 2 weeks later now. No training wheels. He's purposefully steering into puddles and gravel patches for that extra thrill factor.nocomply
  • maquito0

    a little motivated by the post of nocomply (really nice!) I might tell you I find myself in a difficult situation to evaluate and not to mention to modify, with a son of almost 2 years of age who is in the care of his young grandparents (my in-laws), Every day from 9am to 6pm, with a closed kindergarten, and a very difficult scenario at his parents' house: both with management positions, working from home, unable to be with him during all those hours. The weird part is that it’s almost the same day-to-day that when we were working on-site, but it really feels weirder while staying at home, thinking “we should be able to have him here”. Just an open hearted thought here, since I perceive I might not be the only dad coping with these feelings rn.

    • It's a long time to be away from your boy, but you're very lucky to have the help! We've got our 2.5 year old and our 5 year old home with us 24/7...nocomply
    • My wife and I are trying to run our business as usual while doing full-time child care, and basically, we can't. It's just not possible.nocomply
    • It's difficult and frustrating, but I try to look on the bright side of those daily bike rides when I can.nocomply
  • duckseason25

    I'm a dad!

    • Welcome to child ownership @duckseason!!!

    • wow% what a cutie :D
      job well done :) congrats!
    • Congratulations.webazoot
    • She's precious! Congrats!nocomply
    • Congrats! Welcome to the best part of your life. :)mg33
    • Congratulations, and welcome to the club! Let us know if you have any questions.monospaced
    • All the best to all of you. Have fun.
      (And have some sleep as long as you can :))
    • Congrats!Krassy
    • Congrats!PhanLo
    • Congrats! Next month it’s my turn :)dmay
    • thank you for the good news! all the best!api
    • wow! congrats!renderedred
    • Congrats! We're 36 weeks today, getting close ourselves. Happy for ya...whatthefunk
    • Congrats!bezoar
    • Awesome news.. Welcome to Gen Cautoflavour
    • congrats!!!loool
    • congrats!!!loool
    • Get out of internet now, and go to sleep ;) Congratulations to your wife and, ok, you too... Enjoy!!OBBTKN
    • Welcome to your new life!stoplying
    • Beautiful lil'duckling!
      Enjoy! x

      ps. I dig those shoes.
    • congrats!!!!!moldero
  • Bindegal1

  • mg334

    My son will be 3 in June. He is ADDICTED to all things cars, super possessive of all his toy cars, wants to watch nothing but car videos on YouTube. He always says "I want to watch baby cars!" it's so cute.

    I'm indifferent to cars for the most part, I like Formula 1 and lots of classic cars, but I'm already preparing myself for his childhood being all about cars, and my life being all about the ensuing co-learning of all things trucks, cars, wheels, etc.

    • Ah, cool! My son is more into animated videos, and I can't believe how many there are out there. It's insane.mg33
    • i don't have children myself, but i am an "uncle" to many. I've bought bikes, helmets, even beginner motorcycles for friend's kids. Children racing is awesome!imbecile
    • Sounds familiar. My boy gravitated towards driving ANYTHING. He now races karts. It's so much fun. We bike together too.aslip
    • My son is obsessed with cars. He'll be 2 1/2 this June. His Matchbox collection is pretty ace right now :)monospaced
  • aslip20

    This past month in quarantine has been some amazing bonding time with my family. My little girl has taken to woodworking. She helped build a workshop and even created her own little table to give to Grandma as a gift. Work from home is AMAZING!

    • nice drivewayhotroddy
    • awesome!moldero
    • Her table is nicer than your workbench. ;) Good job both of you. Teach her now about eye protection, she will thank you someday.lemmy_k
    • Building good memories!PhanLo
    • Nice! Needs more qbn stickersGnash
    • Thumbs up!stoplying
    • go girl! better carpentry than JesusBustySaintClaire
    • Look at how clean that drive way is!pango
    • That's cool man!Calderone2000
    • very kool!neverscared
    • Thanks! She's killing it. Lemmy... She wore glasses except this part of the project. I let it slide. Not much danger in a tabletop palm sander.aslip
    • Thanks! She's killing it. Lemmy... She wore glasses except this part of the project. I let it slide. Not much danger in a tabletop palm sander.aslip
  • moldero6

    My daughter and I broke Quarantine.
    we're having so much fun doing these

    • lol at the graphic. although you could be raising psychopath the important part is your bonding with herhotroddy
    • I cant wait to do this with my daughter!eryx