America is Fucked
America is Fucked
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- PhanLo2
Mexican anti-drugs ad, uses footage of American streets.…
- grafician-2
- Yeah it's a bit f'd. I'm curious how many people are represented in congress by party. I expect it's tilted as well.wagshaft
- If it weren't for Cali and NYC the rest of the US would be 3rd world countries...grafician
- You ever been to either place? Both states are big enough to have plenty of shitholes, trust me.monospaced
- bro comment on the post or stfugrafician
- Okay. Also not news to Americans, but probably fascinating to children from Eastern Europe who dream of one day visitingmonospaced
- You’re telling someone who lived in LA to stfu like you aren’t a complete outsider who gets all their info on the subject from the internetmonospaced
- "dream of one day visiting"?! who are you talking to bro?! you're in the "America is fucked" thread, only naive people dream of visitinggrafician
- This post was about disproportional representation in your unfair political system.grafician
- The worst problem is lack of accountability and corruption but our Constitution has several forms of gerrymandering. The electoral college being the worst.CyBrainX
- so cute coming from a guy who lives in a country that's like brand new to the concept of democracymonospaced
- grafician-7
BREAKING: Republicans win majority in House of Representatives
- It was never a questionmonospaced
- Why are you snarky about it? It's very bad!grafician
- Not shit captain obvious. It’s just not BREAKING because we knew that would be the outcome even before the election.monospaced
- No you didn't it was a close race and they are still couting votes somewhere so stop with your dumb commentsgrafician
- yes, we did, and the surprise was that it was closer than anticipated, but it was absolutely expectedmonospaced
- my comments are certainly not dumb, and I absolutely know more about voting and this election in the US than you ever would or could, you ignorant fuckmonospaced
- I can easily post hundreds of links talking about how the Dems didn't expect to win the House going back months. You're flat out wrong. Accept it you child.monospaced
- not a single person was waiting for a turn to dems, and it was not close. NOBODY even predicted it, because that would be stupid, just like your dumbassmonospaced
- PhanLo-4
Brandon's America is crazy
-- I had this happen to me when I was student, so that also Brandon his fault? 2001 Antwerp?tank02
- Possibly if he was on holiday there, he was a bit more agile thenPhanLo
- You were robbed at gunpoint in Belgium filming a wedding?PhanLo
- Yes but no wedding, on student assignment shooting stuff. Nice times.tank02
- PhanLo0
- Thanks, Elon.palimpsest
- The problem with the US healthcare system is Twitter.palimpsest
- Wonder if they helped Melon buy the Twitters?PhanLo
- grafician-3
Are you buried in snow yet?
- instrmntl3
San Francisco police propose using robots capable of ‘deadly force…
- utopian1
A new study published Tuesday in JAMA Network Open analyzed firearm deaths over the past three decades – a total of more than 1 million lives lost since 1990.
- how many lives did it save?hotroddy
- @hotroddy. Seven since 1982. It would have been closer to twenty but cops mistook them for the perpetrators and shot them.Morning_star
- ^says someone who most likely lives in a very white privileged areahotroddy
- Everyone has a village idiot, we have two.utopian
- hotroddy being a racist bigot again surprise surprise.monospaced
- Funny when the scumbags find some fringe outlier as if it makes their moronic cases. Ridiculous.monospaced
- not understanding the consequences of gun control doesn't make me the idiot. just makes you guys ignorant. I lived through it but who learns from history?hotroddy
- In 2014, a further 26,000 firearms were confiscated or crushed—coincidental... Venezuela clocked in as having the world’s second-highest homicide rate that yearhotroddy
- trying to get mono and utopian to learn from history is like trying to get my dog to stop licking his balls.hotroddy
- The difference being my dog doesn't bark back, "you're racist!"hotroddy
- Who learns from history? UK and Australia for a start. 1 mass shooting triggered gun bans and very strict control. And guess what? it was an overwhelmingly...Morning_star
- ...positive thing. And less people died and we all felt a bit safer.Morning_star
- And FWIW I live in an incredibly diverse community both culturally and racially. I'd go as far as to say being white puts me a minority here. It's fucking greatMorning_star
- formed3
- sure lets ban private guns. that worked wonderfully for Venezuela. It became the violent place on earth. Read up QBN! Doesn't hurt to be more informed.hotroddy
- This will only create more crime as only criminals guns willing to break the law will be able to possess guns illegally.hotroddy
- banning guns will allow criminals to smuggle guns across the 'open border' everyone champions and move gun manufacturing to Mexico.hotroddy
- giving drug cartels an additional item to traffic along with humans and fentanyl. Way to think it through guys!hotroddy
- I know you won't read the article (because you'd rather remain ignorant or pretend venezuela doesn't pertain to USA) but here it is anyways:hotroddy
- https://www.americas…hotroddy
- Banning guns will increase the cost of guns in the black market. so the common criminal won't get a gun for peanutsdmay
- You're right, comparing V to the US is moronic. I agree with you there.formed
- Gun buy backs have worked in numerous places. If "criminals" get paid for their "cheap" guns, they'll sell them.formed
- But guns are an inbred fetish in the US. No amount of "legal" school shootings, increasing violence, suicides, etc., etc., will change that.formed
- Further, no one has ever suggested, never, to "ban" guns. That's lazy deflection, just like comparing the US to V.formed
- Should I bring up where buybacks have worked and solved the violence/crime? Nah, can't discuss logic when blind, selfish masturbatory "toys" are involved.formed
- @dmay, how that work out in the war on drugs? A thriving black market will make guns more accessible (no tax & background checks)+ cheaper to manufacture abroadhotroddy
- @formed, so moronic to compare to venezuela even though it shares the same violent culture where culture uses violence ashotroddy
- ... view violence as a Legitimate means of respect acquisition and legitimate means for dispute resolution.hotroddy
- but perfectly fine to compare to Canada's and Australia's buy-back gun policies. Very optimistic thinking.hotroddy
- USA is being played by the NRA and gun companies like a damn fiddle.********
- milfhunter3
Yes you are!! you gonna get ass whooped by the Dutch upcoming weekend!!
- I predict Holland vs Netherlands final. With the Dutch placing third.hotroddy
- Nah it's clearly British vs. English semis and Wales takes it all in the endgrafician
- don't overlook the UK!hotroddy
- the UK will win by losing to England on penalties in the QF sudden death playoff against Scotland.MrT
- And so we didmilfhunter
- imbecile7
- It's her fault********
- If only his mommy shot him first...tweets & prayers.utopian
- poor kid is probably playing beat saber right now. So sad.PioneerDJ303
- The problem is the door of his bedroom or the family didn’t have enough guns or Jesus was distracted by angel porn or it’s some how Biden or Trump’s fault.Chimp
- we need more good kids with guns to stop bad kids with guns.pango
- They clearly needed more guns, maybe she would have had a chance if she was armed too.formed
- It's her fault
- utopian1
- haha story?milfhunter
- MMA fightershapesalad
- Johnny fuckin Blaze!PhanLo
- "Officers used baton strikes and pain compliance techniques to subdue Russ"…robotinc