The Healthy Thread

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  • 672 Responses
  • notype1

    • needs desk attachment with Velcro for laptopGuyFawkes
    • A sado chair?OBBTKN
    • What the fuck is this?
      What does does health even mean anymore?!
    • for back reliefdrgs
  • pinkfloyd0

    It was just a machine rather than free weights, but I bench pressed 225 lbs yesterday. Haven't done that since I was in my twenties.

    • What is it about forcing your poor body to lift stupidly heavy weights in order to bloat the muscles for aesthetics is healthy exactly?set
    • There's a lot of benefits to weight lifting my young dumb childpinkfloyd
    • I do it casually thoughpinkfloyd
    • set, you lost this intellectual debate before it starteddrgs
    • Swollen muscles for aesthetics is not healthy. Naturally I assumed my comment would warrant very defensive comments from the idiots.set
    • So no surprises today.set
    • completely the opposite: the flabbier the loser, the more hostile he is towards anything gym related. A rule from which man knows no exceptiondrgs
    • Being flabby and unfit as almost as retarded as being a swollen, stiff condom full of walnuts. I agree.set
    • Neither myself or anyone I know is near that. There are people who take it to the extreme, but you cannot use them as examples to justify your own laziness.drgs
    • You assume I'm lazy because...?set
    • I know sodrgs
    • The psbattles has turned set from a cunt to a diva cuntpinkfloyd
    • lol at you think you know so. Hahaha. Anyone who suggests swelling up your muscles to look big must naturally not exercise at all. Retards everywhere.set
    • I'm with set.
      This new health instagram hashtag shit has nothing to do with actual health.
    • While we're at it it's the same thing for fitness. It's all about promoting a specific body type.soundofreason
    • Look at track and field athletes, they are all FIT for a specific discipline, therefore the different body types.
      Just admit you like to look good in a bikini.
    • Athletes are actually LESS healthy than non-athletes. Because of their training they are more likely to get INJURED.soundofreason
    • #
    • pat each other on the backdrgs
    • Don't forget to bring the oil.
    • BTW
      I run marathons, I have a resting heart rate under 50 bpm but in the end I'm no way healthier than someone with one of 70bpm.
    • #
    • If you want to live a healthy life spend more time brushing your teeth than picking out your Nike leotard.soundofreason
    • #HEALTH is now being used a as PC stand in for VANITY.soundofreason
    • wtf are you talking about?pinkfloyd
    • @drgs
      His is a great story, and it looks like he did need to lose some weight to become healthy.
    • "you realize how important your health and appearance really are most of all mentally."
    • He is admitting that "looking good" is what weight lifting is about which was my point all along. I'm not against weightlifting. I'm against the health hashtag.soundofreason
    • If he would have only lost some weight he would have healthy as well. He is not healthier for lifting weights. Here's an anlogy that might help:soundofreason
    • Drinking too much is bad for your liver but say your liver can handle a glass of beer a day. If you don't go over that you're healthy.soundofreason
    • Somebody that doesn't drink any alcohol at all is not healthier. That person might do it for moral or religious reasons.soundofreason
    • I'm not against that person not drinking, I know some people like that in real life. I would give that person shit for sticking a health hashtag on it though.soundofreason
    • And to leave out holes in my analogy* let's say that the beer you drink everyday is light and gluten free.
      Seriously, this is idea of health you buy into? I guess they must be right because they have Health in their title.
    • I don't understand why you think vanity negates health? Vanity is a separate, unrelated quality. You can be one of each or both togetherdrgs
    • You can be both or many things more. You can also take great care of your hair and have a fabulous mane. I would still argue it has nothing to with health.soundofreason
    • I don't think vanity negates health. I don't think lifting weights makes you either unhealthy or healthy. We're going in circles here.
      I'm out :)
    • tldr;pinkfloyd
    • No worries pinkfloyd, I figured reading wasn't your strength. That text was intended for drgs. I'll be drawing you a picture, stay tuned and #stayhealthy.soundofreason
    • bite mepinkfloyd
  • Boz40

    It's been a while since I posted. I hope everyone is well.

    Last few years I have completely neglected myself. Life was unkind to say the least. After loosing my parents in the span of a few years, I have closed myself off and just went on a destructive path when it comes to my health.

    I balloon-ed to 330 lbs. Then about 2 and a half years ago I snapped and said no more. Never again. So I have been working on myself to become healthy and strong both physically and mentally.

    This year, as a final celebration of my transformation I am going to attend a body building competition (not to win or anything) to mark an end of one journey and a beginning of another.

    Me, pretty much at my worst.

    And today.

    • Fuck yeah man you got this! You lookin’ yoked broHijoDMaite
    • Looking good Bozdopepope
    • hell yeah! congrats and way to take control. Inspiring to me to see this.capn_ron
    • Amazing! Keep it up. Stories like these are inspirational.ArmandoEstrada
    • Hell yeah Boz! Well done buddy!kona
    • Well done!pinkfloyd
    • reverseddrgs
    • Well done Boz - you've just inspired me to do sameriteshpatel
    • and you look like 10 years younger too man.kona
    • Thanks for the kind words. It's one of those things where you realize how important your health and appearance really are most of all mentally.Boz
    • Amazing transformation, keep up the good work.Maaku
    • Thats awesome. Congrats, dude.desmo
    • Fuck yeah, well done.zarkonite
    • holy shit.... you're making me feel like shit for not excising!pango
    • its time for QBN muscle showdown, between me, kona and bozdrgs
    • Holy shit that's impressive! Not as impressive as 6 Xboxes, but still. Congrats.monospaced
    • Do you even lift, bro? J/K... Amazing job! Inspiring!aslip
    • Your face looks 10 years younger now. Amazing difference being healthy. Respect.shapesalad
    • Are tickets already sold out?DRIFTMONKEY
    • From uncle to Bro'Maaku
    • its like boz posted pictures of himself and his daddrgs
    • +1Gnash
    • WOW!!!! Amazing! Proud of you!FawnDog
    • Damn good brah!! Don't stoprobotron3k
    • how many computers in the office though?imbecile
    • Good work.jagara
    • Nicely done! You should be proud to inspire anyone who knows you.CyBrainX
    • Dude amaze. Does this mean you are back on qbn?autoflavour
    • Congrats dude!utopian
    • Damn dude, well done man. Look like an entirely different person.fyoucher1
    • crazy how being overweight make us look older than we areBennn
    • Congrats. Also that's 330? How fucking tall are you?garbage
    • Amazing! Congrats!Krassy
    • Soooo, the moral of the story is: if you quit QBN, you lose weight and become ripped?! ;-pKrassy
    • thanks again all. @garbage i am 5’11Boz
    • You look great for a Flash Designer!utopian
    • Damn, must have been a compact 330. Keep at it Holmes.garbage
    • Good job staying positive!bezoar
    • Well done.
      *Goes back to eating Doritos
    • Nice Stachenotype
    • Flash died, but you survived.
      Well done man! ;)
    • Boz, brate! We missed you around here, you're looking great!Continuity
    • Amazing, thumbs up!SimonFFM
    • congrats boz, as long you're happy that's good. my fav photo is actually the ones where you standing in front of this landscape.oey
    • svaka cast!!!loool
    • well done man. what was your training regiment like?_niko
    • Boz dude, you're crushing it! totally awesome!plash
    • that's great Boz, taking control! keep it up!GuyFawkes
    • Brother, you are inspiration for us all. Thank you.dibec
    • well done Bozernexbcn
    • skills!uan
    • Awesome work!mg33
    • How on earth. That's awesome, congrats.sea_sea
    • Nice one man, looking goodWhiteFace
    • congrats man! that's hugeMiguex
    • I know you are stoked and you should be, but please in the name of men everywhere, ditch the leggins lolMiguex
    • Final challenge: keep it up, and don't fall back into old habits next time life kicks you in the balls.jagara
    • ... aaaaaaand he's gone again. :\Continuity
    • :) I'm not.. I'm here :) Samo manje postujem generalno.Boz
  • autoflavour1

    Man Boz is inspiring.. is this really what happens when u quit QBN? Jeez

    Tell us your secret bro.. apart from shit Tonne of gym time

  • shapesalad0

    all of this channels videos:

  • notype0

    Been fasting and have no idea what I'm doing.
    Bet I should see a doctor first but just going with it.

    • 3 days. so far so good.notype
    • Intermittent Fasting works best. Stop eating at 8pm and the eat again 10am the next day. I do this 5 times a week and cheat on the weekends.ok_not_ok
    • ^ lol that's not fasting that's called stopping eating for the day. Everyone does that.set
    • 30 day water fast is the most beneficial to the body. You literally reset all the systems and purge all the crap from your cells. A new body.set
    • set I just started eating again yesterday and ate crap. surprised how upset/sad it made me feel, prior i was flying high. i'm going to start again tomorrow.notype
    • 30 days may be a long time for a beginner without docs input. is it safe? just water? what about tea? coffee?notype
    • always feel woosy/faintish although I know it's a passing feeling. i never felt so clear as I had at work last week.notype
    • You can drink green tea and take a small amount of sea salt every dayset
    • Black coffee okrobotron3k
    • Yep, it’s OKnotype
    • Like not eating food for a month?! For real? Yikes.monospaced
    • I don’t think any doctor would be okay with that kind of thing.monospaced
    • 30 day fast !?! thats nuts...pedromendez
    • Do some research on how good it is for the body before spouting nonsense beliefs based on assumptions, my lovelies.set
    • 30 days is extreme and not for everyone. I did it once, years ago, once you get past the initial few days it's pretty amazing.set
    • I lost a lot of weight and didn't look well but I felt like I'd been given a brand new body. Really felt amazing. Not sure I'd do a whole month again though.set
    • Even as just a spiritual or psychological practice, it gives you a whole new perspective and appreciation for food. We take it for granted so much.set
  • autoflavour2

    LOL.. did Boz just come back to show us that and then fuck off again? I have so many questions.. dude.. come back..

    • Run Boz, and don't look backdrgs
    • I didn't :) I just don't visit design forums as often but I linger from time to time. What are you questions? :)Boz
    • what are you doing these days for $? also how often in the gym per week?inteliboy
    • @intelliboy working and fitness that’s about it. Mostly working on myself to be honest. I go to gym 4 times a week and on saturdays i do HIIT for an hour.Boz
  • mugwart0

    posted this to the useful thread forgetting about this thread.

    Insainely helpful

  • Boz1


    I just wanted to let you know, intermittent fasting works really well because it keeps your body in ketosis for most of the time and has helped me a lot.

    When you fast intermittently you don't have to necessarily pick to stop eating at night until the morning. The idea is to fast for 16 hours and then you have a window of 8 hours to eat. Schedule it the way it works best for you. This way you will do it a lot easier. The reason why a lot of people like the 9-10pm starting fast is because they will sleep for 8 hours and then just have 8 hours of being awake to deal with if they are hungry.

    For example, for me, it doesn't really work that way. I'm usually working and am occupied during the day so I don't even eat, so for me it worked better if my 8 hours window for eating started at 6pm until 2am. This way I am done with my day and get to cook and make my food and just spend an evening eating and watching a movie or something. This also helps if you go out, so you can eat something with friends etc.

    Also, when you are eating within the 8 hour window the real key is to eat not more than your maintenance calories (for most people that's like 2500 calories and balance good low glycemic carbs if you can't live without them with protein and some good fat). The 8 hour window is not now you can rampage McDonalds type of thing where a lot of people think they can eat whatever. You still have to keep an eye on the diet.

    I'm sure others have mentioned, during the day, green tea (unsweetened), or matcha tea, black coffee, you can afford very light cream, and if you are using sweeteners know that not all of them are created equal, some sweeteners will spike your insulin thus ruining your fast, so stick with Stevia if you can or stuff with Erythritol because other sweeteners like Splenda will spike your insulin. Caffein is actually super beneficial for fasting and melting fat because it can increase your metabolism between 50-70% and significantly influence your fat loss. Just don't overdo it.


    On another note, I look a lot bigger today but I have dropped to 184 lbs. I am not sure I like this look. I guess I packed some muscle but I really want to get lean. I am not really kind of in a mood to be honest here because my goal was not to get bigger :( :( My trainer and all other trainers are telling me just be patient my vascularity is showing that my body fat percentage is going down and fairly low now but I still look big to myself and the fat in some areas like chest and abdominal area feel like they will never melt :(

    • oh and notype, if you get your coffee or drinks at Starbucks avoid their Matcha tea like the plague. That shit has 50% sugar at Starbucks.Boz
    • Do you drink beer, liquor or wine? I'm trying the keto diet + IF but probably undoing that by having few drinks in evening. Just curious.Squiddy
    • @squiddy depends on the drink. I do drink Michelob Ultra beer sometimes. Wine is definitely a no no. Scotch/Whiskey have no carbs but alcohol will slow dwn ketoBoz
    • the reason being when you take alcohol even though it has no carbs, the body will use it for fuel/energy and until it burns out it will pause ketosis.Boz
    • Thanks for feedback! I usually have some whisky. Didn't know that liquor puts keto on pause. Blogs just say it is ok in moderation but no explanationSquiddy
    • This is amazing info Boz, just seeing this... almost missed it. Much to absorb... right now I'm fighting with myself about what's right for my body...notype
    • So much to consider and routes to take. For certain the ketonic diet has been calling me. Really glad to get this information from you...notype
    • re the fasting. I always thought that by fasting your body reacts to new food by storing it as fat, as it's afraid it won't know when the next meal is comingGnash
    • https://vignette.wik…drgs
    • good to note about Starbucks. I usually just get coffee from there but I will avoid venturing off into unknown territory as i've been known 2 do.notype
    • If your vascularity is showing, I'm guessing your BF% is <15 now, probably more like 13, which is pretty fucking awesome.Continuity
    • That said, in my experience (and also what I've read in various sources) fat from the chest, abs, and lower back is always the last to burn off.Continuity
    • You doing any HIIT, or cardio of any description? That's usually the ticket for getting rid of the last bit of excess fat.Continuity
    • @Continuity yeah on Saturdays I do HIIT. I try to do cardio for 20 mins high intensity every day I workout which is right now 4 times a week + HIIT on SaturdaysBoz
  • HijoDMaite4

    I made my blue ribbon guac last weekend.

    • Was at a mate's place a few weeks back and they made their 'famous guacamole'. Needless to say when the blender and thickened cream came out, I couldn't watch..MrT
    • < this looks marvellous!MrT
    • Christ. Never dairy in Guacamole!HijoDMaite
    • That would be so expensive here in the UK!mugwart
    • I am so making guac today. Thanks!BonSeff
    • Nommmmdocpoz
    • Hehe you missing a major secret ingredientrobotron3k
    • What’s that robo?HijoDMaite
    • < Cumin! LMAO I'm kidding!sea_sea
    • Lol sea!HijoDMaite
  • notype1

    Wish I had a running buddy in the neighborhood I'm in. No one I know wants to jog -- and the weather is so nice - pavement we'd run on nearby is so flat. Other than craigslist, where might I find a partner? I think it's about the only thing that'll get me motivated.

    I'm a skinny dude, but so out of shape (or maybe I'm doing better than I think I am), small dad gut but appear healthy. I know I have to kick things into high gear to feel better overall (mentally as well)

    • wouldn't use CL for this. maybe i'll check out the local roadrunners.notype
    • most cities have charity marathons several times / year. when you register to one of these you can join groups that often train togetherGnash
    • Gnash I signed up for a run in Coney (half marathon with Roadrunners) last night. Crazy, never ran one before but this will get some discipline going...notype
    • Ask and ye shall find... I hit up a local and met a doctor who lives around the corner from me - he brought up getting a running buddy. Couldn't have beennotype
    • a better set up ;)notype
    • +1Gnash
    • try meetup or ask around your local triathlon, cycling shops.dorf
    • thanks for the cheer gnash
      dorf local cycling shops is a good one too.
  • pablo28-3

  • nudes0


  • autoflavour0

    any you guys been doing 16:8 intermittent fasting?

    • doh!.. didn't see Boz came back with a bunch of info.. pls ignoreautoflavour
    • too stressfuldrgs
    • I’ve done for a few weeks before, Mon - Fri and ease off the partying at weekends. Made, a big difference.MrT
    • If its a way for you to control your calories, great. But studies show that is has effective as a normal calorie restriction dietdmay
    • https://www.nature.c…dmay
    • Heard about it, don't understand the techniquerobotron3k
    • Been doing it for about 6 months or so. @robo: it's basically skipping breakfast, and not eating after 8:00PM. Assuming 1st meal is at noon.section_014
    • and hows it going section?autoflavour
    • so 5 days in now.. figured if Im going to do it, do it hard.. 20:6 .. its been great. already was 2 weeks into a detox juice fast so didn't have any sugar orautoflavour
    • caffeine withdrawals which made a huge fucking difference.. definitely recommend stepping down into IF.. next weigh in next week.. will report.autoflavour
    • I'm doing 20:4 @auto Are you drinking coffee, tea or just water in between? I also drink mineral water on ice with lime, delicious and takes hunger pains away.sea_sea
    • I didn't know so many of you were so fat it was a health issue.
    • sea, I'm drinking mineral water (no more than usual tho) and Yerba Mate tea in the morning. to be honest, it took about 3 days and I'm totally adjusted to it.autoflavour
    • most days I am not even really hungry when the fast breaks, I just eat as I think I probably should as its been 20 hours.autoflavour
    • so far have lost 7kg (15lbs) in the past 4 weeks.. 2 weeks of that has been IF, the other was juice fast leading up to itautoflavour
    • that's amazing auto. I still have a ways to go, but today i did mate and it worked better than coffee. what's your eating window? I'm between 3 - 7pmsea_sea
    • I usually go with 1-5 .. I try and keep its locked, sometimes it strays to a bit later..autoflavour
  • set2

    I've been using organic buckwheat pasta (it's gluten free) instead of regular pasta and I can eat a fucking mahoosive bowl of the stuff and not get that carb coma sluggishness for hours after that usually precedes a big bowl of comforting pasta.

    It looks like shit and sticks together in clumps but taste and texture is great.

    • Noted. Thanks!docpoz
    • https://www.sciencea…drgs
    • Drgs, I think what most people call gluten intolerance is actually intolerance to the glyphosate they spray on it.set
    • Regardless, even organic pasta gives me serious sluggishness for hours, where as buckwheat doesn't.set
    • what about rice?uan
    • I'm fine with riceset
    • My girlfriend can't even eat a mouthful of it otherwise she doesn't shit for a weekset
    • I like rice, it's less processed than pasta (or at least I believe so). pasta is nice, but I crossed it from the stuff I eat regularly.uan
    • Yea, I can only speak for myself but pasta doesn't do me any favoursset
    • I'm sold on buckwheat thoughset
    • They only use glyphosphate on wheat?
      I tend to think most anti-gluten just comes from people eating too much shit-quality bread as filler.
    • And also nowhere near enough fresh and fibrous vegetables and fruit (I think the latter's often a little over-emphasised).detritus
    • They don't, det, but if you look at the levels of celiac and gluten intolerance and the usage of glyphosate it correlates pretty undeniably. But hey, I dunnoset
    • Even fruit and veg are nowhere near as good for you as they used to be. Our soil is dead.set
    • It's pretty common for people who get fucked up by gluten to go to Italy (for example) and eat fresh organic pasta and be completely fine.set
    • Could just be quality though. I don't FACKIN know do Iset
    • people who *think* they get fucked up by gluten****set
    • its not the gluten, its the carbs, google Keto diet.

      your welcome
    • My welcome what?detritus
    • re: Italy - I doubt there's much difference with the pasta per se, rather the serving with a fuckload of unprocessed veggies. Samesame prop. leavened breaddetritus
    • @Italy: spaghetti alle vongole...mmmh.
      I think it's more about variation of fresh ingredients. this keeps the body healthy, fit and capable to process trashfood
    • It's not the carbs though is it, because I eat a huge bowl of buckwheat (carbs) and feel fine but eat pasta (carbs) and feel like shit.set
    • But thanks for coming in today. I've tried the ketogenic diet. Definitely something to it but I like carbs and I'm healthy enough to be able to indulgeset
    • I truly believe that the stress and lack of enjoyment in some of these diets is worse for your health than the benefits they're supposed to bringset
    • .. but if it brings you happiness as well then, excellent.set
    • good pointsLMFAO
    • love this stuff. One of the few things I can eat! enjoy!mugwart
    • I was sick the most part of my life due to allergies. I can testify that the improvement on your being completely outweighs any plates of food out there.mugwart
  • M01XXX0

  • sea_sea0

    Doing OMAD (One meal a day) 23:1 down 4 lbs first week. I've adjusted it to 20:4 intermittent fasting for the second week and seems like a better plan for me. On cheat days usually weekends, I do 16:8. I hate counting calories but I still try to keep it under 1200 calories plus some cardio each day. Been losing slowly, figure 1-2 lbs a week and keeping it off is a good thing. I have like 30 lbs to go, but it's happening this year, like boz, just came to my breaking point enough is enough.

  • Boz3


    I've been on a low carb rigorously for 2 and a half years. In this time I tried everything and loving pasta I finally found a pasta I love that has closest consistency and low carb/high protein/high fiber macros.

    If you want, try this Explore Cuisine Organic Edamame Spaghetti :…

    I am stuffing myself with this and it's like 90% like pasta to me. Maybe it will taste differently to you but I can't get enough of this stuff.

    On top of that, the macros are INSANE on it.

    Low calories, high protein, low carbs, high fiber, super high potassium (very important). I mean this is like magic to me.

    Try it you might like it. You can eat the whole package and still be at like 40 gr of carbs. But this stuff is so satiating that you probably won't be able to eat more than 2 servings.

    Cooks just like regular pasta too.

    • Yea nice one, I've tried edemame pasta once before about a year ago. I don't really remember what I thought of it tbh, should try it againset
    • I like the sound of this.fadein11
    • black bean pasta is shite. lentils pasta and chickpea pasta are good. haven't tried edamame!scarabin
  • SteveJobs0

    I tried keto and intermittent fasting this year for a little over 2 months and didn't like my results. I tried it to lose some stubborn belly fat but instead just lost water weight and some muscle. admittedly, the muscle loss might have been improper macro ratios on the protein side and probably should have upped to 1g to lb of body weight to maintain. Notes: was eating at caloric maintenance/deficit range, usually 2 meals a day but sometimes 3. felt weak and had difficulty with strength training - probably never fully fat-adapted. I could not get a full 8hrs of sleep. always woke after 5-6hrs. I ate a giant low-carb (10-15g) pizza every day for one of my meals and lost ~2-3lbs a week. kept my daily carbs less than or around 20g.

    this is a great diet/lifestyle choice for those who are fat/overweight and/or with slow metabolisms, but I'm not convinced it's a good choice for other slimmer body types or those who are strictly trying to lose visceral fat only. of course, this is just my experience - maybe yours will be different.

    • Did you exercise and stuff during that time too? I changed my diet part but still sedentary. But don't feel sluggish-like nowadays at leastSquiddy
    • I attempted to. I could perform cardio but I couldn't push myself on the strength training end - which again might have meant I wasn't fully 'fat adapted'.SteveJobs
    • I can't speak to sluggishness as, for me, haven't really dealt with that ever - except for short-term effects due to carbs & insulin response which keto avoids.SteveJobs
    • I'd ditch the keto, and keep up with the IF. Intermittent fasting will put you in a ketogenic state while you're fasted. Both may be overkill.section_014
    • @section_014 - could you elaborate on ditching keto. I thought keto was basically a way to reduce carbs (which prevents ketosisis). honestly i dont know.Squiddy
    • ^ keto isn't so much about reducing carbs as it is anti-carbs. Severe carb depletion requires your body to burn off fat rather than sugar (ketosis) and...MrAbominable
    • there are a number of benefits to that. 1 is water weightloss. Decreased hunger. I've been keto for 1.5yrs. It's not the best diet because it's insanely...MrAbominable
    • difficult. I do it for endruance sports reasons. I wouldn't do it for just weight loss. Plenty of easier low-carb diets to follow.MrAbominable
    • "endurance"MrAbominable
  • SteveJobs0

    forgot to mention I've been doing research and believe that the visceral fat may be more of a combination of stress and hormonal thing. I am going to stick with intermittent fasting and focus on strength training and liss with minimal weekly hiit.