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- lvl_130
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!
standalone HBO Is Launching Exclusively On Apple Products is retarded. well i guess apple paid a lot
- maquito0
Fucking USB-c... Shit's so thin, USB it doesn't even fit
We'll be seeing apple's USB-c HUB pretty soon, I assume.
- mg330
Pretty impressive what they're packing into that form factor. There's a reason you don't see other laptop makers brag about this sort of thing: they can't. ;)
- iCanHazQBN0
No more magnetic charge port? wtf???
- Can't tell you how many times the magnetic cord has saved my laptop. Can't believe they got rid of it.iCanHazQBN
- section_0140
Did I miss something, or is there no thunderbolt?
- maquito0
*Unplug monitor
*Plug power supply
- colin_s0
it's gorgeous, but is that USB-C port just a connector?
- mg330
So is this MacBook at the point where it's powerful enough for what most people buy a Macbook Pro for? Only thing is, there are a lot of devices that still need to connect directly to a port to work - like music interfaces, for example.
- Yeah, I'm confused where this fits exactly.section_014
- Not to mention the smaller screen size.mg33
- It fits for a lot of people who are more casual users.monospaced
- dasohr0
- kona0
I don't get all the negativity towards only having one port.
We all only have one penis and no one complains about that.
Deal with it.
- CygnusZero40
they need to get rid of Tim Cook. I mean could this guy be any more boring? Im falling asleep listening to him. Why does he talkkkkkkk soooooooo slowwwwwwww?? Sounds like hes going to slip into a coma any second.
- He talks slow to give ample time for people to post negative shit after his comments.kona
- ahaha @ konalvl_13
- Jobs talked slowly too. Probably his accent is bothering you.jtb26
- amphasis the greatnest of his shitbenfal99
- Don't watch?monospaced
- dasohr0
Jobs is spinning in his grave right now.
- mg330
I am no more interested in buying the watch than I was before. Impressive device, but I like the variety of watches I have too much to dedicate myself to some computer watch.
- autoflavour0
who gives a fuck about christy.. GAH.. i want to punch the screen
- autoflavour0
also, champagne gold..
so fucking wrong
- benfal990
I will wait for the Apple Watch 2.
will be thinner. because all Apple shit get thinner and thinner. And they will add a camera and it will be faster and shit.
- Just wait for the Apple Watch 3, it'll be thinner than the 2. Use your head, benfal!iCanHazQBN
I will wait!benfal99 - Eventually their products will be so thin you won't be able to hold them with your handsukit2
- That day, Apple will sell iAir.
PLAN has been achieved!benfal99
- benfal990
"Just double-tap the side button to pull up credit cards to pay with Apple Watch. Don't even need to touch the credit card reader, says Apple. Just hold your watch near the terminal, wait for it to beep and vibrate, and you're done paying."
Where's the security in this?
anyone could buy anything if they have my watch?
- iCanHazQBN0
So you can take phone calls with your watch... but it's pretty much speaker phone? Is that right? What if some private stuff comes up and you're in public? awkward.
- yepbenfal99
- You also have an iphone with you.CygnusZero4
- "Hi is this Mr iCanHazQBN? Your blow up doll and King Dildo Extreme orders have shipped!"kona
- Awkward indeed!!kona
- You also have an iPad with you.organicgrid