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- 3,725 Responses
- pinkfloyd0
- not surprising - that thing was hyped to shit and the only people asking for a watch were investors and tech writers. not normal people.inteliboy
- They sold millions of them though, more than any other smart watch maker, which may indicate simply that those people who wanted one, got one.monospaced
- price limit to sales? prob lowered price coming soon?yurimon
- same exact thing happened with the original iPhone... it sold a shit ton in the first few months, then stopped, then shot up a year latermonospaced
- what the model for new product vs demand? seems they have a good grasp on taking small tech steps to keep demand up.yurimon
- iFailpinkfloyd
- The fanboism is strong in herepinkfloyd
- It's not a phone or a music player - it simply is not going to do well. Why do we even need a smart watch?inteliboy
- pink- is it possible to talk about apple without it being "fanboism" thing?inteliboy
- Oh no, does this mean we're not progressing any more?MrT
- fanboism is the best word ever!pinkfloyd
- I called it and counted on it. Now, for the stock to drop soon, then buy some, then they reveal a much better product, car, etc within 5 years.mg33
- ^igeniuspinkfloyd
- watch 90% drop and stock plummeted 0.30 cents. go buy them stocks.2002
- I'm waiting for apple space capsule.yurimon
- yeah yeah... the hate is ALWAYS strong ... But time and time again, Apple always come thru. It's always easier to write a negative story.necromation
- I don't hate apple actually. I love their brand.pinkfloyd
- you have an apple tattoo?yurimon
- yup, buy buy buyrandommail
- Always thought the idea of a "watch" as cutting edge tech is weird. For most people their phone already does most of what the watch can do with betteryuekit
- design and just as much portability. It can even tell time!yuekit
- iPhone sales stopped then boomed again after a year because there was no app store nor mention of one when it was first released. It was a fully closed device.kalkal
- Come the iPhone 3g, they opened the app store making the iPhone way more useful. I can't see them doing anything to the watch than makes it more more "useful"kalkal
- Than it is.kalkal
- I'm sure Apple employees many smart people who can see ways to make it more useful.monospaced
- yurimon4
- fuck you dude, https://en.wikipedia…Weyland
- Hahaha. Can you blame the guy?monospaced
- I'd want to spend my time on that yacht as well.BabySnakes
- Nathan_Adams2
Sales are slower 3 months after launch than they are in the first week after launch? Bravo analysts, that's some great insight.
Launch events are always going to create a spike. The only sales periods that should be compared to them are subsequent launch events.
- Turns out that those sales figures were completely backwards. June sales were highest, and the whole rollout more successful than iPhone and iPad releases.monospaced
- MrT0
No linked text boxes? Page layout with no gaps?
What the shitting cock have Apple done to Pages with v5?
- Let me guess... iOS compatibility. Die in a ditch you rancid wankers.MrT
- No delete page? In Pages? Where's my gun.MrT
- Woohoo I'm having a meltdown!MrT
- Hahhahah. I never use it, but I just opened Pages to check - what the fuck man?face_melter
- don't use pages though doesn't surprise me - apple and their dumbing down of software is embarrassing.inteliboy
- autoflavour2
so stoked, took my defective early 2011 macbook pro i7 into the macstore today.. they ran a couple of tests and told me it would be ready to be picked up in 5 days.. free of charge..
if only the fuckers did this when the issue happened 2 years ago, i wouldnt have had to cop a new laptop after only 2 years.. but still..
i am trying to chalk this up to a win..
especially as a little as 2 weeks ago i was researching where i should take this old laptop to dispose of it..
- Hey - same here! Got the graphics card replaced for free last week.mg33
- I use my 2011 Macbook to hold window open.utopian
- i am not entirely sure what i am going to do with it.. how many laptops do you needautoflavour
- sell itmonospaced
- autoflavour2
wow.. ok.. so apple definitely delivered..
less than 24 hours after me taking that 2011 laptop in, it was ready to be picked up..
- fadein110
FInally...…- ???GeorgesII
- Finally Apple are updating god awful Apple TVfadein11
- Hopefully this rumor report is true.monospaced
- yurimon0
- lolpinkfloyd
- not an iPhone?monospaced
- earlier iphone?pinkfloyd
- Hard to tell. Especially with what looks like a headphone jackmonospaced
- the monkey could tell right away.yurimon
- Not a monkey.monospaced
- ********0
- Peter-1
Go for a smart watch so you can put the phone back in your pocket.
Then take that smart watch and put it in your pocket.
- fucking brilliant.sarahfailin
- #fuckinghipstersautoflavour
- reanimate-1
Documents confirm Apple is building self-driving car
Apple is building a self-driving car in Silicon Valley, and is scouting for secure locations in the San Francisco Bay area to test it, the Guardian has learned. Documents show the oft-rumoured Apple car project appears to be further along than many suspected.
- lets hope it doesn't use maps for navigation - gonna be a lot of Apple cars in the ocean.fadein11
- Bullshit. Everyone knows apple stopped working on new projects after jobs died. That is well documented by opinions in this thread.monospaced
- Only google bothers innovating. Apple is dead in the water and only updated gadgets and polishes shitty pcsmonospaced
- lol mono - why do you care so much? i personally would leave car making to the experts...fadein11
- You call them "experts"? Look at the abysmal mpg ratings cars in the US get. Most cars are still running on dirty oil and polluting the air.iCanHazQBN
- They aren't experts. The auto industry needs a complete overhaul. Tesla, Apple, and Google are trying to break the mold.iCanHazQBN
- And mono, besides this car thing, what has Apple innovated? This is literally the first thing we've heard about in many years.iCanHazQBN
- ...everything so far has been the iPhone resized and sold as various products (iPad, Apple Watch).iCanHazQBN
- Lol. You are repeating what I just said. Anyway. Apple of course is always working on shit. Even if you don't hear about it. It's their style.monospaced
- So far this is still a rumor and Apple hasn't commented. Will be interesting.monospaced
- conclusion, the apple car is a large ipad.yurimon
- lol @mono's first couple of notesjaylarson
- BBC promoted it as the "ultimate mobile device" which I thought was nice... @Ican - cars are still based on 150 year old technology - ooooh I wonder why that isfadein11
- and don't expect Apple to be any different because even they are not bigger than that monopoly.fadein11
- Wow. Apple is working on a self-driving car. So cutting edge. So is everyone right now - tech companies to auto manufacturers.ETM
- Exactly. I saw a demo of a perfectly functional autonomous car in 1998 at my university.monospaced
- Most interesting thing is how they design it... I mean, would apple just use the stock standard windscreen wipers all others do?inteliboy
- I hope that it does not look like their Magic Mouse...Derp!utopian
- mono, your first two comments seemed sarcastic. That's why I responded as I did.iCanHazQBN
- They were.monospaced
- And you firmly believe apple doesn't innovate and possibly can't. That's fine to have different opinions.monospaced
- If Apple is working on an actual car we will see. Plenty of people will label the fictional car a failure because well. Apple is pure fail.monospaced
- A trend that is well documented by the incorrect Apple doom comments going back a decade in this thread.monospaced
- lol... I think you said the same about the mythical watch. Looking forward to seeing the Apple car adverts all about how they have revolutionised getting fromfadein11
- A to B. 'we took an internal combustion engine and 4 wheels and stuck an apple logo on it and it has revolutionised getting from A to B'fadein11
- yawn. the echo chamber of apple hate is endless. all companies have cringey advertising claiming their shit is the best.inteliboy
- Tesla took a lotus. Put batteries in it and slapped on a new logo and they revolutionized cars no?monospaced
- Nobody would expect them to start from scratch and nobody could give them credit for inventing self driving tech either.monospaced
- But if they did make the first self driving production consumer vehicle then they could get the credit for that at least. I am doubtful they are though.monospaced
- yeah but its still trickle down tech. nothing revolutionary nor intended to give to much to soon. they will drip update and stretch out as long as possible anyyurimon
- tech advances unless there is a shift from a revolutionary company for real.yurimon
- As long as people pay for shit they will keep on their path but if one year people say no n fu, then you will see strategy meeting, why they are rejected.yurimon
- fan boys are the ultimate false feed back for a company. if people just hold out for one year n not buy with a list of grievances. they will deliver fast in 6yurimon
- with no errors guaranteed.yurimon
- Apple's output has been buggy on all fronts. Im not sure I am ecstatic about them making a car.********
- BillGates1
About the apple car, apple isn't really good at developing things themselves they rely on other hardware provider to make the grunt of the work then apple just adapts it to fit their current model,
I'm not an apple hater but I find it ludicrous to believe that apple would build a complete car from scratch, they will probably get all the tech from samsung (which already has been producing cars for more than a decade in collab with reneault), steal some engineers from tesla,bmw or google and slap an apple sticker on it,
I for one will praise them when I see one on the road, but as of now only -google- alphabet has a running efficient self driving car
- http://www.renaultsa……BillGates - I think I will stick with BMW... but a Windows 10 car - yesfadein11
- tesla, bmw sure - though apple have more manufacturing experience than google.inteliboy
- we're talking about cars right?? and google is barely in his teens :)…BillGates - and google seem to be doing ok making their little self driving buggy things.inteliboy
- yeah cars. i reckon non-car tech companies are going to do cool things.inteliboy
- only so much you can do with 4 wheels, apart from the exterior they have changed for 100 years... hmmmm, strange that.fadein11
- haven'tfadein11
- Hey. All Tesla did was develop battery tech and slap it into a Lotus. Same shit no?monospaced
- Their first gen to test the batteries, they are light years beyond that now. Apple should think about their acquisitions more and not be so cheap (Beats).formed
- isn't tesla going to work with samsung to produce better batteries?
@monospace, maybeBillGates - What do you mean maybe? Tesla didn't invent a new car or design anything beyond a battery and electric power train for vehicles.monospaced
- Visually they are identical to a Lotus and a Masseratimonospaced
- Anyway why would it be a problem if Apple put pieces together for a self driving car? Who cares who makes it first? Nobody could take credit for inventing itmonospaced
- All the parts of the necessary tech are already in place for the most part Anyway.monospaced
- lol mono, you see, right there, this is why some people think you're biased toward apple, you defend them like they kidnap your gf or some shitGeorgesII
- I guess that's one way of seeing it. I'm on the side where I'm acknowledging Apple is just a tech company much like many others.monospaced
- So what's your point... Google rules and Apple is ass? Fine.********
- No, just that it's weird people flip out over an Apple product rumor, say it's a fail when it's still vaporware, and then say Apple doesn't innovatemonospaced
- and when news comes out that they are, it's funny to see poeple so quick to get on their nuts, when in reality they're just a tech company doing what tech doesmonospaced
- So really you are just mad at people********
- hahaha, I wouldn't say I'm mad at allmonospaced
- http://www.renaultsa…
- mg33-3
Stock price has been dropping the past few weeks. What's the right price to buy at? Currently at $104 and likely going to $100 at some point.
- likely going to drop way more with China situation - got to be a good time to buy? I know little about this stuff though.fadein11
- wait for it to hit $80!utopian
- Almost stock prices have been dropping. I think buying at around $100 would be smart.monospaced
- Only got as low as $104 I think.mg33
- Things are going to bounce around for a whileformed
- Followed by holiday sales.monospaced
- utopian-1
The next-gen Apple TV could be the most exciting product Apple has released in years!
- that is the opinion of one writer at Yahoomonospaced
- Old stuff. IF anyone can really bundle things for less money, they'd win. But as we see with Apple Music (or whatever its called), it's not possible todayformed
- ********0
Just bought a new ipad mini. Would have totally preffered to get the Sony Z3 tablet but the music production apps on android simply do not compare.
- I know I'm a broken record but man, iOS is awful compared to android now. Design and UX wise. Such a shame, the hardware is nice.********
- I've always said I'd buy all Apple if I could get Windows on it, laptops, workstations, everythingformed
- You can run windows on a Mac pretty much natively.monospaced
- No support and you have to buy it. Macs are already overpriced.formed
- Also, the lack of a touchscreen is a deal breaker these days. I spend that much, I want the option of touch.formed
- You have to but it from any OEM too it's just part of the price. Not sure why you would say you would buy apple hardware if it's too expensive and no touch thomonospaced
- I know I'm a broken record but man, iOS is awful compared to android now. Design and UX wise. Such a shame, the hardware is nice.
- Krassy0
Apple Campus 2 Begins to Take Shape - video overlapped with commentary by the late Steve Jobs: