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  • autoflavour1

    so lazy

    • Meh. I'm actually ok with it. I think of it like a good t-shirt. It fits so well you wish they never change the cut. Just improve the cotton quality.pango
    • ya i have 8 or 10 of the same black t... hate it when the brand changes the cut once a while...pango
    • exactly, and like a good ol' t-shirt, no one cares to upgrade until it is completely worn outformed
    • 5s' shape was perfect. Stop changing it!!pango
    • I agree, my favourite too._niko
  • iCanHazQBN3

    I told you a looong time ago, and I kept repeating it...

    Innovation will die the second Steve leaves. He was the one that pushed them to make everything BETTER BETTER BETTER. Make it fucking amazing or you're fired!!!

    Now all the employees are lazy as fuck with nobody cracking the whip, just rehashing old designs. This kind of shit would never fly with Steve in charge.

    • Biatch...Innovation Never Sleeps!utopian
    • It's hibernating, yo.iCanHazQBN
    • 2 thumbs up + shrugpango
    • #Bring back Steve!!youngdesigner
    • all these phones do the exact same shit, with the exact same features.... people just like bitching about Apple. been that way for decades, jobs or no jobs.inteliboy
    • So you're advocating employee abuse?ESKEMA
    • they're doing interesting stuff with health and medicine... though people could care less. not an emhergerd new shiny object!inteliboy
    • a galaxy far far awaay?
    • If KFC brought back the Colonel, why can't Apple can bring back Steve?nb
    • North Korea sent people to the sun and back already. Bring Steve back shouldn't be that hard.pango
  • utopian1

    Apple Watch gets some brand new bands…

    "Innovation Never Sleeps"

    • With all of these mind fucking boggling "Hot New Innovations" from Apple...what will they do next?utopian
    • Making a bank inside another bank.pango
  • utopian0

    9.7-inch iPad Pro announced!…

    "Innovation Never Sleeps"

    • small ipad pro is just a normal ipad, right?autoflavour
    • But you can use the iCrayon on that one!zarkonite
    • wow, Apple is now lifting lines from MS to talk up their products... They must be doing some damage with the Surface.zarkonite
  • utopian0

    Apple shuffles iPad Air 2, iPad mini prices…

    "Innovation Never Sleeps"

    • Thanks for all the time and effort you are putting into slamming Apple. Looks like time well spent!jaylarson
  • utopian0

    Carl Icahn Dumps $700 Million In Apple Stock As iPhone Bet Sours

    One year ago, Carl Icahn thought Apple could do no wrong. Now he’s selling.…

  • face_melter0

    Maybe they should innovate some shirts that fit or maybe a belt - all the dudes on stage look like they play in some lousy pub band who only do Fleetwood Mac and Steely Dan covers.

  • ********

  • mekk0

    I want to get a bit more info about this screen color thing. Does it adjust the color tone of the LED that lighten up the screen or do they just mess with the colors displayed?

    Just think about browsing in a coffee bar and get a light brown background instead of white

    • i'm gonna guess it's based on the white point scale. D50, D55, D60, D65 etc.pango
    • And probably using the light sensor that was for auto brightness to also meter for white balance.pango
  • sofakingback3

    So after seeing Apple use previous designs for the iPad pro 2 and the SE...

    Is it safe to say they peaked when jobs died?

    This shit sucks... and so does the solution for this rechargeable mouse.


    • lol. fail
    • b... but it takes a few minutes to charge! Fuck me. One of the worst meeces I have ever used. Like pointing with a brick.face_melter
    • Hahahahapango
    • They... couldn't have it in the front, so it goes into USB mode whilst it charges, so you can still use it? That seems... fuckit, outright fucking stupid.detritus
    • this is so stupidmonospaced
    • I got one at the office the other day, utterly fucking retarded. No excuses whatsoever..
    • I've got one of like a charm!
      Worth every penny!!!!!

    • lol that happened to my mouse today while at work. Epic fail.antonyjwhite
    • so basically, when it needs a charge and you still have 6 hours of work ahead... you have to find another mouse?prophetone
    • 2-hour charge = 1 month use, and the battery will be monitored by the computer, so all you have to do is plug it in once in awhile.monospaced
    • They're no longer dishing out innovation like it was fast food. I think for reasons that they've no protection against copycats.
    • still stupid design, and I can't stand this mouse form factormonospaced
    • PIITBsublocked
    • Like I said, I have the "Magic Charger" two magic mice with an extra Magic Mouse rechargeable battery. I'm never without a mouse...ever.utopian
    • i have a box of original wired Pro mouses, they are still the bomb, never failprophetone
    • Sorry, mono - there's no defending this.

      At all.

      I'm bewildered that Apple would make this decision.
    • I'm assuming that last note was Detritus. You know we can't see your username on mobile when you use separate lines like that?
    • Though you're the only cunt that does it so I always know.
    • I
    • always
    • know
    • Anyway back to the mouse, I'm planning to have it run out at about 4pm once a month so I can go home two hours early
    • I wasn't defending it! I've shit on it at least twice here.monospaced
    • But even a dumb shit like yuri can plug in a mouse once a month before leaving the office when the computer says the battery is low. Jeezmonospaced
    • Lord Jeez would be dissappoint
    • The "innovation" apple would have come up with a new design and make it wireless charging. That would have been on par with their brand. Not this. its oversofakingback
    • Totally agree. This makes my eye twitch because of how anti design it is. It is literally a sacrifice in function for a look.monospaced
    • Like a dead mice...pango
    • or a bottombklyndroobeki
  • ********

    I'm not going to say Steve Jobs was irreplaceable but guys with his vision and understanding of computer trends don't come around often.

    • idk, Jobs would have had to face the same problems with Apple growing so big and going full mainstream.mekk
    • You don't think he had those issues to deal with in his last 5 years? The landscape seems about the same to me.

      I could be wrong, is it different now?
    • They have way more markets and people are more willing to spend $500 on a phone than five years ago imomekk
    • Really? I thought all that was established by then... They're a bigger company now thats for sure.sofakingback
  • BusterBoy1

    Very difficult for anyone at Apple now to be anywhere near as effective as Jobs. Jobs was deeply invested in the company...emotionally & financially. He had skin in the game. Although the company wasn't "his", he had a significant stake and felt it was his right to exercise control over the company. Add to that he was clearly a visionary and you have a might powerful combination.

    • Yeah, it seems that they are severely drifting idealistically with incredibly bland people in charge. No-one has that spark to drag things forward.face_melter
    • In terms of R&D they are great, but they seem to just release the same 3 products every year with spec bumps.face_melter
    • How is it that they're great at R&D if it only yields incremental gains?zarkonite
    • Theres alot of stuff in R&D that hasn't come out yet. Apple waits for it to be a thing. then they come out with a better version and charge more for it.err
    • I'd suggest that Apple was exactly 'his', technicalities of ownership aside.detritus
    • Their work with precision milling, metallurgy etc. is what I mean, their design R&D is pure pishflaps.face_melter
    • Aslo, he had the ability to get things past the dream crushers making financial decisions. No way Tim Cook orsofakingback
    • anyone else can push the boundaries and get it made. It requires sacrifice and risk... in this case money. And guess what corporate drones love most? Money.sofakingback
    • so good bye, innovation.sofakingback
  • hans_glib0

    while i'm a great fan of the se/5 size, it's a shame they couldn't be arsed to redesign the case, and make it a little curvier (à la iphone 3).

    but i suppose that would require someone at apple to actually give a damn and fight for the budget, rather than just cashing in on existing tooling.


  • Ianbolton0

    Why would they release a new phone in May? Does this mean we're now going to see yearly incremental updates to a shittier new phone every May, then the usual iPhone 7 released in October for their yearly updates? Maybe they could release a Christmas iPhone? What the fuck is the point? It's like they don't actually give a shit about innovation, just overall market gain.

    • Money is all they truly care about, so yeah, market dominanceformed
    • from now on you buy two new phones every year.mekk
    • Maybe it's because they had their first YoY iPhone sales decline?zarkonite
    • a ton of people are still on smaller iPhones, so it's like '...hey! HEY! It's the same dinky phone you love but with new bits inside! COOL!'face_melter
    • They don't only do it once a year. They've had many June releases, and September/October too.monospaced
    • ^ and that's why a lot of people will buy italiastime
    • Does anybody know if the battery will last longer than a day?Ianbolton
  • randommail0

    More of the same. The whole industry. We used to lament beige plastic. Now it's aluminum and glass.

  • shaft0

    Am I the only one disappointed that instead of launching an actual smaller iPhone 6s they rebadged iPhone 5 again with a new sticker?

    Not that I was going to buy a 4" phone anyway, shouldn't complain.

    • i know ppl that are stoked.
      The boxier frame was better for holding.
      And now it has better battery and same specs as 6s. Its just not for you.
    • ummm... the 5SE is a smaller 6s, except for 3D touchmonospaced
    • Does it come with a free U2 album?fadein11
    • Comes with a free KICK ME sign taped to your back.instrmntl
    • Copy, Paste, Apple
      "Innovation Never Sleeps"
    • It's a 5 with a faster processor. It looks like a 5, even monospaced calls it a 5SE.shaft
  • inteliboy0

    funny how companies like samsung can release all sorts of phones all the time... no one cares... they have something like 20-30 phones on the market.. most are rehashed plastic shit from years ago. Though god forbid Apple update just one of their phones. It's a big deal guise, seriously.

    • Most Samsung phones are buy one get one free too.monospaced
    • expectation of them is lower.pango
    • I don't think so pangomonospaced
    • Samsung et al don't strive so hard to put on such an overly-considered public persona, so don't go out inviting ire from fan and foe alike.detritus
    • Additionally, much of the comparison is with google and not Samsung as they actually provide the majority of the experience beyond hardware.monospaced
    • People only care about apple because they reinvented the cellular phone and in doing so, many ways the way we interact with technology.monospaced
    • Personally I feel that's not something that happens often in a single lifetime.monospaced
    • They did it once and it won't be easily forgotten. Even I can recognize that nothing they do will ever be that impactful again.monospaced
    • eh? 20-30 phones? can you send me a brochure - I would love to see all these phones... Samsung are a v.different company - bizarre comment.fadein11
    • Samsung has 150 phones right now. 175, actually.nb
    • 238 according to the Samsung website. But what would I know?monospaced
      Probably much less but it's still a lot.
    • Totally irrelevant - I think the point is an Apple new product used to be something to get excited about - not a smaller screen.fadein11
    • To be clear, besides the very first iPhone and iPad releases what releases are you talking about?monospaced
    • Because beside that and maybe the first iMac or aluminum laptop, everything else for the last 20 years has been screen and spec changes.monospaced
    • perhaps the iPod or the iTunes Store?monospaced
    • duh - the iPod? no????
      Macbook Pro blew the competition out the window.
      What planet are you on?
    • Of course the fucking iPod - they built all their success on that prior to the phone.fadein11
    • Although I actually hated every one I owned lol.fadein11
    • so, you're talking about 5 things in 20 years.... got it.monospaced
    • And zero things in 5 years.fadein11
    • If they didn't talk themselves up so much I wouldn't actually give a shit.fadein11
    • are they talking it up outside the actual keynote speeches, or are you just talking about fanboy and hater chatter? I'm actually not that tuned inmonospaced
    • I despise their sickly marketing that regularly borders on lies which the sheeple happily lap up... look I don't lie in bed thinking about it lolfadein11
    • and as I have said I love a lot of what they do but God their marketing is so much bullshit - like a Jedi mind trick with short depth of field.fadein11
    • hmmm, I never really saw their ads as much more than some sort of lifestyle promotions, but I really don't see them muchmonospaced
    • fade, their own website lists 45 phones...…inteliboy
    • also, apple's keynotes and advertising are full of smug hyperbole... just like every damn other company on the face of the earth.inteliboy
    • Hype sells and make money. only the weak minded gets influenced by jedi mind trick. "this is the phone you were looking for" ?pango
  • Maaku0

    Maybe they will release a new phone because this?…

    • Good for them.pango
    • Whats funny about this is that all that information is useless now.sofakingback
    • Also, it made the US government seem so weak and stupid. You can't even break into one fuckin phone? Really? So you put it on blast and let the world know?sofakingback
  • monospaced0

    Apple has responded to the latest filing from the Department of Justice saying that if the government is unable to succeed in unlocking the device on its own, Apple will demand to know everything about the method by which it tried.

  • nb0