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  • nb5

    Who makes the display in the 24” iMac?

    How can we pressure them to release an ugly version of that display to hook up to our Mac minis, etc

    • LGutopian
    • I'm still amusing myself watching you guys just making bad decisions on new Apple tech...
      imac 24 was the best and only option this round...
    • design twitter already returning both displays and macs...grafician
    • @utopian are you sure? :))
      cuz I've seen LG displays and they're a joke
      So it's either Apple buying the best from LG and LG selling left-overs or...
    • ^ LG make the displays, but Apple engineers are behind the bespoke techinteliboy
    • @inteli cool, so they're doing the same thing as with the processorsgrafician
    • guess so? apparently it's a huge pain and expense to build your own fabricating factories, even for a giant like Apple.inteliboy
    • I think the question was actually if the Apple displays are actual LG display rebranded or LG just manufactures what Apple wantsgrafician
    • because even with the same process/fab the end results is highly variable (see processors)grafician
    • Lg manufactures different technologies at different price points. They might even use other brands panels in their lower end monitors.monNom
    • You’ve really got to pay attention to the specific technologies for the panel technology and backlight to compare apples to applesmonNom
    • used to be quite good. Haven’t been there in a long while but worth a lookmonNom
    • Apply buys panels from LG but uses those in combination with other parts, layers and coatings, to make their unique displays.monospaced
    • There are plenty of monitors out there that are easily as good/better. The only reason to buy an Apple monitor would be for the logo and design, not quality.formed
    • It’s hard to find the same specs as Apple uses.monospaced
    • Slaves, in China make it.shapesalad
  • grafician-2
    • their argument is that 'non-retina badzone' makes things sharp but unusably tiny. i can see their point on a 30" but 27" is perfect for me.kingsteven
    • ie. they're saying a 32" 4k is better for non-retina here because the UI is 'bigger' but 32" 4k optimal viewing distance is 64cm... daftkingsteven
  • grafician-4

    so even without optimisations, still holding very good against 2 x 3080s

    • not to mention clearly winning in power consumption and thermals...grafician
    • what's the price of that PC setup?_niko
    • Can’t he speak English? We’re in AmericaNBQ00
    • but not against a 3090formed
    • a single 3090 and not close to a 3090 tiformed
    • Right. A pc with a 3090 will kill this and still be cheaper. Mehmonospaced
    • With the increase in electricity pricing these days - the m1 stuff is clearly a winner compare to PC.shapesalad
    • @shape just for the sake of energy efficiency and silence, Macs win by a long shot these daysgrafician
  • formed1

    "M1 Ultra Doesn't Beat Out Nvidia's RTX 3090 GPU Despite Apple's Charts"

    Basically, Apple kinda lied. Not directly, of course, or they'd be sued, but enough that it's gone through the web as being "best out there", when it's nowhere near that.

    Kinda pathetic, imho, when you have such a superb piece of equipment, why mislead people? I even thought about one, but not now, I need raw power over power consumption and don't like to be misled.…

    • Very well said. My thoughts exactly. What’s the point of even making the claim knowing it will be tested and disproved immediately?monospaced
    • If anything they should make claims that are under spec and let people be pleased for once.monospaced
    • Agreed. My guess is they know people will take their word as gospel and not research anything. Kinda like graf's post below.formed
    • You missed the big small print: "GPU performance vs. power"grafician
    • in comments: "RTX3090 energy cost per year including host machine: £981/year

      M1 Ultra energy cost: £148/year
    • so yeah maybe technically a 3090 beats in raw performance, but when you get 80% of that for 10% power costs or something...who really wins?grafician
    • not to mention the next gen M2 Ultra or whatever will beat nVidia, just like they did with Intelgrafician
    • oh and don't forget nvidia is run on windows, with cuda drivers and everything optimised while Macs have no optimisations (at least using Blender, Cinema4D)grafician
    • and bottom line: not my job to do your research, I post what I find and I buy what I know.grafician
    • Real world tests show the M1 getting spanked bad by the 3090 in rendering. It’s really not close.monospaced
  • _niko2

    Nothing ever changes usability wise it seems it’s an excuse for software developers to add more features sure but also more bloat, eventually we’re pretty much back to where we were 10-20 years ago, slow and laggy computers.

    • Maybe Adobe.
      But I buy many apps optimised for M1 or Metal and they run instantly.
    • Yeah, having bought macs for 20+ years, I’m ALWAYS shocked at how sluggish my machine is at timeshardhat
    • yup, considering how fast these CPU's are, is your workflow really that different than 20 years ago? mine certainly isn't.inteliboy
    • next will be TV manufacture pushing 8k. HDR standard. uncompressed streaming. websites demanding high bandwidth. etc etc.inteliboy
    • forever a bottleneck, forever bloatinteliboy
    • I think it's just easy to forget how much worse things were 20 years ago. Whatever you were using then isn't how you remember it.CyBrainX
    • I remember my Mac constantly crashing on OS9Chimp
    • Haha. True. Remember no undo function in PS. Only being able to have one app open at a time. Etc etc. Still kills me how much the beach ball of death spins thohardhat
  • grafician-7

    "Right. A pc with a 3090 will kill this and still be cheaper. Meh



    Cost of just ONE nVidia 3090 card (if you find it): 2800 - 4500 euros

    Cost of high spec 64GB/1TB Mac Studio with M1 Ultra: 3620 euros (3999 usd)

    • 1900-ish in the US. You can get a complete computer for less than $3k.formed
    • ~£1600 in the UKkingsteven
    • can't believe i'm witnessing someone arguing for apple with monospacedkingsteven
    • not arguing, just curios how those rategrafician
    • and I remember doing this with Mac Pros and Dell workstations for same specs and Dell cost even 20-30% highergrafician
    • @kingsteven do you have some links? I see prices £2400 - £4400 on…
    • ^so that's over 5000 euros
      Where exactly have you found 3090s for "~£1600 in the UK"
    • pretty sure both formed and kingsteven you're talking about the 3080 version of nvidia cards, which indeed go for under 2K euros/pounds/dollarsgrafician
    • I can pick up a 3090 at the store for $2k anytime. Sorry, troll.monospaced
    • you're looking at scalpers on amazon. they're hard to find because of the chip shortages but when stock drops at stores they start around 1.6kkingsteven
    • NO, the 3090! It's all over Google Shopping, not hard to find.formed
    • Still reasonably hard to find the good brand cheaper models actually in stock in the UK + EU but they drop regularlykingsteven
    • Again, have no clue where you guys are looking, but again, all the prices I've posted are real current prices. That card really cost that much if you find it...grafician
    • Yep, checked on Google shopping just now, yep same prices, 2500-4000 euros.grafician
    • Cheapest I could find was around 2200 euros but it was refurbished.grafician
    • @monospaced a PC with the same specs and an nVidia 3090 is at least 3500-4500 euros, so you're either dumb or ignorant, pick yourselfgrafician
    • So yes, it COULD be faster depending on the specs, but won't be cheaper not to mention power consumption and noise cuz you don't want a plane on your deskgrafician
    • that's not true heremonospaced
    • Literally proved you were wrong on the "cheaper" perspective
      Specs for specs, PCs are not cheaper!
    • Even more, for a PC to be on par, would cost 1.5-2x more!
      32GB Dell workstations are $4-5K ffsake!
    • not really, thoughmonospaced
  • mort_3

    • I can see the pat-on-the-back design meeting 'why do pc's have to be beige and rectangular?'inteliboy
  • grafician-2

    tldr: unless you're gaming or doing high end 3D stuff, Mac is better (for half the power usage or less and comparable price/specs)

    • use it to mine bitcoin (jk)GuyFawkes
    • Dude. We know that it sips power and it’s performance to power ratio is unbeatable. That isn’t being questioned so please stop acting like it is.monospaced
    • mono, you're suddenly anti-AppleNBQ00
    • He speaks the truth. All this is regurgitating Apple's lies (or omission of truth).formed
    • It doesn't matter if he speaks the truth. There was a time when mono defended Apple no matter what.NBQ00
    • @NBQ, I am not suddenly anti-apple. I'm not anti-apple at all. I'm just not an apple fanboy like some people think.monospaced
    • I didn't defend them no matter what, I just called it as I saw it.monospaced
    • ah yes, so this is why @kingsteven said he witnessed someone arguing apple with monospaced...
      *rolling eyes* at monospaced
    • @monospaced bro, no need to comment if you don't have to, just chill damngrafician
    • huh?monospaced
  • monospaced0

    Truth. The display really isn't all that.

    • 64gb ram in it... why...shapesalad
    • Aaaand we come back to this:…grafician
    • and also funny cuz I had that Dell, it was killer sharp+colorfucker but somebody here still bashed Dells for no good reason "no 5K" (nb?)grafician
    • I have that Dell and I don't even run it at full 4k a half meter from my eyes. LOL.monospaced
    • Had it behind-top the MBP, at around 40-50 cm yeah
      Dells fuck
    • Yeah that was me. I’m back on the Dell 4K. I can see the difference between the Dell 4K and the Apple 5K. It’s subtle but I can see it. Not even side by side.nb
    • However, due to having windows in my space + lots of natural light, the Dell 4K is the better viewing experience. The Studio Display is too reflective!!nb
    • @nb comparing the old 27" with the new 24" even in direct sunlight - Earth to Heaven. Your idea of 24" standalone/same quality would fuckgrafician
    • and under $900 would fuck even harder!grafician
    • Ah so when I post this YouTuber (or the other guy) all of you want to punch them in the face,NBQ00
    • @mono which DELL display model are you currently using? Do you like it?utopian
    • The 64GB storage is because Apple SOCs require that to operate at all, and there's an SOC running the camera/audio inside this.evilpeacock
    • I didn’t watch one second of this video. YouTube mindnumbing blechnb
    • I have the Dell he mentions. The 2720q I think it is.monospaced
    • I have both (LG and Apple 5K) at work and the Apple display looks better, both when switched on and off.slappy
    • Always hate the discussion about color profiles. everyone is looking at your design on a shitty monitor anyways..milfhunter
    • @milfhunter that's another discussion altogether - apparently Apple limited the color profiles in Monterey now, it's chaos for print designers...grafician
    • Yeah print designers are less important to the tech companies than ever. Sad!nb
    • How did they limit color profiles? I have no problem loading any profile I'm given, and I am a print designer.monospaced
    • Late to party as usual monosspace...grafician
    • https://forums.macru…grafician
    • and how are you a print designer now? weren't you a senior designer at that big accounting creative exp eriences team?grafician
    • I am a senior designer at a big firm, yes. My team designs it all for large scale experiences, including extensive print, on top of animation, 3d, etc.monospaced
    • Clearly you've looked me up, lol. Any preconceptions you have about me are probably wrong, and I'm not surprised. I'm a seasoned classic designer. I do it all.monospaced
    • I've done more print design than you could probably imagine, going back over 15 years and I guarantee you see my work on a regular basis in stores :)monospaced
    • I don’t go to stores anymore so YOURE WRONG ;)nb
    • lolmonospaced
  • imbecile0

    • I wonder how many apps are actually wrote natively in swift these days. Between game engines and React Native (or Flutter), there's little reason to.section_014
    • Outside of apps that really need performance tuning, of course. But, that's the minority.section_014
  • nb3

    Apple Studio Display vs Dell Ultrasharp

    I was using a 2.5K Dell Ultrasharp. Anyone could see the pixels. Photographs look incredible but I work in UI/UX design and typography matters to me. I send a lot of emails, work on a lot docs. Might as well have the best. Bought Apple Studio Display because I heard that 5K is better (“no scaling!”) on MacOS. Ended up returning it and buying a Dell U2723QE (new, top of the line Dell 4K 27”)

    Bottom line on sharpness: 2.5K to 4K is a massive difference. 4K to 5K is a very subtle difference.

    So here’s my take:

    Apple Studio Display
    5K is sharper than 4K for type and UI. You can see the difference but it is subtle. If your vision is corrected and you’re a designer you can see the difference, just barely.
    Industrial design is beaut.
    Sound is great, built in mic is useful for me. I work with a MBP 16” that I like to keep closed. So, the same as a Mac Studio or Mini.

    • Camera quality is garbage, I care about design details and that’s why I buy Apple stuff. This camera will never be good, software is the problem, but it won’t completely solve it.
    • As far as I could tell, Center Stage doesn’t work in Zoom or Google Meet
    • Removal of a power button is a terrible design decision. I use this in my bedroom. If Bluetooth wakes up my machine, this fucking giant bright-ass screen lights up the room. Only way to turn it off in the middle of the night is to: SIGN IN WITH MY PASSWORD or unplug it from the powersource. Solution? Shutdown my computer every single night? Throw a dark towel over it at night? This is the worst design decision I’ve seen from Apple since they removed MagSafe from laptops. No consideration for the user.

    But the biggest problem was that the Studio Display is too reflective, as I’ve said here. I was getting headaches from reading text because the glass reflects the natural light in my room. Made lots of typos (in Figma, no auto spellcheck) Don’t buy this if you work in natural light.

    In the end I got the Dell Ultrasharp U2723QE. Everything about it is better, unless you happen to have an office with very dim light. Plus you can connect it to two computers at once. Charges the MBP. Good hub on the back. Works with old-ass computers. No camera or mic. And it’s about $1000 less that the Apple Studio Display. (At this point I’m willing to pay top dollar for the right screen.)

    I really want Dell to make a 24” 4.5K. If not that, a 27” 5K. But for now, the U2723QE is very good!

    • You should shutdown your computer as soon as you finish working. Continuously running electricity throw a machine while you sleep is not great for machine + ecoshapesalad
    • Sleep Mode is sufficient, no?nb
    • But if this is your real concern then you shouldn’t buy a Display that doesn’t have a power button either.nb
    • lol, I leave my office workstation on for weeks at a time. Our render machine had an uptime, before we *had* to shut it down, of nearly a year without restarts.face_melter
    • What did you get to replace speakers / mic / webcam ?shapesalad
    • Hey more importantly, if you want to save the environment you should just NOT BUY A NEW MONITORnb
    • I rotate between Air Pod Pros and Bose QC35 for sound and microphone. Use my old webcam. Any top end webcam is great. Check the Streamcam or Brionb
    • Matte screenz 4 lifenb
    • That Dell looks nice. Gonna look into one for myself, thanks!aliastime
    • Does the U2723QE have built in camera and speakers?utopian
    • nomonospaced
    • 4.5Kgrafician
    • just the right spot :Pgrafician
    • Glad you made the right choice with a Dell. Latest Apple displays were only for fanboysgrafician
    • In this case, Apple has better quality tech but a worse design!! It’s like bizzaro worldnb
    • appreciate the info nb. have been looking at getting a new monitor, and this is just the info i was looking for :)exador1
    • While I like the idea of a quality webcam and speakers integrated into a 5k display, I don't want to spend the extra $500 on a bionic chip it doesn't need.monospaced
    • I don't see the need for 5K even when I don't even run my 4K at full resolution. I also would not need 600 nits of brightness, wtf.monospaced
    • @mono If I remember correctl you had the window left side of your desk, but in direct sunlight you need a brighter screen...grafician
    • also non-reflective, those are a no-no before 5 o'clockgrafician
    • lol @ an old photo ... okay. finemonospaced
    • nahh i prefer shitty webcam. better excuse when the camera cuts out. nobody needs to see me naked at home.pango
    • Yep and a $20 webcam will look better than the Studio Dispaly cam looks todaynb
  • shapesalad1

  • nb0

    Apple TV+ Baseball is very poorly done. The commentary was atrocious!!!

    They’re getting roasted all over the net today .

    • meanwhile their AppleTV+ shows are very well done...grafician
    • Twitter search for Apple baseball. It might be the first time ever that EVERYONE with an opinion on twitter agreed across the boardnb
    • Baseball’s a dumb game, anywayGnash
    • Better than golfnb
    • TrueGnash
    • both as dull as each otherhans_glib
    • Baseball is better than soccernb
    • Soccer is fun to play but boring AF to watch. Everyone chasing a ball and trying to kick it in a net. Pfffft borrrringnb
  • NBQ002

  • NBQ000

    Because of China lockdowns and supply chain issues you can now wait up to 3 months for a Mac Studio delivery.

    • woo just got mine last week.BabySnakes
    • Fn bummer i was just about to get onecannonball1978
    • i gave up, just getting a refreshing 16" mac book pro from apple - available same day, same specs, cheap + more portableshapesalad
    • just don't go for a custom build mbp, may be better now but mine took 3 months from jankingsteven
    • refurbished custom build - avail today.shapesalad
  • NBQ00-2

    Remember that legend

    • A friend of mine made something around $8k in a couple weeks reselling iPhones on non-US eBaynb
    • What's the difference between Apple fanboys and the MAGA cult followers?utopian
    • We‘re commie fascist nazis?NBQ00
    • Ain’t no fucking ballpark neithernb
    • Dude is still a legend…err
  • ok_not_ok0

  • grafician-6

    bro I think all we designers and creatives out here don't realise how little regular folk and even other designers and creatives know about Apple and Apple devices or even care

    percent of "regular folk and even other designers and creatives" knowing who CEO is running Apple now: 0.2

    percent of "regular folk and even other designers and creatives" watching Apple keynotes: 0.2

    percent of "regular folk and even other designers and creatives" knowing you have copy paste between ipad pro and macs or that ipad pros have split screen: 0.1

    percent of "regular folk and even other designers and creatives" that know main design apps available on ipads, macs, etc. except Adobe's: 5-11

    and so on and so forth

    bro I know a lot of "regular folk and even other designers and creatives" that have no clue Apple switched processors from Intel to their own M1 cpus!

    Practically we're the very very elite knowing a lot of stuff about this company and their devices

    the rest, don't know and don't care

    they just get the latest at an affordable price when their old junk is too slow or not working anymore with all the new updates

    they are literally going "does it run Adobe Lightroom? Adobe photoshop is faster? how much would it set me back?"

    for the past years for Apple "feedback" I only heard stuff like "is that model with the broken keyboard?" or "is that iphone 6 with the battery drain?"

    while we out here discussing pixel density for apple screens for ui work and stuff...


    • last team I met, of 5, one other designer knew about iMac M1s but all knew/used Figma except one other who was "Figma what?" in 2022 right nowgrafician
    • sorry but many regular and many other creatives just don't give af about all these features and speed and stuff we're bickering about around here :))grafician
    • From those MBPs with the broken keyboards I only know ONE other designer who got his replaced, the others complained but didn't knew you could change itgrafician
    • I know people ordering the latest macbooks just because they look cool and they can watch netflix nonstop without charging and stuff like thatgrafician
    • grossly overestimating regular folk's relationship with Apple and their devices :))grafician
    • then again I have no clue about the latest coffee machines (like my barista) or the latest in tractor tech and growing food (like the farmers in my family)grafician
    • You what, mate?NBQ00
    • just sayin there's levels NBQ!grafician
    • Where did you get these percentages from?monospaced
    • I don’t think even 0.2 of creatives care about what other people know about Apple, right? Is there an issue?monospaced
    • shut up mono you know shit about apple cuz you own apple stock :))grafician
    • Excuse me? That is irrelevant untrue and avoiding the question, not to mention it doesn’t even make sense what you wrote.monospaced
    • You wrote a dozen paragraphs about how people aren’t Apple fuckboi like you and I asked what the actual issue is.monospaced
    • I have been using macs longer than you can imagine and I know as much as I would ever need to know about their tech, which is as much as you or anyonemonospaced
    • Not that it matters. I’m not the one who thinks their knowledge on apple tech is something to boast about. That’s you. Weird flex.monospaced
    • And yes. I own apple stock. A ton of it. Got a problem?monospaced
  • imbecile10

  • shapesalad-1