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- utopian0
Apple is still scamming one dumb fanboy at time.
- Black nitrile gloves advertisementbezoar
- Don't get your Merc repaired at a Mercedes dealership.Hayzilla
- my 3 year old phones audio suddenly started to glitch out last week, took it into Apple, they replaced it for free. come at me hater.inteliboy
- My iphone became inaudible on calls a couple months ago. Took it to a small place in town. They took it apart cleaned it out and replaced the mesh for £12.Hayzilla
- ok_not_ok1
- they should call this a music pod... or maybe an ‘i-pod’prophetone
- Congratulations, you just invented the 2004 iPod mini!fooler
- NBQ000
Holy hell... I just spent $100 bucks for the AC USB-C adapter (MacBook Pro). And it didn't even come with a fucking USB-C cable.
So I went back to the store and had to buy the USB-C cable for like $45!
It was 0.8 meters long, almost as long as my dick (joking). FUCKING HELL!
What is Apple thinking? Why are they such stingy cheap fucks? A cable so short costing over $40 bucks and probably costs them $3 bucks to produce in China.
- just get a cheap knock off from amazon like the rest of ushans_glib
- Yet... you bought them.Nairn
- Because I was in a rush and it was at work. We needed it there.NBQ00
- This will really hurt Apple, long term. They have gotten Wall Street addicted to 50%+ margins. They can't go back without a stock crash.formed
- Why would you get standard adapters and cables from Apple? The reason they weren't using custom ports was to lock you into their system, but now you're free sozarkonite
- you should go and shop at a regular computer store and pay the right price for cables... order a usb c from monoprice and return the apple ripoff.zarkonite
- flashbender0
Any thoughts from the group on Macbook air vs macbook pro... is the PRo going to be worth the extra £££? (both 2017 models)
Used for general internetting, photoshopping raw files and maybe some music. No video productio or 3D or anything like that.…
Or maybe something non-mac?
- Hayzilla0
A DELL XPS seems to come top or second on any list I've ever seen. If you don't mind Windows, that seems the one!
If not, the Apple pro seems to come out better then the Apple air on all of them for value too.…
- Thanks!flashbender
- If you consider the XPS ask for a discount. I've been able to knock off 10% or so just asking. That Huawei looks interesting.formed
- These Chinese companies are going to change the game in many ways.formed
- not least with their spy chipshans_glib
- Just bought a DELL XPS, everything is perfectBennn
- well a tower, not a laptopBennn
- uan0
- @but can you spin it?…
still an IPad thoughuan - the space between the icons look so empty.api
- @but can you spin it?
- hans_glib0
Eight years after Apple launched the iPad, tablet computing appears to be falling out of favour.
Fifty-eight per cent of British homes have one but ownership has plateaued in the past three years. Smartphone use has continued to rise over the same period, however, suggesting that consumers are happy with a smaller screen for streaming and surfing, tasks previously associated with larger computers.
About 78 per cent of British adults now use a smartphone, Ofcom figures indicate, making them the most popular internet-connected device.
Others that have grown in popularity in the past few years include smart TVs (now owned by 42 per cent), smart watches and other wearable technology such as fitness trackers (20 per cent).
The research suggests that smart speakers, such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, can be found in 13 per cent of homes, while five per cent of people have a virtual-reality headset.
This is the first time that ownership of the new devices has been tracked. Uptake is expected to increase before Christmas as people buy smart speakers in particular as gifts.
The figures also show that shoppers are turning away from DVD players and desktop computers. Fewer than a third of homes now have desktop devices, according to the regulator’s survey, released before the Black Friday sales. The proportion with a DVD player has fallen from about 80 per cent in 2010 to 64 per cent today. Ownership of games consoles has also stagnated, from 47 per cent in 2009 to 44 per cent today.
Ian Macrae, Ofcom’s director of market intelligence, said: “The devices we rely on are constantly changing. The growth in popularity of streaming services has created tremendous demand for connected TVs, which, for many people, are replacing DVD players, and the smartphone is replacing several other devices at once.
“The range of connected devices is expanding rapidly. Smart speakers really took off last year and along with other smart home devices will again be ones to watch this year.”
The figures were drawn from the latest Ofcom Communications Market Report. It found evidence of growing “digital dependency”, with consumers checking smartphones every 12 minutes on average and one person in five spending more than 40 hours a week online. The report also disclosed that the amount of time people spent talking by phone had fallen with the growing use of messaging apps.
When Apple released iPads in 2010 analysts said that their ease of use would make them popular with families and older people. A study last year found that more than a quarter of over-75s used a tablet device, up from 15 per cent in 2015.
- < from today's paperhans_glib
- Interesting but nothing surprising.
Tablets are dead.Hayzilla - Yeah, I think so. Personally, I think Apple really dropped the ball by not porting OSX to ipads. iOS has killed it's functionality for a lot of people.formed
- I think its more to do with the increase in phone size coupled with the fact everyone has owned tablets for a few years now and realised it offers nothin uniqueHayzilla
- The only people I see with tablets still are children.section_014
- zarkonite-1…
"The nine justices will hear arguments in Apple’s bid to escape damages in a lawsuit accusing it of breaking federal antitrust laws by monopolizing the market for iPhone apps and causing consumers to pay more than they should."
- pinkfloyd0
- I wonder if the tariff would apply to all phones imported from China and not just Apple's.monospaced
- what phones from china are people buying that aren't apple?hotroddy
- @hotroddy, all chinese phones, all samsung phones, all american phones ... all phonesmonospaced
- what phone isn't made in china?monospaced
- PhanLo-1
- Have fun!ArmandoEstrada
- I doubt I'd ever move to a PC, but over the last few years a lot of people have went for those nuclear reactor looking PC's.PhanLo
- if you do 3D, and you're on a Mac, you're doing it wrong.inteliboy
- That is true. That’s why I want to build an nvidia hackintosh soon.monospaced
- Switching back to PC for the gpu/NVIDIA reason.dyspl
- Not surprised. I wish Nick luck given that he's not the type to tinker with the guts. Bet he'll hate the adware that re-installs with every major Win110 patch.evilpeacock
- Windows doesn't install adwaremonospaced
- LOL, adware?zarkonite
- I thought it was a pretty typical conversion of a die hard mac fan. He hadn't realised how far back macs had fallen behind in terms of performance/cost.zarkonite
- "Adware" is the crapware that you comes back with every major patch after you've uninstalled it. Some of those apps advertise in popups.evilpeacock
- Put another way I'm not keen on Candy Crush etc. getting reinstalled every six months. This doesn't happen with AD-connected Win10 PCs 'tho.evilpeacock
- Well, if I ever see this "adware" you speak of popup in my win10 I'll let you know but 3 years in and nothing of the sorts. Do you have a link to show us?zarkonite
- IE: candy crush doesn't come with win10 nor does it install with updates.zarkonite
- utopian0
- Took 45 minutes on my 2010 Mac Pro, like most all major updates have.
If you leapfrogged from pre-High Sierra it'll take longer for the APFS conversion.evilpeacock - there's a flag in the code specifically for utopian, it makes everything slow!ernexbcn
- ^ hahaGnash
- Can't install this on my Mac Pro due to graphic card incompatibility.
*sigh*ideaist - That's because your Mac Pro is too low end, you didn't pay enough to deserve support... apple really is a dickish company at times.zarkonite
- @zark, you are so clever. Does it take a long time to come up with that kind of joke, or are you just naturally talented?monospaced
- Indeed, for Mojave you have to "upgrade" your GPU. This is the first time *ever* that Apple has acknowledged and supported doing this with a major OS update.evilpeacock
- I recommend this card for older Mac Pros: https://www.newegg.c…evilpeacock
- Or you can risk going with NVidia, but Mojave drivers aren't released currently. I've got another 2010 Mac Pro running an NVidia GPU that's stuck on High Sierraevilpeacock
- Mojave supports 2012 Macs. 6 year old machines. It doesn't require any upgrades at all.monospaced
- Apple fanboys downvoting the truth...bunch of fucking morons!utopian
- Yes, 2012 and up — I meant except for 2010 (and hacked 2009) Mac Pros with upgraded GPUs.evilpeacock
- @mono I wasn't talking to you so please be polite. I had to deal with the same problem, I'm furious to have paid $12k for a machine and get ditched by Apple azarkonite
- few years down the road. Meanwhile I'm playing 20 year old games on my win10 machine...zarkonite
- Obviously, since I hadn't commented before. You can also play ancient games on a new Mac.monospaced
- Took 45 minutes on my 2010 Mac Pro, like most all major updates have.
- Gnash-1
- pango2
Interesting.... ಠ_ಠ
- imbecile0
Bluetooth keeps disconnecting 10.12.6 is a known problem and quite annoying :(
- utopian2
Apple hasn't fucked this up yet.
- Recently updated with new footage.…utopian - What is this and why is not fucked up?Hayzilla
- Apple TV screensaver. It’s great and is improving.monospaced
- Recently updated with new footage.
- zarkonite0…
"Some iPad Pros ship a little bent, and Apple says that’s normal
The quarter-inch-thin device may bend as a result of its manufacturing process."Considering Jerry Rig's bending test results showing how structurally weak the device is, it's a big fucking stretch to call this iteration of the iPad a premium product.
- mathinc1
Just want to throw some positive news in here: I bought a pretty much fully spec'd Mac Mini and it's been solid.
Carry on.
- I think these will work for a lot of people who don't need a laptop. If my Hackintosh wasn't so solid, I'd get one.section_014
- The new ones seem really good, other than potentially needing an eGPU for some things. Still, they waited too long to get those out.evilpeacock
- I mostly do interface design and dev work. It's more than enough for what I need.mathinc
- I'd like to go with a mini for cost saving but you have to get a monitor with webcam, keyboard, mouse on top. For the all in one I think iMac is still best.Hayzilla
- You can build a smaller form factor hackintosh for a lower price with double ram double storage, better performance and better cooling.monospaced
- One can always build something faster/cheaper than Apple. It's not cheaper if you're not already proficient with the knowledge and experience to do that well.evilpeacock
- If I had the time to build it I honestly would have done a hackintosh. My '11 iMac was dying quickly.mathinc
- You don’t have to be very proficient. The builds are out there and macOS install is now just a quick process.monospaced
- It is so much easier, but I've seen folks with documented builds get caught up in things not working, then spend hours trying to resolve it.evilpeacock