Russia-Ukraine Invasion
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- NBQ00-1
BREAKING: Ukraine's president says he understands it will be impossible to force Russia out of his country's territory completely, says it might lead to World War III.
- "Putin eyeing "Korean scenario" for Ukraine, says Ukrainian military intel chief - CNN"grafician
- Maybe.. but that also requires Russia staying in one piece.shapesalad
- shapesalad0
- Such a shame - science and technology used to destroy. Utterly pointless.shapesalad
- grafician-8
- Australia loves totalitarianism so this isn't surprising.MondoMorphic
- mort_1
- At one point recently Austrian secret services were cut from the EU intelligence apparatus cuz they were full with GRU operatives :))
Same Hungary and othersgrafician - Wherever you see the rise of nationalists and extremists in EU, there's GRU operatives behind that
Funny they misreported all that Ukraine info to Vlad :))grafician - FT article about the extensive infiltration of gru spies in Europe…grafician
- there's been extensive expulsions of Russian "diplomats" from many EU countries recently...grafician
- At one point recently Austrian secret services were cut from the EU intelligence apparatus cuz they were full with GRU operatives :))
- Nairn1
- pretty shitty, is this so that they bleed out and die a slow death?_niko
- guess bombing that theatre full of civilians was a tipping point...
this conflict will reverb thru' generations, no Russian will sleep peacefully for many agesgrafician - one bullet to the legs of the officers is a humane way to do it. sheer luck if you make it or bleed to death, just as the artillery shells they fired.pr2
- Fuck... there's no point doing that. No matter what the enemy does - show them compassion, show them love, it's the only way a war can be won.shapesalad
- Yeah it's fucked up and hopefully the exception. I've seen Russians doing similar with shooting POW's. - kinda difficult to keep a...NBQ00
- ...straight head when you see them invading your country, destroying it and killing countless civilians for no reason. But yes, war is fucked up.NBQ00
- oh no, wish I hadn't watched that. thanks for the warning.fadein11
- would be good to get some context, did they just blow up some children? christ, war is hell, war crimes on every side always.fadein11
- Russian POW…drgs - @fadein - "Ukrainian soldiers shoot at POW. (2:38)"? Not sure how joyful you might've expected that to be...!Nairn
- yep, fair enought, horrific, disturbed me for 3 hoursfadein11
- *horrificfadein11
- https://old.reddit.c…Nairn
- ^
This is why I don't post some things without commentary. I see them, feel they are of significance - either way - and 'share'.Nairn - This war is incredibly one-sided as we see it, and this concerns me a little. Perhaps it's my bubble, though...Nairn
- er.. double negative edit fuck up there.. "This is why I post some things without commentary".Nairn
- yep I hear you.fadein11
- just noticed I corrected the word I spelt correctly, that's how horrified I was, ughfadein11
- neverscared0…
Dirty bomb ingredients go missing from Chornobyl monitoring lab
Insecure radioactive materials are the latest worry as Russia continues occupation of infamous nuclear reservationdirty bombs in 5,4,3,2,1 boom
- yuekit2
A documentary about Russia's espionage and propaganda campaign during the 2016 USA election. This goes much farther than most of what I've seen in the media in alleging direct financial connections between Trump and Russian politicians.
- NBQ00-1
Zelensky: Some mayors abducted by Russia turned up dead.
“Russians are kidnapping the mayors of our cities. Some of them we cannot find. Some of them we have already found, and they are dead,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with The Economist.
- 'cuz mayors are basically local commanders for the defending forces of their towns/citiesgrafician
- shapesalad1
Anonymous reports that they managed to hack server of the VGTRK (#Russian TV and Radio Company), whose main asset is the Russia-1 channel
Top propagandists Solovyov, Skabeyeva, and Popov host their programs on this channel.
870 GB of data will be made public in the near future.
- nbq0
- NBQ00-1
Good lord, if this is true.
Anonymous posted an order from a Russian general
In the document, General Bulgakov is concerned about the Russian military surrendering en masse and refusing to fight. He ordered to develop and distribute a series of videos demonstrating the inhumane behaviour of the AFU.…
Leaked document from Russia with order to film propaganda videos in order to discredit the attitude of Ukrainian forces to POWs
- So it's possible the shooting in the leg of those Russian POW's is staged by Russians.NBQ00
- Could be. No one really knows.shapesalad
- pls to be seeing my updates to that post. you might not be wrong. or we're all getting played. I mean, we are, but moreso than thatNairn
- Do you think they still do that old-timey paper doc with worn stamp and handwriting thing?Gnash
- Nice signaturedrgs
- Darylmisterhow
- Krassy1
Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian negotiators were targeted in a suspected poison attack
- Nairn1
Credit where it's due, this guy knows how to fucking Troll.
- NBQ00-1
Russian soldiers unloading anti-tank mines in Lugansk.
Not the most professional bunch out there.
- NBQ001
Russia drastically reduces combat operations in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions
Apparently, the ambitious plan to take Kyiv was abandoned after a total fiasco.
- NBQ002
Breaking: Russia is beginning to withdraw some forces from around the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, in what the US assesses is a “major” strategy shift, two senior US officials tell me. US is already observing movements underway of Russian Battalion Tactical Groups (BTGs) 1/
2/ In the US view, this is not a short-term adjustment to regroup, but a longer-term move as Russia comes to grips with failure to advance in the north. Russian MOD said Tuesday it has decided to “drastically reduce hostilities” in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions.
- Hopefully this isn't a precursor to nuclear strikes.MondoMorphic
- Lets hope so.Chimp
- but they got Mariupol more or less instead and that's worsegrafician
- BarryEvans2
Been finding this guy's threads interesting reading:…
Seems that giving Putin anything that he can sell as a 'win' will be a disaster.
- very good read!pr2
- Love his threads. No one else explains the intricate details of Russian history, culture, politics, etc better for the uninitiated.mandomafioso
- NBQ002
Ladies and gentlemen. Chechen Kadyrov fighters:…
- Cue Benny Hill theme tuneContinuity
- there's a video with a Russian truck andsome soldiers chilling around it, then the truck suddenly leaves & a couple of them get left behind, running after itgrafician
- ^found it…grafician
- LolNBQ00
- Better version…NBQ00
- LOL YES! That Benny Hill music really brings it home :))grafician
- NBQ00-1
Huge explosion in Belgorod (Russia) which is close to Ukraine border:…
What could it be?
- Apparently munition depot:…NBQ00
- Others saying it was celebratory fireworks for denazifying Ukr. hehemandomafioso