The Healthy Thread

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  • VectorMasked1

    Runner here.

    There's so much involved in running, specially if you do end up taking it as a serious hobby. Here are a few basic things.

    • Go out even if you don't feel like running. Force yourself to run.
    • Go to a good running store. They will help you choose the right pair of shoes for you. Don't just go to the nike store. At a running store the staff will check your foot stride and will help you find a pair of shoes that will not only help you stay injure free, but that will also help you perform better. Who doesn't want faster times?
    • Get running clothes. You don't have to, but just having them around can help you get a little more motivated. In cases they can also help you run faster by making you feel more comfortable during your runs.
    • Download the Nike+ app, or Strava. It's a good idea to record your progress. Plus these apps can make running a little more interesting. You can listen to music while the app records every run and you can compete with friends and other runners. I use the Nike+ and can't live without it. If you don't wanna carry your phone or an ipod, just get a GPS watch.
    • You can run and not be obsessed with nutrition. If you do want to get the most out of your runs and do intend to run quite a bit... then yeah, pay attention how much protein and carbs you eat every day. Protein and fat help build muscle and lose weight. You are def going to want to eat a little more Carbs. Carbs = energy. It's that simple. Your body basically has two gas tanks. One is for Fat and the other for Carbs. Your body goes after the Carbs first. Once your body can't find any more carbs to use as fuel, it will start using Fat as fuel. The thing is that when your body runs out of carbs to burn, you start slowing down, and feeling weak and tired... and Fat is not a good source of energy for the body. So do try to eat more carbs during the day. Any kind of carbs is good pretty much, but I would recommend oatmeal with a banana before a running session. An orange is a good option after your workout. Also try to play around with grains, nuts, apples, beans (good source of iron), peanut butter, spinach and berries.
    • Water, water and more water.
    • Do try to warm up and cool down. It's a good a idea to make it a habit. But nowadays there is a little debate as to whether this helps or not. I personally don't warm up anymore. I feel better when I run without warming up.
    • DO NOT run every day, unless you are training for the Olympics. It is extremely important to give your body some rest. A day of rest can actually make you a better and faster runner than forcing yourself to go out for a 10k session. If you are just able to run 5k at the beginning, and one day you push yourself and do 7k, rest the next day.
    • Slowly increase your mileage.

    • This. This is why I <3 QBNbklyndroobeki
    • This is wealthy info for me. I was going to run daily even if it was around the block. Don't have the best shoes to run with but again, I just want to get outbklyndroobeki
    • there. Likely won't do a mile, but 1/2 for tomorrow. And walk the rest home while hydrating. I'm average at the moment, I don't work out but somehow I'm one ofbklyndroobeki
    • those people who can maintain tone without doing much. Would like to feel more energized during my day (recently been feeling LOW energy and kind of "depressed"bklyndroobeki
    • not like me.
      Thanks for this! It's incredibly helpful!
    • Btw... There's a few other QBNers who also use Nike+. We create challenges and compete against each other.VectorMasked
    • Don't forget to let us know when you've create your nike+ account so you can join the gang.VectorMasked
    • you get any sun?yurimon
  • yurimon-2…

    New Study: Pesticides a “Major Cause” of Infertility, Male Erectile Dysfunction

  • canoe1

    Started drinking matcha green tea

    • < sure sidetracked at QBN, but totally focused on it!canoe
  • pinkfloyd2

    My legs are so sore. I started doing deadlifts yesterday.

    • dont hurt yourself.Ben99
    • +1 for myselfpinkfloyd
    • deadlifts are the gothest workoutscarabin
    • :|

    • normal, i take 5-6 days to recover, i've been lifting for 15 years
      heavier squats 5-6 reps dont cause soreness
  • Ben991

    Whats the best way/receipes to eat healty food for people who dont have time/are too lazy to cook anything. Good food made as fast as possible with little to no effort.


    • the best food you eat is going to be food you prepared yourself. try cooking stuff on weekends for the rest of the week. also oats are great in the morningscarabin
    • and are easy as fuck (just not the instant crap). also just pre-chopping veggies ahead of time makes cooking easier and faster throughout the weekscarabin
    • Get a juicer. Blitz the fuck out of a bag full of vegetables every evening.set
    • Spinach, carrots, beetroot, ginger, kale you name it, chuck it in.set
    • just wash and veggie raw. not cutting. or pick and eat fruit. no pesticides.yurimon
    • There you have it. Just wash and veggie raw.set
    • lol, thats the laziest way you can eat. take a carrot wash and eat. bananas, lettuce just bite into it after washing. still a salad just not cut up.yurimon
    • thanks :PBen99
    • cook 1-2 kilos barley/oats/buckweat... have it in fridge (not frozen), when hungry run in mixer with berries and rice milkdrgs
    • Fat Free Greek Yogurt. Use a spoon, eat straight out of the container.nb
  • pinkfloyd1

    I've noticed when I ate the fruits and vegetables in NYC, I would gag. I didn't have that problem when I lived in the suburbs. This has unfortunately lead me to eat less of them, but I try to get organic whenever I can.

    • farmers market, if you find a farmer who may not be labeled organic but makes food the traditional way with no pesticides.
      supermarket food may be ripened in a
    • warehouse.yurimon
    • cool, thanks dudepinkfloyd
    • yeah man, farmer's market + food prep on weekendsscarabin
  • MrT0

    Turmeric tea ...

    1 tsp decent honey
    1/2 tsp ground turmeric
    Hot water (not boiling)
    Squeeze lemon

    Mix everything together in a mug with a couple of grinds of black pepper. There's a lot of gumph out there about the benefits of turmeric but either way, this is great drink.

    • I'm having 3 cups a day so by the weekend I'll look like Troy McLureMrT
  • yurimon-2

    • yummoldero
    • "Critics skeptical". NO SHIT, thanks for the news!nb
  • mg330

    After tiring of using a Jawbone wristband back in March, I've not used anything to track my diet and exercise.

    Started using Lose It yesterday and already really like it. Love that it can read data from the Strava cycling app (which may actually be writing to the Health app, which the Lose It app reads.) The UI feels much better than the Jawbone app. I think it's really going to keep me focused on eating right and slimming down. Trying to get from about 188/190 to 180 by early October.

    Been biking pretty regularly 2-3 days a week to work, I get in about 45 minutes and 12.5 miles on shorter days, and 18-20 miles a day if I leave the house early enough. It's been feeling great.

    • nice, n congrats.yurimon
    • Thanks! Seeing the data really helps me stay motivated.mg33
  • mg332

    I can't believe how good it starts to feel when you exercise almost every day. I started this month realizing i needed to make some big changes, and I'm totally tearing it up right now. Between cycling to work, jogging, or working out at the gym with weights, I think I'm averaging 6 days a week of exercise. Never done that before.

    I love getting up to weigh myself in the morning and seeing small drops in my weight. Started the month at 190 and I'm right around 187 on average, but was at 186 today. I love the motivation of eating well and exercising to see that next drop in weight. I've lost a lot of the stomach bloat I usually have which helps me keep my slight belly pulled in when I'm standing up.

    My wife asked this morning if anything would slow me down, or make me stop for a few days. I told her after how great I've felt, there's no chance I would slack off now. The more I see results the more it makes me want to keep kicking ass at it. Feels so good.

    • I'd worked out off and on for years, but never this regularly. I wouldn't skip a workout at all now.mg33
    • You still need to rest, tho. I work out 4 to 5 times a week, quit smoking 2 years ago and I barely drink nowadays, weigh 168 at 5'11"Maaku
    • Doing about 5-6 days a week.mg33
  • mg330

    It's working! Anyone else use Lose It?

  • isleptwithsirenstonight2

    Has fat acceptance gone too far?…

  • MrT0

    My first batch of kombucha is almost ready for bottles. I'm going to try flavouring with ginger and turmeric... anyone else had any success?

    It's definitely scratched that male, brewing itch but unlike beer, it shouldn't make my boobs any bigger.

    • i always have a batch in the fridge but never really flavor the stuffscarabin
    • lemme know how it goes! i avoid using juices when brewing because it never turns out as expected, but ginger seems like it could work really wellscarabin
    • I will. So you tried fruit juice in the brew? Do you keep it going indefinitely - move the skoby to the next batch and start again each time?MrT
    • flavor each bottle differently, in case you screw updrgs
  • MrT0

    ... ginger and turmeric flavour. Worked a treat, giving this a few more days to fizz up.

  • nb0

    I've lost almost 20 lbs over the past six months by simply forcing myself to get super hungry before I eat, then I try to eat a low-calorie meal (400-700 calories, maybe.) When I get hungry, I just try to wait it out as long as I can until I'm "starving".

    Plus, I drink less alcohol and I do light workouts five days a week. But I used to work out much harder and I was still getting fat. Working out is good for you, but diet is everything when it comes to losing weight!

    I'm in the best shape of my life and it feels good!

    • congrats man! maintain healthy habits and you'll live a long and healthy life :)sarahfailin
    • do you ever do any fasting, nb? seems you're almost doing it w/the starving yourself... I've actually read very good things about fasting...PonyBoy
    • ... in terms of being a natural cleansePonyBoy
    • No, I've never skipped more than a couple meals.nb
    • I think "cleansing" is mostly bullshit. The best way to cleanse is to eat healthy over a long period of time (ie. months).nb
    • 'cleansing' as I've been taught is nothing more than flushing your body's filters (liver, kidneys... colon etc)... it works wonders on your immune system :)PonyBoy
    • Yeah, I think the jury is still out on cleansing being effective. But if it works for you, go for it.nb
    • Fasting is proven good for the brainimbecile
  • bklyndroobeki0

    say you eat a little too much for lunch
    (had a reasonable bowl of ramen w/ pork)
    could/should i just skip dinner?

    • You can, if you're trying to lose weight. If you're worried about skipping, just eat something really light like a banana or an egg.nb
    • Most important thing is eating fewer calories than you burn, EVERY day. The calorie deficit will add up and the weight will disappear.nb
    • Bottom line: if you don't feel hungry, don't eat. Your body will tell you exactly what it needs.nb
    • Some of us just like to eat. My diet is all will power, I'd be 300lb if I ate when I was hungry!formed
    • Gotta be careful about skipping too much, your body will conserve and you won't lose. It sucks. I just go with the 'exercise more and eat well'.formed
    • multiple small meals for increased metabolism as opposed to fewer large mealsimbecile
  • bklyndroobeki0


    does anyone do it? any tips?

    • Tip: Don't eatset
    • But really, I used to do it once a week. One thing I'd suggest is wear more clothes if you go out, your body gets cold far more easily when fasting.set
    • I do it on resting days (ie. dont do fasting after workout), lunch to lunch, 1-2 times a week. Take some arginine/ornithine for max HGH release towards the enddrgs
    • hah, ...Why'd you stop set? Good tips on the clothing.

      drgs, Thinking on doing it 1-2 times a week. I have in the past but want to be more intentional -- no
    • no fasting on work out days?bklyndroobeki
    • ie. going for a jog?bklyndroobeki
    • I suppose you can. take some BCAA to prevent going catabolicdrgs
    • http://www.ergo-log.…drgs
    • look up "intermittent fasting", it's all teh rage on reddit fitnessscarabin
    • I do, sort of like 5:2 but just eat nothing until a normal evening meal on fast days.MrT
    • I find this a lot easier than nothing for a whole day and you get in an 8hr fast period. Which a clever person told me is good.MrT
    • yeah, scarabin has the right idea. also look up its a good cleanse of the system.yurimon
    • tx guys!bklyndroobeki
  • drgs0

    One of my daily sites to visit, btw

  • mg336

    More progress:

    Can't even describe how good this has felt. At 190-192 I hated tucking in my shirts. Always had to suck my stomach in, had bad posture as well. I love tucking in button down shirts now; even if I'm just relaxing my stomach is so much smaller than it was, and if I stand holding my stomach in and tightening my abs, it's incredibly easy and I can feel a better posture that way.

    • nice work! keep it up.capn_ron
    • fuck yeah!scarabin
    • NICE!PonyBoy
    • Damn. What app is that?studderine
    • It's called Lose It. A competitor to My Fitness Pall essentially. It's been exactly what I needed for tracking nutrition and goals.mg33
    • And thanks for the cheers guys!mg33
    • awesome! great work, manKrassy
    • Nice work.prophetone
    • +1Gnash
    • Nice. Those are the numbers I need to hit!formed
    • Dude you dropped a ton of weight really fast. Way to go!sarahfailin
    • Welcome to the 170lb club!pango
    • Thanks again! It feels fantastic. Cut back on sugar big time. Log all my food. Less beer. More protein, better fats. 5-6 days exercise a week.mg33
    • sarahfailin - Most of that was with a calorie target of 1,600 a day, which is pretty low. I'm past that now, up around 2,500 a day, but honestly, I don't hitmg33
    • that most days and feel perfectly fine. I LOVE not feeling bloated, which helps you not want to gorge on stuff.mg33
    • That 1,600 daily calorie total lasted maybe 2 1/2 months.mg33
    • I'm a little obsessed with weighing myself regularly, but I like to do it before bed for the amusement of what you lose overnight.mg33
    • I only log weight in the morning, post-dump.mg33
    • What are you using to track everything?pango
    • well done dude.lowimpakt
    • You log your food that fast? It normally takes me a few hours after I eat.futurefood
    • well done - I am where you were and need to be where you are now... has given me some encouragement. My belly does my head in.fadein11
    • Pango, it's the app called "Lose It!" I track everything I eat, log it quickly, and once you've logged it, it's there to grab in the future.mg33
    • Has a bar code scanner, you can add recipe items. There's not a single thing I don't log.mg33
    • And, it helps me avoid stuff that's too hard to log (ex: unsure of ingredients) and more frequently eat really healthy things I have logged.mg33
    • I'm post some screenshots later today of a full day logged, nutrition screen, etc. I have the $40 year membership, lots of online data and analysis.mg33
    • Thanks fadein11! I'm happy to give any encouragement I can or tips.mg33
    • Your start weight is my goal weight.i_monk
    • Good luck i_monk! Use an app like this, it makes all the difference, keeps you honest.mg33
    • good!bklyndroobeki
    • entering the food data looks like a totally painGnash
  • scarabin0