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- i_monk0
69% of Americans not interested in Apple Watch
- Great. Apple is doomed!ESKEMA
- (not a racist comment): 70% of americans are white people.mekk
- does that mean that only black people want the watch?ESKEMA
- It could mean white people dont like the watch. the rest 30% are not only black people.mekk
- good point!ESKEMA
- Comparable percentages doesn't mean there's a relationship.i_monk
- And how many are interested but wont buy bc theyre overpriced.CygnusZero4
- All they need is less than 2% of current customers to make a fortune.monospaced
- So if 50% of the interested Americans buy one, thats 47.8million watch sales.. Yeah they are doomed..slappy
- @slappy I doubt that 20% of the US population will buy the same watch. I don't even think that 50 million people can afford the watch in the USmekk
- So pretty much like iPhones then haha?
Seriously though, I'm not expecting it to be the next iPad, I think people will buy it though.slappy - The fact that 31% ARE interested is amazing. That is a fantastic stat for Apple. 31% of Americans are actually considering buying this watch. That's huge.iCanHazQBN
- That means 31% are interested. Thats a win. Any company would kill for 31% of any product.ArmandoEstrada
- formed0
17% of teens interested…
I'd say that's more concerning. But no one knows, they are just doing surveys for surveys sake. We'll know soon enough.
- will get more interesting for teens when kanye west and katy perry start wearing themmekk
- pinkfloyd0
^That's what happens when you let grandpa run an innovative company like apple. Nothing really new, just resizing a touch screen and making it lighter.
- Ya granpa... Make everything bigger.pango
- With a tech ibm background!pinkfloyd
- Maybe you cool internet dwelller can run a company better!inteliboy
- Didn't Samsung just make a bigger screen?monospaced
- organicgrid0
Apple Plans Web TV Service in Fall…Welcome to party Apple, you are about 5 years too late.
- Well, this is definitely the end of Apple. Definitely. Mark my words! You heard it here first! Apple = doomed.nb
- I agree...Too Big to Fail!!!organicgrid
- How are they late when they are the first to do it?monospaced
- What's new? A different station? I see nothing different from what is out there already, just a logo/nameformed
- It's cable offerings without cable. That's pretty different.monospaced
- Which ones? NBC requires cable. ABC I can view online..?formed
- and I still have to pay a monthly fee, so...?formed
- I can hardly wait. Cable has all the best shows.nb
- Don't ask me, read the article before asking questions and making pointless points.monospaced
- Did you read it? I am expecting you to be current on all things Apple. :-)formed
- err0
BATMAN had the $10,000 apple watch the whole time!
- err0
- Huh? how do I embed videos?err
- paste a normal linkmonospaced
- With a smartwatch and 2 baterangs.ETM
- organicgrid-1
Sup with all of the Apple Security updates?
- some z list celebrity got their wank selfie hacked and shared...fadein11
- inteliboy1
So do we hate on Google as well now for selling us luxury smart watches? Or is it still only cool to scoff at Apple?
- only cool to scoff at Applepango
- Paging mono!organicgrid
- Fuck off organic. All you do is post apple doom here like the bizarro fanboi.what is your obsession with apple if you can't stan their products?monospaced
- Hugs, guys, this is better than talking about politics or sports.formed
- zzzzzzfadein11
- VectorMasked1
As much as I been disliking Apple slowly, I am still a customer.
And just a few minutes I was on the phone with them about a fugly screen issue my iphone started to have about a week ago. Despite my phone not being under warranty, they offered to cover all expenses for the repair, but in all likelihood they will just send me a new phone. An authorized repair centre quoted me $400 bucks for the repair.Good stuff.
Just hope they don't change their minds once they see the couple of scratches it has.
- Generally their support sucks, though. One of the reasons I never bought them for business - tech support is ridiculously bad (bring into store?! Please).formed
- yes you had a lucky break here (excuse the pun) - this isn't the norm.fadein11
- I had similar experiences with HP, Samsung and Dell. EVGA once sent me a higher model as replacement for a broken GPUmekk
- ukit20
Does anyone here want a smart watch, from any company? It's not just Apple, the entire industry jumped into this without it being a well-thought out concept. A smartwatch is like a 1950s vision of what tech would be like. And it's unnecessary because you always have your phone within reach anyway.
- that's the problem. you need your phone next to you. therefore it's merely a commodity/status thing.lvl_13
- I agree with you ukit.monospaced
- totally agree ukit2fadein11
- Any watch is a commodity/status thing.
It's jewellery. And it's worn by supermodels running in starving Africa, what more could you possibly want?rafalski - i don't like watches—i just use my phone nowjaylarson
- inteliboy0
It's sold as a breakaway from your phone. Though I think people like looking at their phones, we're addicted to it - it's like smoking, a safety blanket. What will be interesting is the things watches do that your phone doesn't do.
- I'll buy a fitness one. I'd buy a Google Glass fitness thing first, though, I don't like a watch, certainly not a phone, when I exercise.formed
- ernexbcn0
"Trent Reznor is playing a significant role in redesigning the iPhone's music app"
- In other news, Greg (Apple Software Developer) is helping Ilan Rubin of Nine Inch Nails improve his drumming skills.iCanHazQBN
- lol ICHQgeorgesIII
- lolyuekit
- iCanHazQBN0
Pretty much all of the stuff people do on their phones consists of watching videos, reading news, playing games. You can't really do any of that on a watch. Seems like a pointless device to me.
- I do none of that. My phone is for checking email, texting and figuring out info like maps, flights and weather while out.monospaced
- I figure the watch would be helpful for data, like a regular watch is.monospaced
- Regular watch is a good statement, tho. A ubiquitous watch won't be...not for long (imho). It'll be like a calculator watch - cool for the first year.formed
- Doesn't mean it won't make a ton of money, I think they will, over time and as there are more choices (I still want a good workout watch).formed
- It will check your pulse.rafalski
- @mono - iphone was too small for any of that to be fun - they have now caught up a littlefadein11
- I disagree.monospaced
- utopian0
I experienced Apple TV over a friends house early today for the first time. Why is Apple TV so slow and sluggish? And the UI is very clumsy and cumbersome.
- The UI is shit. The streaming takes time to buffer but it's not as sluggish as some of the competition.monospaced
- Yeah it's weird how even selecting a title is painfully slow.nb
- still waiting for Apple to inject some much needed appleness into TV - Apple TV is poor. TV is waiting to be turned upside downfadein11
- Selecting a title shouldn't be slow. Mines super fast. I was bitching more about the interface.monospaced
- to top that, it is too slow for 4K. Apple fans be like '4K is not ready yet'mekk
- it doesn't output 4K lolmonospaced
- That's his point. It's not powerful enough.ETM
- Why would they make it powerful enough to drive 4K if it doesn't output 4K and they don't have any 4K content?monospaced
- because they always claim to be the pioneers of everything, see usb-c, see thunderbolt, see ipad.mekk
- You do know that the Apple TV came out before 4k right?monospaced
- instrmntl0
Smart watches contradict the push for larger phones/phablets. It'll be interesting to see how they will be marketed. I imagine they have to be delicate not to b*sh larger phones, while still making tiny screens attractive.
***** Really, can't type b*sh still?
- utopian1
Ireland to close corporate tax loophole used by Apple, Google and others.
- utopian1
Apple Is Not Alone
Dell, Microsoft and Fifteen Other Fortune-500 Corporations’ Financial Reports Indicate Their Offshore Profits Are In Tax Havens; Hundreds More Likely Do the Same
- I'm kinda wondering, and this is an honest question. Wasn't it already well known that most corporations/banks/f... are made to dodge taxes?georgesIII
- of course it's well known, not sure why anyone's surprisedmonospaced
- because people are talking about wages and company profits - "how can they have so much wealth and not increase wages?" is the discussionformed
- which is, in the US at least, basically a political line issuemonospaced
- yup, it's always politics...but it is a relevant point. Companies are not investing in employees because no one is making themformed
- Companies are greedy in general and there's hardly any legislation to hold them accountable for all the shady shit they are allowed to do.monospaced
- benfal991
just noticed the Apple Watch 'SPORT' model is 449$CAN .. plus taxes that mean 515$CAN
WTF! So expensive!
- yet, you'll still buy it ;PgeorgesIII
- yeah I'm surprised they don't have a cheaper option - not many kids and teenagers can simply walk around with $500 on their wrist...inteliboy
- this is seriously exagerated... the markup must be super highbenfal99
- How can a small device like this cost more than certain laptop or computer?benfal99
- considering the Canadian dollar is worth only $.80 in the US, this figure is the exact same when you account for the difference.monospaced
- The cost is of course partly that it's a designer product, but also for its materials, fit n' finish and all the UI/UX R&Dmonospaced
- You can easily get a slightly cheaper smart watch, but it'll be bigger and less easy to usemonospaced
- Should have been something around 280$-310$ imobenfal99
- You think it should be cheaper than the Samsung Gear? C'mon benfalmonospaced
- you think teenagers don't wear $500 on their wrist? how 'bout their $300 beats hanging around their necks? or their iPhone in their loose pockets?mekk
- i tought Samsung was cheaperbenfal99
- it is, and rightly somonospaced
- A comparable GPS watch from Garmin or Suunto is $500-ish. It's priced appropriately for the market.ideaist
- Mono speaks from experience in owning/using one, of course ;-)formed
- please... all I've done is read about what it does and how it's differentiated, just like anyonemonospaced
- ;)monospaced
- My watch... $20...pango
- My watch... $20...pango