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- sted0
- so a Microsoft surface? or an iPad with the keyboard cover minus the cover?_niko
- Looks like it’s for the keyboard they have sold for awhile.monospaced
- Next they'll blow us all away with a touchscreen!formed
- iPadOS is much closer to becoming touch desktop capable, than Mac OS is.aliastime
- But also, who wants greasy finger smudges on a screen they're trying to get work done on?aliastime
- ^^^ exactly. I do everything possible to avoid touching my computer screen.section_014
- this is an ipad pro with apple keyboard thingy I already have this :))
clownsgrafician - fanboimonospaced
- fanboi?! *facepalm*
there's no other pro tablet on the market you idiot :))grafician
- mort_4
- lost?hans_glib
- mono?utopian
- this is japan?
mono never left the US?grafician - lol, I’ve visited at least two dozen different countries, I was an exchange student in high school, toured England with a choir, and studied abroad a yearmonospaced
- And I only own two apple devices. One is the Apple TV. Not anything like the Apple fuckboi utopian is.monospaced
- I’ve been to Japan three times, twice on your through Southeast Asia and mainland china, and will be going again soon. Any more dumb fuck assumptions, troll?monospaced
- < ^ damn this really was monografician
- damn you really are a trollmonospaced
- I don't see that for sale on apple.comBabySnakes
- shapesalad0
Apple - most exposed to China in terms of supply chain disruption, expect their to be a big delay before the next releases of iPhones etc, Peter Z forecasts.
- *there, come Elon buy qbn and give us an edit button!shapesalad
- Oh noes. People have to wait. This is the end of apple for sure. This time it’s real.monospaced
- jagara8
- Also, most repair shops have Iphone parts readily available. Now compare this to a 2 year old Huawei or similar.jagara
- https://memegenerato…jagara
- Hang onto it. The SE2 is not built to the same quality at all. I’m on my third replacement due to them falling apart insidenb
- Wrong we only complain about apple, sorry.inteliboy
- That's true of any phone you take care of. I am still rocking a Galaxy S5.formed
- Outside of the home button, this was my favorite iPhone design.section_014
- picking up a SE 3rd gen tomorrow. loved my Pixel when I got it but Android 12 is just fucking awfulkingsteven
- awful in what way?pango
- Just don't download the newest software iOS updates. Apple will be sure to slow your phone and kill the battery.utopian
- my se battery finally failed. it will charge but doesn't last long. my se2 is over 2 years old, no case, no screen protector, no problem.imbecile
- @pango over-simplified settings and UI, removed a lot of features i used in 11 like restricting individual apps cellular data use and forces you to use thatkingsteven
- vertical clock on the lock screen.kingsteven
- the clock on the home screen is terrible, such a trivial thing but so annoying.fadein11
- My Nokia 3310 still works!OBBTKN
- I have one of these. I dropped it and sand got into it, so it has a shit camera and poor screen. It's currently our baby monitor screen. +2AA Would buy again.Nairn
- My iPhone 6 only died last year when I dropped it out of of second floor window while drunk.Chimp
- I loved it cuz the size, but about 2 years ago it finally ate shit, the battery swelled up and popped the caseYakuZoku
- I must be unluckynb
- grafician-1…
"Apple Cash is built right into iPhone, making it an easy way to send and receive money.1 And because it’s a digital card that lives in Wallet, your Apple Cash can be spent in stores, online, and in apps with Apple Pay. You can even set up your kids with their own Apple Cash card. No matter how you use Apple Cash, you get simplicity and safety you can put money on."
- For those without the credit for an apple card.jmckinno
- Apple PayPal?NBQ00
- Apple Zellemonospaced
- shapesalad0
*Apple Cash services are provided by Green Dot Bank, Member FDIC. Learn more about the Terms and Conditions. Only available in the U.S. on eligible devices. To send and receive money with an Apple Cash account, you must be 18 and a U.S. resident. If you’re under 18, your family organizer can set up Apple Cash for you as part of their Apple Cash Family account. Security checks may require more time to make funds available. Apple Cash Family accounts can send or receive up to $2000 per transaction or within a seven-day period. Sending money from Wallet requires iOS 15.5 or later.
- utopian-2
- nb-1
I have to force-reset my iPhone SE2 once every other month. Is this normal on iPhones?
I feel like my phone is a PC running Windows 95
- Well, your phone is a PC, much more powerful and complex than those that ran Win95 and a reset every two months? That seems fine enough to me...Nairn
- My Samsung phones never did thisnb
- I’m not talking about a regular restart. It sort of soft-bricks itself and I have to do a silly little button dance to kill it and rebootnb
- But yeah maybe everyone is accustomed to this and it’s just me that expects more from Applenb
- This is definitely not normal or expected. No idea what is causing this but most likely old hardware? Not sure.monospaced
- Try contacting apple. You’d be surprised how helpful they can be.monospaced
- This is my third iPhone SE2, the first two malfunctioned. Fool me once, fool me twice...nb
- Also I recently had to contact Apple over a billing issue and it ended up being 7 calls over 6 weeks and they were extremely unhelpfulnb
- One Apple support guy kept telling me “I’ve worked here for years” and “We would never make a mistake like this (inferring that I’m a lying.)nb
- I promise you I was perfectly polite on the call and he started yelling and hung up on me. I was pretty shocked, I assumed Apple would hire experienced supportnb
- (Of course, in the end, they had made the mistake but it took me sooooo long to get my $1700 back)nb
- It’s just a phone.
ideaist - Anyway, the phone has now done it twice in the past 12 hours so I guess I’ll do the Apple trade-in and buy a better model. Sighhhhhnb
- imbecile-1
- Strange font choice.NBQ00
- I thought that with the extended type, but then realised I wasn't that arsedIanbolton
- World wide dork conference!nb
- Gay shit********
- Pardon?nb
- Is this real? It looks worse than a Facebook promo for metacrap.formed
- The key to understanding Apple today is that 0% of QBN are the core audience anymore.
Watch bands & Harry Styles.ideaist - Apple targeting that TikTokers demographicKrassy
- no one can be natural any more. we've all got to have dyed hair and tattoos.shapesalad
- It's Memojis guys. "Signs your getting old".NBQ00
- horror movie posterutopian
- nb1
The genius of Steve Jobs and his true legacy: converting a computer company into a regular, retail product company. In the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, people fiercely compared specs on computers while shopping.
Apple’s entry level DESKTOP machines come with 256GB of storage. Apple charges +$200 to go to a measly 512GB.
To put that in perspective, 256GB is what comes in a PHONE these days. Or, consider that +$200 can buy you 10 times that amount of external storage, which Apple could quite easily fit in a desktop computer.
But nobody cares. Well done, Stevo. Bravo.
- The phones are the same price as the computers. And the internal storage is super fast premium m.2. Nobody stopping you from getting externalsmonospaced
- Yeah exactly.nb
- The tiny phones are the same price as the desktop computers with similar specs. Couldn’t have predicted that 25 years ago when the iMac was coming outnb
- Let me plug my phone into a big monitor and get my designing donenb
- Not trying to argue or anything but 25 years ago there weren’t portable computers or cell phones.monospaced
- There were but ... you know. What’s the issue exactly?monospaced
- NBQ000
Apple Aiming to Make iPad More Mac-Like With iPadOS 16 Multitasking Changes
- So more like a Surface every year...but not quite as flexible? Crazy how they convince people that limiting functionality is "good".formed
- Innovation never sleeps...nbq
- Go buy a surface thennb
- Already have one. It's just fun pointing out how Apple says "NEW" and fanboys drool and shake, believing it is 'new'.formed
- NBQ000
Nice iOS 16 lockscreen stuff.
- STOP with the spoilersgrafician
- all these emoji's are discriminatory against people with fair/faint/small eyebrows.shapesalad
- Boring update but the lockscreen stuff is cool. Hopefully iPadOS later will be more interesting.NBQ00
- shapesalad0
Car play update - a preview to the apple car experience? or this is what apple car means - just an app for your car.
- Yeah I thought so too. What EV/ car has such a dashboard? I don’t know of one.NBQ00
- Honda?grafician
- Hyundai and KIA do as well_niko
- When I was buying a car, I checked out a ton of them, and I'd say most if not nearly all of them have mostly digital dashboard now. It's not even luxury anymoremonospaced
- I got a Mazda. Every model they've made for years are entirely digital displays (dials, etc) except for a dial or two.monospaced