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- antimotion13
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Just lost my job, so made a mix to meditate...
AM 01……
AM 01
01. This Mortal Coil - Song of the Siren
02. Moby - God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters (LP Version)
03. Vectroid - Om Namo Ocean Road
04. The Doors - The End (Opening from Apacalypse Now)
05. New Order - Elegia
06. Brian Eno - Prophecy theme (Dune 1984)
07. Mick Smiley - Magic
08. Can - Future Days
09. Salt Tank - Sargasso Sea
10. Roxy Music - True to Life
11. Electric Skychurch - Deus Suite_Abduction_Ascension_Ex Machina
12. Tangerine Dream - Loved by the Sun
13. Pass Into Silence - Sakura
14. Yumi Kimura - Always With Me- ugh that sucks man. But you'll get something new.dopepope
- Thanks D! - really appreciate it -
I'll try my best!antimotion - New Order - Elegia! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤Krassy
- Nice mixnb
- Thanks NB!
Maybe do another since I have time hehe.antimotion - Word up Krassy - love that tune!antimotion
- @antimotion enjoyed the mix! tnx for sharingKrassy
- Good mix. Good luck job hunting, hugs!!OBBTKN
- Awesome Krassy - happy you dig ; )antimotion
- Thanks on all fronts OBBTKN! Fingers crossed!antimotion
- Great mix, and great luck!canoe
- Nice mix! Best of luck man!renderedred
- Yo Canoe and Renderedred - thanks so much!!antimotion
- mort_11
- It's Fridaygrafician
- Too Soon?utopian
- Can you believe it was 2018 when he died? Seems like it was only a couple of years ago to me.mort_
- Sigh. One of the sanest voices out there, and very much missed.
Wonder what he'd make of things as they are now.Continuity - No filter, transparent. I mourned him.timeless
- I still do.Continuity
- bainbridge0
Elon Musk
So he bought Twitter and the stock went down.
Now Tesla is sinking.
He didn't create either company or Space X.
How is he the richest person in the world?
- Tesla isn’t sinking, it’s just down from its ridiculous highnb
- Twitter stock did not go down, he took it private. But yes his purchase of twitter is one of the most spectacular business fails of recent decades.nb
- teslerneverscared
- Yeah, Tesla is way down, but it's still up there and plenty are buying here.formed
- I like Tesla, I hate Musk.formed
- Bluff, luck. Will not end well imomaquito
- tesla going insolvent or bankrupt... not unlikely...the stock is still way to high..and overrated... a realistic evaluation is its worst enemyneverscared
- Dude got more money than bruce wayne and tony starks.
He is the richest man in human history.
If i had that money, i will have a Batcave.ApeRobot - thats why u dont have the moneysneverscared
- He is NOT the richest man in human history
- yuekit6
Elon Musk
“We struggle to think of anything analogous in the history of the automotive industry, in which a brand has lost so much value so quickly,”
- BrakingIanbolton
- chainsaw wielding psychos never come across too charming...neverscared
- microkorg4
23 job applications made in the last 24 hours.
Some were simply fill in your details and send cv, whilst others asked for a cover letter or answers to questions bespoke to the companies or products and about your skillsets etc.That kind of volume of applications wouldn't be possible without ChatGPT. Literally helping you craft your answers in 10 minutes instead of an hour. Godsend!
- just a tip, not 1 cover letter i wrote in chat got a call back, as soon as i started manually writing them, i got hits and shortly after, a jobYakuZoku
- this was after I learned they scan those for use of AIYakuZoku
- funny thing is they use AI to read our resume's and cover letters but god forbid we use AI for anythingYakuZoku
- Why not also post on your socials about looking for a new position - you're a talented dude, surely you will get some hits pronto?grafician
- would be ironic though if a.i gets your job while your are praising it to god levels....neverscared
- Same, yak. Of course use it to help really figure out how to cover everything, but it will NEVER be you.monospaced
- nobody:
neverscared: microkorg is fraudulently applying for a job as a cover letter copywriter.kingsteven
- Ianbolton9
Last night i made two batches of Kimchi. One spicy using gochugaru flakes, the other without.Made some last month and it's been amazing. Although I spilt some of the liquid somewhere in the living room last week and i keep getting whiffs of fermented cabbage. I can't tell if it's on me, i'm just imagining it or whether it's just fucking everywhere.
- Oh my! We're spoilt for choice for freshly-made Kimchi down here, so it's not something i've had on my radar, but now..?Nairn
- Where are those fermenting jars from?
Do you have a recipe you base these on?Nairn - Loosely based on this https://www.maangchi…Ianbolton
- I got the jars for christmas but here's something similar...Ianbolton
- https://www.lakeland…Ianbolton
- I make batches every 6 or 7 months, enough to last that long. 5 or 6 large nappas.i_monk
- Nice. Be great if anyone wants to share Kimchi recipes. Or suggestions for what to put in it.Ianbolton
- Thanks! There's loads of 'great' shit on that site, lol.Nairn
- looks like 2 jars of vomitrobthelad
- I miss this stuff!YakuZoku
- Smell this picturestoplying
- Lol stoplying. I have to go sit in the naughty corner to eat kimchi as the Fam can't abide its particular stench.Nairn
- I follow Maangchi's recipe as close as I could.i_monk
- i know it kills off all the good bacteria, but i always make kimchi bokkeum-bap with my kimchi.scruffics
- Just add raw on the sidei_monk
- mort_10
- why do we like this?Krassy
- god only knowsneverscared
- It’s all Gestalt. Spacing, balance, contrast.. it becomes beauty.maquito
- PhanLo4
- ^ checks outPhanLo
- So, is the Tesla going IN or coming OUT?
DIS or DATAkagiyama - The Tesla is going in and out and in and out....Krassy
- lolAkagiyama
- PonyBoy8
slept right through the blood moon :(
had a fucking project / indecisive client that kept me up until nearly 5am the morning before... I was out cold on the couch w/cameras next to me etc last night... slept right through my alarm I set to wake up and watch :(my wife and brother took some beautiful shots tho <3
- Gardener11
- The best time to start? 800,000 years ago. The second best time to start? This summer on my family vacation.nb
- Does this account for evaporation and infiltration tho?Nairn
- And does it account for population growth over that period?Nairn
- Yesmonospaced
- NBQ00-2
PC laptops are just so ugly. Whenever I see people with ThinkPads or HP's/ Dell's I feel sorry for them to not have a MacBook Pro/ Air.
- mac = slow, overpriced, OS for non tech savvy, but hey it's pretty.YakuZoku
- laptops as a whole are kinda shitty to work with, 1 maybe 2 monitors lolYakuZoku
- Mac slow? Have you been on it since the Arm based SoC M1 launch?NBQ00
- how fast are those compared to a similar priced custom built PC? yeah, that's what I thought.YakuZoku
- I was all about mac till i got into building VR environments, 12 hour renders vs 15 minutes.YakuZoku
- pre-built PC's are kinda shitty and marked up though, I've been back to building my own for like 8 years nowYakuZoku
- If I found myself in the heavy file rendering world again I'd def jump to a PC... I'm mac-based simply because 99% of my clients / agencies arePonyBoy
- Does your racism/arrogance have no boundaries. You literally want everyone to be like you?Ianbolton
- You know, you can rent render farms in the clouds™grafician
- And yes, the M generation Macs are way better than any PC at the same cash. Try to build a custom Dell or HP at the same price as a Studiografician
- Dell? HP? that is shit mang! render farms? pay for someone else to use their system when you can build your own? bruhYakuZoku
- bad advice man.YakuZoku
- if you bothered to actually read what i posted "pre-built PC's are kinda shitty and marked up" Dell & HP falls into that category bruhYakuZoku
- still cracking up about "render farms"
get a brain moranYakuZoku - sometimes I think you post bad info here just to sabotage other designersYakuZoku
- Welcome to 2025…grafician
- Precision 7780 Workstation - AI Ready
$6,839.00 64GB 2TB
MB Pro M4 Max 64 2TB $4,599.00
Any more comments?grafician - Can you build yourself a custom laptop PC in that money?
And I'm the moron?
Get a grip mangrafician - And you think I post to "sabotage other designers" LOL I post sources for most of my factual posts, you can check them yourselfgrafician
- Btw this was a discussion ABOUT LAPTOPS not custom rigs don't tell me to bother to readgrafician
- Oh and I'm not even an Apple fanboy, I just use the best machine for my jobs
I actually like Sony designs since my first walkmangrafician - apple better than a PC at the same price, but buy a mac laptop and use a PC in the cloud. got it :)kingsteven
- back to the OP though, everyone has the same mbp and ipad as me and it bothers me find myself oogling nice PC laptops on the train.kingsteven
- lol @ those specs graf, they look like the same specs I built for my daughter's rig for under $1kYakuZoku
- I do check your posts, 80% of them are wrong, you read headlines, post, repeat.YakuZoku
- & LOL @ "my jobs" you don't work man, you spend all your time posting hereYakuZoku
- I still love you and upvote you though, even though you talk out of your ass most of the time.YakuZoku
- What part of LAPTOPS do you not get?grafician
- As for the rest you said, it's ALL YOU and your opinions man
All the rest of the people here post the same, you just focus more on me for some reasongrafician - The convo switched from laptops to Mac vs PC, and you're trying to bring it back to laptops, you don't build laptops moron LOLYakuZoku
- Posting as much as you do, you will get more attention, that's just how it worksYakuZoku
- No, you tried to switch to whatever the fuck you thought you had a little experience and I corrected you.
Yes, you can't build laptops, I already said thatgrafician - Anyways have a great Friday night brother, I'm about to eat 4 grams of shrooms right now :pYakuZoku
- So what part of my comments was wrong when I backed up with links and actual prices?
Stick to OP next time, you're not the IT guy around heregrafician - Good luck at whatever makes you happy
Ciaografician - You corrected me? Lol, I'm pretty sure it's the other way aroundYakuZoku
- And you said I'm always after you? You jumped in on this convo that had nothing to do with youYakuZoku
- You saying a Mac at a certain price point is equal or faster than a PC at the same price point shows how much you actually knowYakuZoku
- But that's your style, we all know that. A know it all ChihuahuaYakuZoku
- I'm still cracking up about render farms, that's like paying Dropbox for personal use instead of buying a hard driveYakuZoku
- graf can't admit he's wrong so he digs a hole in the sidenotes. but a M4 Max MBP (£4k) is comparable performance to RTX4070 pc laptop (£1.5k) for most graphicalkingsteven
- tasks. a mid-level, previous generation, mobile graphics card. a desktop with 4070 is 40% faster than the laptop and a desktop 4090 is 80% faster againkingsteven
- Comparing a Mac laptop (fast af btw) to a custom desktop pc is stupid. One is a sexy efficient portable machine. The other is a big loud mess of cablesmonospaced
- Yeah it might be able to render fast, but it isn’t portable or useful beyond that desk. And pc laptops are clunky compared to them.monospaced
- At entry level, no pc laptops can get close to a Mac. For that he’s right.monospaced
- Shallow as a puddle on a sunny day.Nairn
- No was comparing Mac laptop to any PC laptop and Mac will be better chillgrafician
- the discussion was about laptopsgrafician
- So you can stick your PC rig up your ass Moldy and still can't come up with a decent price for anything like a Mac laptopgrafician
- thank you monospaced, you know your shitgrafician
- and still yes render farms in the clouds are the main go to for most studios that do ads and whatever, who tf builds custom rigs over a week on a tight deadlinegrafician
- *you're.Nairn
- Soz. Couldn't help myself.Nairn
- Sure Nairn, np bro, but curious, do you render on a Mac or PC laptop? :))grafician
- know your shit is know your shitgrafician
- So Moldy do you render your AI videos on your custom rig or do you prompt in the sky a render farm to give a piece of video to download and edit?grafician
- Do you even own a M series laptop bro? Cope hardergrafician
- Go buy a M series Mac laptop then come back and comment heregrafician
- So another thing if you push PC rig vs. Macgrafician
- To run R1 model you need 2x Mac studios 512GB for 1TB or RAM? That's $30Kgrafician
- To run the same model on nvidia you need 16 x nvidia A100s 80GB $24,879.00 on amazongrafician
- Specs for R1…grafician
- Again, you're not the IT guy around here, go buy a M series laptop and stfu about your PC rigsgrafician
- bringing R1 in to this is an extra layer of silliness because you can run full R1 on a $2k CPU only PC rig at 4 t/s which is fast enough for personal usekingsteven
- for context a dual m4 rig is 15x the price and 5x the tokens/s, a H200 rig is 100x the price and and run at 1000x the tokens/s.kingsteven
- The full model? Really? Can you share the specs on that?grafician
- The point of mentioning R1 was that you can run it fast and locally and cheaply than PC with nvidia specialized cardsgrafician
- https://digitalspace…kingsteven
- there are also people running the full model accelerated with NVIDIA cards, it's just slower than doing it with CPU only (for now)kingsteven
- only rumours for now but good chance there will be consumer rigs within months which will put an end to this newfound apple superiority (at one really specifickingsteven
- unfeasibly expensive thing). I am an apple fan, love my MBP, osx and how efficient it is but i'd put my 5 yr old PC with 4070Ti up against any M4kingsteven
- 99% of PCs are shitboxes but the idea of Macs being able to outperform a comparably priced PC (laptop or otherwise) is just wrong.kingsteven
- one example, i produce motion graphics in 4k on my pc (much quicker on PC), i use prores because i need an alpha channel (quicker to decode on Mac)kingsteven
- this is where I start to think an m4 would be to my advantage but no, at least for me there is stream footage which needs upscaled, encoded. 1 million littlekingsteven
- things which require, or will be twice as fast with NVIDIA hardware acceleration (and not in the cloud). If I ever do require 8 simultaneous 8k feeds or whatevekingsteven
- r apple claims the m4 pros can handle, or i require more single core CPU power (why I use my mbp for music) or fast CPU memory then I'll pray for an m4kingsteven
- conclusion: PC laptops are ugly AF, except the ones that blatantly rip off Apple's design leadmonospaced
- @king, an entry level MacBook outperforms pretty much any PC laptop at the same price. I don't know why you think this is wrong.monospaced
- Look at the benchmarks. In 3D Mark benchmarks a 10 core M4 (£1199 Air - £1999 14" MBP) ranks below £500 3050Ti PC laptops...kingsteven
- The Mac will undoubtedly be a much better all rounder, but for anything requiring graphics acceleration, no.kingsteven
- also, i think a lot of PC laptops look cool as fuck and don't take design cues from apple. Its just 99% of the time you see one it probably cost £300kingsteven
- Whenever I see thinkpads out in the wild I see them as the evo x of the laptop world. I’m a Mac guy through and through but there’s something about thinkpads._niko
- It's a shame Sony stopped making laptops. I had a doozie Sony 15 years ago. Thinkpads are, to me, a bit like high-end Sony Walkmans from the 80s, aesthetically.Nairn
- neverscared4
- Salk Institute <3jagara
- I used to hang out here a lot in college. Did some mushrooms here :)monospaced
- old stomping grounds. this, and the glider port nearbyKrassy
- @mono ucsd?Krassy
- did u get so tiny while tripping that u could swim in the water line in the center ?neverscared
- ^ Isn't that always the goal?CyBrainX
- @Krassy, yes, UCSD :)
@never, I had a conversation with the earth at the cliffs nearby at sunset. Major memory trigger this image.monospaced - Looks so new age. Love it.jagara
- @mono that's where I went to Uni too!Krassy