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- utopian0
Crapple Tax Evasion…- Like they give a fuck. They have like a trillion dollars lmaoCygnusZero4
- they have closer to $200B and this would represent 6-7% of their entire cash hordemonospaced
- i think this is more about that by paying that penalty apple admits the conscious tax evasion.sted
- admits? long past that... this would never have happened if Ireland hadn't allowed it legallymonospaced
- I don't blame any corp, it's govt's responsibility, not private industries. It's a shame our's, and others, can be bought off so easily.formed
- With such easy access to info, I hope we'll all be shown who the politicians are that enable corporations to rule the world.formed
- sofakingback0
Jobs was all about finding loopholes in the system huh? cray
- He hired accountants that are/were all about finding loopholes.formed
- All "good" CEOs do this.monospaced
- The real problem is our system promotes lobbyists and bought politicians. That makes it easy for corps to "buy" their way to ridiculous benefits. Its criminalformed
- After Jobs died, Apple raped the American system 1 year after Jobs died. Left Americans with only 20%********
- what do you mean?sofakingback
- This is about tax codes and laws, not companies. Any company that could save $$ on taxes will do that. Apple's just the elephant in the room.formed
- ernexbcn2
I put the blame more on Ireland than Apple, they gave the company tax benefits they weren't supposed to give, 0.0005% instead of 12.5% get out.
Now the UE steps in after investigating for over 3 years and comes up with 13 billion figure plus interests.
Ireland was content with what Apple was paying though...
- pinkfloyd2
Other companies like Amazon, McDonalds are being investigated.
- section_0144
If they don't say shit about MBP's at next week's event, I'm over it. Honestly, I'll get used to Windows 10 (already run 7 for gaming), and try the Linux inside of Windows feature for unix style servers.
All I want a laptop for is doing some Android and Unity stuff on the go. My old MBP is slow. Thing is 6 years old. It was a great computer, but it needs upgraded. Their current offering is so far behind everyone else. I mean, if they were like $600, that's one thing. But double that for 3+ year old tech. C'mon now.
Worst part is: People (like me) are ready to drop the money on what would still be overpriced hardware.
- SSD in your laptop already? I waited years for a new Mac Pro and ended up getting an old version and maxing it out.
Staying current is a young mans game.ideaist - Can someone tell me which laptops are better than a MBP for less money? Seems like lots of people claim this, but I can't find one.nb
- Oh nevermind I found some.nb
- i think this is the year many people jump ship.pango
- PCs', FINALLY, are really make hardware that is comparable. W10 is a nice OS, design wise is decades ahead of OSX.formed
- lol @ decades ahead ... I use both regularly and it's not that advanced or as productivity focused as you're making it out to bemonospaced
- SSD in old hardware is required, as much RAM as you can afford. CPU speeds are less of a jump in 6 years than they use to be, but bumping the GPU is a good ideaevilpeacock
- I feel the exact same way, but about an iMac. I know they're overpriced for what you get,noneck
- but I'm still willing to pay that premium, as long as it's not also 1year old.noneck
- Apple laptops are still some of the best design and build quality. That matters a lot in a product being used everyday. So yes they are overpriced but I don'tyuekit
- know if you can do a one on one comparison just by looking at hardware specs. And Windows 10 years ahead? I dunno, I still hate it :)yuekit
- I said "design wise", relax people :-)formed
- it'd take a lot to jump ship as windows is ugly as fuck, but apple are seriously on a knifes edge right now for me...inteliboy
- 'not as productivity focused' I get my work done better on my Windows machines at home and at work than i ever did on my iMac. Using OSX now is like sludge.face_melter
- Any of you thinking of switching to PC using Sketch? I use PCs but the one thing that would make me get a Mac is Sketch. There's nothing like it on PC yet.mort_
- yeah this new apple ceo sucks********
- is he still new after 7 years?monospaced
- I don't think you can say he "sucks", Apple has done quite well. Slow and boring, imho, but the company has done very well.formed
- what has apple done in 7 years? jobs set em up to reign.********
- They put 1 port on laptop...pango
- for what you say - I'd get a decent PC and switch to unix. Checkout mint. Its sort of like Windows 7.mugwart
- I hope they release something new!maquito
- like what?monospaced
- iWatch 1.4mort_
- SSD in your laptop already? I waited years for a new Mac Pro and ended up getting an old version and maxing it out.
- section_0140
Mine doesn't have the SSD, but it's maxed on RAM. Doesn't matter, CPU/GPU is the bottle neck.
This thing cost the same as the current 13" macbook pro's:…
It's better in every way. You'd have to spend $800 for the 15" (totally don't want a 15") MBP to get the same performance. Even then, I'm fairly certain the graphics would be better on the Acer.
Really don't wanna jump ship. Just wait and see I guess.
- $800 more, that issection_014
- You do sacrifice build quality and color accuracy though.monospaced
- I do agree completely that Apple should use more current components at their prices though.monospaced
- ********0
Sketch should develop for Linux and maybe one day we could sack off Apple AND Adobe. That'd be a fine day.
- Adobe are cunts. They abandon Fireworks, the near-perfect UI design tool, then replace it with XD on Mac only.mort_
- adobe is a lot more than photoshopmonospaced
- I only use photoshop and illustrator these days, which sketch can potentially replace.********
- But thanks for the tip********
- I'm just conversing. My point is that for many of us, the switch would involve replacing a ton more apps than those 2.monospaced
- I hear you pal********
- I love Linux and want to make the switch permanently. I'm up for helping people out to try and to get apps like this running under the OS.
- BusterBoy0
So what's the story...iPhone 7 this week (I guess it will be called that). I hear next year is apparently meant to be the year they do something special with the iPhone? Is that just BS or what?
Not sure if I should upgrade on a 2 year contract. Especially if the 7 isn't much of a dramatic improvement on the 6.
My inclination is to just hold onto the phone another year.
- hans_glib0
- someone just learned about mask expansion in A.EGeorgesII
- coolBennn
- coolprophetone
- CygnusZero43
Mario games for apple devices just announced at the apple event.
- VectorMasked0
ok this is weird.
I actually do have to buy a new phone, but wont be buying the iphone 7. My 5C is not working properly, and the screen broke again 2 weeks ago.
Now... Since the apple keynote started 20 minutes ago... several apps are just crashing. It's like Apple is in control of my phone and trying to make me think I need to get rid of it and buy a new phone (which I have to anyways).
I wouldn't be surprised if they had a code to make devices start behaving in weird ways at a particular time to start making people feel like they need to get a new phone.
- meant iphone 5sVectorMasked
- I've experienced planned obsolescence with regards to their Macbook batteriesprophetone
- And yes my iPad 2 for instance, It has the same apps it always had for years but it is so sluggish now and crashes often. It never did this out of the box.prophetone
- It's difficult to prove premature planned obsolescence but even if you could the excuse could very well be a safety issue... in the case of the batteries anywayprophetone
- the trick is never to update the iOS - stick with the one it came with. my iphone5 is as good today as it was then. (although i think i did upgrade to ios7)hans_glib
- But having the Macbook report a straight up 100% dead battery and seeing the opposite with an actual physical test of the battery cells makes you wonder...prophetone
- @hans_glib even when I updated that iPad 2 to iOS 9 it was happy as can be... snappy. It gets very limited use over years and has become almost unusable nowprophetone
- prophetone1
- Too little too late.monospaced
- well... not too late for the release of Pokemon Go 2: Pikachu's Rageprophetone
- *exclusive to Apple Watch™prophetone
- are people still playing that? no one talks about it anymore.CygnusZero4
- I don't think they are. That's why I said too late.monospaced
- For those times when you want your watch battery to last only 14 minutes.face_melter
- True and weather/timing played a major role... summertime = perfect for this... wintertime = nope... so i wouldn't be surprised to see a PG V2 for next springprophetone
- But... with a few millions PG users at any time, they stand a chance at selling a few watches they might not have sold otherwiseprophetone
- Sets the stage to get a user base with watch feedback and ready for next wave of interest next spring/summerprophetone
- I guess it's an interesting proof of concept of further gamification of things, and integration with it.monospaced
- it's kinda the best case scenario with PG as the product - if they make it work it could pave the way for more interesting possibilities (with all wearables)prophetone
- i mean, imagine a future where there are no more clunky brick devices req'd - more integrated, wearable devices may be the future, in gaming as wellprophetone
- yupmonospaced
- No more gorilla glass, no need for tablets vs phone, wasted materials... a single device (like a fit bit) and 4D holographic tech, output to any (screen) sizeprophetone
- if you can envision that as the future... this clunky tech we lug around and fret about non-stop w/ every iteration is actually kinda hilarious...prophetone
- utopian0
Cramer on Apple's iPhone 7: 'Boy, do we ever not want it'
CNBC's Jim Cramer said on Tuesday that the hype around Apple's next generation iPhone is the "least amount" he's seen for a phone unveiling
- maybe that's because it's a "phone unveiling" hahahaprophetone
- lol @ "phone unveiling"Gnash
- he looks like he knows what he is talking about. I trust himMiguex
- How did an insane person get this job?yuekit
- utopian0
"Apple watch...the perfect companion to 'you' and now available in four new amazing colors!" - the crowd goes fucking nuts...LMAO
- VectorMasked-2
oh look they talking about the iphone 7 now....
room must smell like cum by now