making beats

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  • lodef0…

    new demo for the '123' video. still just trying things out. I was saving this disco ball for other projects but realized it was perfect for this. C4D and AE.

  • ApeRobot3

    Just released a new beats compilation.
    It's on all streaming platforms for those who care. ;-)

  • canoe1

    Can you imagine how hollow it would feel to have AI make your music? You'll never feel accomplished. It's how we're built, we can't lie to ourselves. And there's also another thing about humanity, nobody gets away with anything. Sooner or later, whether you're a graphic designer or musician, once your peers find out you lied about how you developed your work, you will be canceled.

    • drake has ghostwriters, millions of dollars, and just got exposed by kdot. jobs didn't build anything, musk doesn't know how to build anything.imbecile
    • music is a product to be sold to most people. as much as an art as it is, it has been heavily commodified.imbecile
    • Difficult to take any pride in someone (something) else's work. imo music only needs to be sold to yourself, let's get real, even the top artists make naff now.prophetone
    • Drake's a performer, which is fine, good for him, but pushing artistic, musical boundaries he is not.prophetone
    • Old news I guess.prophetone
    • my point was canoe's sentiment is personal as a musician,. one that is not shared by those who seek to profit from "soulless" musicimbecile
  • microkorg1

    Canoe, it all depends on HOW you use and disclose the use of AI.

    Use AI as THE way to create music, art, literature and trying to pass it off as your own work, then yes you're a fraud if you DON'T disclose such.

    If you DO disclose such and are completely open about it and your fans/collectors know this and still like the work then you're not defrauding anyone. Where is the problem? Other than your own integrity as an artist to yourself haha.

    Or you use AI as PART of a creative process...

    Being 20+ years as a designer I am familiar to using stock photo libraries, contracting freelance photographers/illustrators/copyw... to help me achieve my goal to a high standard. And that's the way I use AI in my art and music - like an assistant / freelancer. I see it as being a way to hold onto your integrity as an artist and creator whilst using AI. I have to still put in a lot of time planning, crafting a brief, creative direction, artworking etc.

    When it comes to music production for soundtracks for art I've done some that are just pure audio outputs. But for others I've prompted ai for specific individual sounds - bassdrum, hats, synth melody, spoken word samples then compiled everything in Ableton live.
    This is like using AI as a custom sample library.

    I'm keen to try using Udio to be a virtual crate for digging. Prompting it to generate jazz, soul, funk etc loops or tracks. And use them in a traditional sense of sampling.
    Or even split the stems in Logic/Koala and sample individual stems for use in hiphop/triphop tracks.
    In doing this I'd be working with great tracks/loops/hooks with inspiration taken from the best musicians, tracks, breaks to generate royalty free samples.

    • How far should disclosure of the use of 'AI' extend? Should artists be disclosing if they used the 'House Drumbeat Generator'...microkorg
    • plugin for Ableton Live as part of their creative process?
      Or if they used the 'assistants' now available in Logic?
    • most producers hire musicians and generatively create tracks. the musicians rarely get a 'writing' credit - i've had tracks formed around loops i've played,kingsteven
    • then later in the process the part re-recorded and not received any credit at all. or singers take my bassline as vocal melody then i'm forced to write anotherkingsteven
    • bassline... and as much as i'd like a small credit I realise that it's part of the process. and not really what song writing/ performance credits are for.kingsteven
    • seems daft to even consider crediting AI - but may shift tastes toward producers who are transparent about their process - tbh i think that's already the case.kingsteven
    • bbl drizzy uses an ai generated lyric sampled from a comedian. it is the core of a $10k competitionimbecile
  • imbecile0