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- 3,725 Responses
- PhanLo0
- Didn't realise this was so old. Sorry.PhanLo
- Looks like an early 90's Flash animation.BusterBoy
- Your account has been deactivated for 6 months, that'll teach you ;PBennn
- :-(PhanLo
- Fanboy Film®utopian
- No way "90's Flash animation". This is simple but very thought out. 90's Flash anim's weren't like this.NBQ00
- Ha********
- utopian0
- some good points. Not being capable of playing 1080p video in 2018 is ridiculous.BusterBoy
- Much worse is Apple's decision not to include a quick-charge adapter for their $1000+ iPhones. WTF. Everybody else does it.NBQ00
- 2:50. I'd say battery life is one of the reasons. The XR has a longer life.Hayzilla
- does one really need 1080P on a phone?Gnash
- He looks really upset about the 1080p issue. Years ago we didn't even have camera's on phones - and no one gave a shit.shapesalad
- $100 bucks says side-by-side the motherf*cker couldn't tell the difference of 720 and 1080 on a phone. that's a jokehobgoblin
- lol who the fuck is going to notice. though nerds gonna nerd.inteliboy
- Nobody probably noticing but for a $700+ phone you'd still expect 1080P.NBQ00
- why though nbq00? for a $700+ phone i expect - large storage, great camera, lightning fast speed, vr, haptic.hobgoblin
- if i wanted 1080p vid i'd watch it on my hd television. not a handheld device.hobgoblin
- It's just a phone.ideaist
- lol at all your "expectations"imbecile
- Not only HD is needed on phone but 4K is because you stream from your phone to a TV at home. If you're not, you're wasting a huge feature of your phone.CyBrainX
- not if your tv or laptop can stream for you.hotroddy
- laptop doesn't necessarily have all the content on the phonemonospaced
- I didn't realize the the screen res of the phone dictates the res when streaming to a tv -- I assumed it was like apple TV and matched the res of the outputGnash
- He makes money stirring shit like that.raf
- Do I remember it right: Samsung gives its phones a higher ppi but also adds a toggle allowing people not to use it because it eats up battery?raf
- Hayzilla1
^ FFS I was actually excited about updating my iPhone 6 after 4 years.
Am going to get the XR one as I'm happy to trade more memory & better camera that comes with the XS for a bigger phone, longer battery & keeping £400 in my pocket.
- monospaced2
Really disappointed that they got rid of Touch ID completely. I prefer using a fingerprint to unlock my phone over having it unlock, whether I like it or not, every time I pick it up and it sees my face. Sometimes I just want to see what time it is. If it unlocks every time, then it becomes a slight hinderance, in my opinion.
- Did yours ever work 100% (or even like 75%) of the time monospaced? I never had great luck with it and now it's "dust in the wind" technology...
*sigh*ideaist - yes, Touch ID works 90% of the time. only issue was when finger was wet ... not really understanding the downvotes here either, it's just an opinionmonospaced
- ^ same. the only time it didn't work was when finger was wet. otherwise I like it and prefer to just check notifications without unlocking the phoneGnash
- You're doing it wrong. Looking at it doesn't unlock it and go to the home screen you have to initiate the swipe up. If you just wan to look at time just tap it.ArmandoEstrada
- I like the touch id thing very much. works on my macbook too. How's the face recognition with beards?Morning_star
- I'm in the habit of my thumb landing on the touch id as i pull my phone from my pocket. face id can't do that. :(imbecile
- @Armando, thanks. I'm not doing anything wrong, btw, since I don't use an iPhone with Face recognition. Requiring a swipe ALSO is a hinderance.monospaced
- Great news then: you don't have to upgrade your phone, your iPhone 6 still does the job.raf
- #SEimbecile
- SE is newer than 6. In fairness, 5s is doing great on iOS 12.raf
- I’m on the 8. It’s not even a year old yet.monospaced
- But when I am ready to upgrade in a year or so, I know there won’t be Touch ID.monospaced
- I'm not even ready to say good bye to the headphone jack.raf
- The headphone thing is so annoying. Plus, the new macs need a DONGLE to connect the flagship iPhone, or their own lightning headphones. Makes no sense.monospaced
- Did yours ever work 100% (or even like 75%) of the time monospaced? I never had great luck with it and now it's "dust in the wind" technology...
- NBQ00-2
- utopian-3
- ********1
ah shit, I really like the dark mode in osx mojave and may try to upgrade a 2011 macbook pro with it.
not sure if i should.... hmmm
- Honestly I’m not sure you even can. My 2012 iMac won’t even accept High Sierra.monospaced
- Surprising.I have 8g of ram********
- I have 32 in the iMac. It’s more about not supporting older hardware in general. At some point it they stop accepting new OS updates.monospaced
- I looked it up. Your 2011 MacBook Pro won’t accept it.…monospaced
- 1yep. im out. the iphone x is prob more powerful than my laptop********
- mg332
Up and running on the XS. I’m on the subscription payment plan so it was a no brainer to upgrade from the X. It’s funny they there’s no noticeable difference to it physically at all; the shift from the iPhone 7 to the X was dramatic and exciting. If it weren’t for the XS feeling a tad bit faster and you put this in my hand without me knowing, I wouldn’t notice a difference.
- NBQ003
Mojave with dark mode available later today, yay. Haven't been excited for a OS update in a long time. Been waiting for a true dark mode since ages. Finally!
- I agree on this point, BUT my Mac Pro (Mid 2012) doesn't have a metal-compatible graphics card.
Let me/us know how glorious it is NBQ00.ideaist
- I agree on this point, BUT my Mac Pro (Mid 2012) doesn't have a metal-compatible graphics card.
- hotroddy0
After 1 year of usage on 2017 Macbookpro my keyboard is slowly deteriorating. Some keys don't respond and other keys will register twice after hitting key once.
- https://www.macrumor…
you get a new one.uan - thanks uan. gonna try thathotroddy
- https://www.macrumor…
- ideaist2
I know we're a rare breed, BUT I have a 2012 "cheese grater" Mac Pro with a non-metal compatible graphics card (only thing I never upgraded).
Anyone in the same boat?
- Anyone with advice on something compatible that would do that trick (on the cheap)?
Lolzideaist - Thank you Upvoter / Emotionally conscious ex-Downvoter!
; )ideaist - cheese graters are the bestimbecile
- My cheesgrater died, ended up getting an iMac. What sort of work are you doing?PhanLo
- I love this old piece of shit Mac.
Design, development but with a bit of photography, video, etc. so a graphic card WILL be a good investment...ideaist - ...IF I either:
1. Get an iMac / iMac Pro ($$$)
2. Wait for the "next" Mac Pro / Mac Mini / "Who the fuck knows Apple Product X"
3. Switch careers.ideaist - Sorry, "IF" should have read "UNLESS"; not sure how THAT happened.
: )ideaist - https://motherboard.…imbecile
- I have no idea what any of what you wrote means, but I use a Mac pro 1,1 on a daily basis. Does that count?hans_glib
- @imbecile, you're a genius!
; )ideaist - You can upgrade the internals I to a mackintosh or Linux machine/ render farm********
- You can upgrade the internals into a hackintosh/Linux/win machine or make it a render farmmm********
- have you tried this site? https://eshop.macsal…zarkonite
- I have @zarkonite; get all my ssd's from their.
*thumbsup*ideaist - Some EGVA and PNY cards work with '12 Macs. Try to research some 960/970 models. Don't invest too much money.mekk
- CPU will bottleneck any fast card and most of our creative software do not profit from faster GPU's.mekk
- Anyone with advice on something compatible that would do that trick (on the cheap)?
- utopian-2
- NBQ003
Dig the new Mojave dark mode and some of the new features. Now if only QBN would give us a dark mode *wink wink".
- NBQ001
- sponsored by a piece of software you don't want on your macuan
- If you mean "CleanMyMac" tool it's actually good. I use it.NBQ00
- of course you do, you like content they sponsor, did you clicked the add to get it?uan
- Nah, I used CleanMyMac since years. It's not a ad-ware/ spam-ware as you may think.NBQ00
- NBQ000
- Apple chick of the dayThe_Reprisalizer
- She's a Saint. St. Evesarahfailin
- its amazing how attractive you look when you bank balance is bigger than most small countries..autoflavour
- Don't think that applies to her. She's attractive with or without money.NBQ00
- she is cuteApeRobot
- shes a total babe. Jobs' best work.********
- docpoz approves.NBQ00
- mg330
I was all ready to update my iMac last night, but my SoundToys plugins for Logic Pro apparently don't work right with the new OS; they even sent out an email asking people not to upgrade until the bugs are ironed out..
- My main update reason was to see if the Messages wrong order bug was fixed. Otherwise no real reason to update & I've spotted 1 new Finder bug so far.The_Reprisalizer
- The SoundToys thing sounded like it was mostly a Dark Mode issue, which is probably the biggest feature developers will have to update their apps for.evilpeacock
- I'm not coming off of 10.12.6 until I have to.section_014
- I'll probably update my new MBP first. Don't run Logic on that. Would have last night but storms knocked out our Internet.mg33
- Bennn-1
- Is he what Brits call a knob?mg33
- Dull-minded Apple fanboy sheep...please downvote to the right you fucking retards!utopian
- whofuckingcares.gifhans_glib
- he got a point tho, Apple should let users turn that offBennn
- He's got a point. Cunts.Hayzilla
- Apple thinks their users are ugly & old.NBQ00
- @mg33 -- yeah or simply a cunt.mugwart
- apple shouldn't be doing thismugwart
- autoflavour-2
fuck, literally 2 weeks out of warranty and my 2017 MacBook Pro speaker has blown.. everything sounds garbage now.
not to mention, without my laptop everything grinds to a halt.. so .. fuck you apple
- autoflavour-2
- she has that porn star look in her eyesautoflavour
- Sure that's her? Must've been from when she was much younger then.NBQ00
- maybe not.. it was from this.. https://www.thefamou…autoflavour
- It is her, just younger.NBQ00
- her shit don't stankutopian
- I bet her shit smells like sweet fairy dust marshmallowsNBQ00
- That's Barbara Palvin.Luda