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  • mort_8
  • antimotion13

    Show some recent work

    Just lost my job, so made a mix to meditate...

    AM 01……

    AM 01


    01. This Mortal Coil - Song of the Siren
    02. Moby - God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters (LP Version)
    03. Vectroid - Om Namo Ocean Road
    04. The Doors - The End (Opening from Apacalypse Now)
    05. New Order - Elegia
    06. Brian Eno - Prophecy theme (Dune 1984)
    07. Mick Smiley - Magic
    08. Can - Future Days
    09. Salt Tank - Sargasso Sea
    10. Roxy Music - True to Life
    11. Electric Skychurch - Deus Suite_Abduction_Ascension_Ex Machina
    12. Tangerine Dream - Loved by the Sun
    13. Pass Into Silence - Sakura
    14. Yumi Kimura - Always With Me

    • ugh that sucks man. But you'll get something new.dopepope
    • Thanks D! - really appreciate it -
      I'll try my best!
    • New Order - Elegia! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤Krassy
    • Nice mixnb
    • Thanks NB!
      Maybe do another since I have time hehe.
    • Word up Krassy - love that tune!antimotion
  • PhanLo5
  • mort_11
    • It's Fridaygrafician
    • Too Soon?utopian
    • Can you believe it was 2018 when he died? Seems like it was only a couple of years ago to me.mort_
    • Sigh. One of the sanest voices out there, and very much missed.
      Wonder what he'd make of things as they are now.
    • No filter, transparent. I mourned him.timeless
    • I still do.Continuity
  • palimpsest13
  • bainbridge0

    Elon Musk

    So he bought Twitter and the stock went down.

    Now Tesla is sinking.

    He didn't create either company or Space X.

    How is he the richest person in the world?

    • Tesla isn’t sinking, it’s just down from its ridiculous highnb
    • Twitter stock did not go down, he took it private. But yes his purchase of twitter is one of the most spectacular business fails of recent decades.nb
    • teslerneverscared
    • Yeah, Tesla is way down, but it's still up there and plenty are buying here.formed
    • I like Tesla, I hate Musk.formed
    • Bluff, luck. Will not end well imomaquito
  • yuekit6

    Elon Musk

    “We struggle to think of anything analogous in the history of the automotive industry, in which a brand has lost so much value so quickly,”

  • microkorg4


    23 job applications made in the last 24 hours.
    Some were simply fill in your details and send cv, whilst others asked for a cover letter or answers to questions bespoke to the companies or products and about your skillsets etc.

    That kind of volume of applications wouldn't be possible without ChatGPT. Literally helping you craft your answers in 10 minutes instead of an hour. Godsend!

    • just a tip, not 1 cover letter i wrote in chat got a call back, as soon as i started manually writing them, i got hits and shortly after, a jobYakuZoku
    • this was after I learned they scan those for use of AIYakuZoku
    • funny thing is they use AI to read our resume's and cover letters but god forbid we use AI for anythingYakuZoku
    • ^OBBTKN
    • Why not also post on your socials about looking for a new position - you're a talented dude, surely you will get some hits pronto?grafician
    • would be ironic though if a.i gets your job while your are praising it to god levels....neverscared
  • Gardener6
  • Ianbolton9


    Last night i made two batches of Kimchi. One spicy using gochugaru flakes, the other without.

    Made some last month and it's been amazing. Although I spilt some of the liquid somewhere in the living room last week and i keep getting whiffs of fermented cabbage. I can't tell if it's on me, i'm just imagining it or whether it's just fucking everywhere.

    • Oh my! We're spoilt for choice for freshly-made Kimchi down here, so it's not something i've had on my radar, but now..?Nairn
    • Where are those fermenting jars from?
      Do you have a recipe you base these on?
    • Loosely based on this https://www.maangchi…Ianbolton
    • I got the jars for christmas but here's something similar...Ianbolton
    • https://www.lakeland…Ianbolton
    • I make batches every 6 or 7 months, enough to last that long. 5 or 6 large nappas.i_monk
  • i_monk7
    • I’m so here for this!mort_
    • Anything with Paul Giamatti.lemmy_k
    • get ready for being depressed, anxious, and entertainedjagara
    • When you escape dystopian reality with dystopian fiction.jagara
    • does Charlie Brooker have anything to do with these anymore?Ianbolton
    • Again.timeless
  • mort_10
    • why do we like this?Krassy
    • god only knowsneverscared
    • It’s all Gestalt. Spacing, balance, contrast.. it becomes beauty.maquito
  • PhanLo4
  • PonyBoy8


    slept right through the blood moon :(
    had a fucking project / indecisive client that kept me up until nearly 5am the morning before... I was out cold on the couch w/cameras next to me etc last night... slept right through my alarm I set to wake up and watch :(

    my wife and brother took some beautiful shots tho <3

    • She’s your wife AND your brother? How far south in the states are you ?Gnash
    • lol!PonyBoy
    • I missed it too, btw :)Gnash
    • Lol gnashYakuZoku
    • A shame pony, Ask client for compensation ;)OBBTKN
    • There'll be another onerobthelad
  • Gardener11
    • The best time to start? 800,000 years ago. The second best time to start? This summer on my family vacation.nb
    • Does this account for evaporation and infiltration tho?Nairn
    • And does it account for population growth over that period?Nairn
    • Yesmonospaced
  • NBQ00-2


    PC laptops are just so ugly. Whenever I see people with ThinkPads or HP's/ Dell's I feel sorry for them to not have a MacBook Pro/ Air.

    • mac = slow, overpriced, OS for non tech savvy, but hey it's pretty.YakuZoku
    • laptops as a whole are kinda shitty to work with, 1 maybe 2 monitors lolYakuZoku
    • Mac slow? Have you been on it since the Arm based SoC M1 launch?NBQ00
    • how fast are those compared to a similar priced custom built PC? yeah, that's what I thought.YakuZoku
    • I was all about mac till i got into building VR environments, 12 hour renders vs 15 minutes.YakuZoku
    • pre-built PC's are kinda shitty and marked up though, I've been back to building my own for like 8 years nowYakuZoku
  • mort_5
  • hans_glib4
    • Saul Leiter <3mort_
    • Discovered his photography from watching a great documentary about his work on YouTube a few years back.microkorg
    • Unmistakable style which is a rare and beautiful thing.mort_
  • neverscared4
    • Salk Institute <3jagara
    • I used to hang out here a lot in college. Did some mushrooms here :)monospaced
    • old stomping grounds. this, and the glider port nearbyKrassy
    • @mono ucsd?Krassy
    • did u get so tiny while tripping that u could swim in the water line in the center ?neverscared
    • ^ Isn't that always the goal?CyBrainX
  • Ianbolton5
    • Maybe this doesn't belong here, but he does rip Elon a bit.Ianbolton
    • Love bbmort_
    • pretty good interview to be fair. I think both him and interviewer get a bit muddled talking about feminism. But suppose that's easy enough!Ianbolton
    • tell me more about this feminismrobthelad