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- yurimon0
" A junkyard contains all the bits and pieces of a Boeing-747, dismembered and in disarray. A whirlwind happens to blow through the yard. What is the chance that after its passage a fully assembled 747, ready to fly, will be found standing there? "
- An African whirlwind or a European whirlwind?********
- http://www.patheos.c…hereswhatidid
- z quote doesnt not specifyyurimon
- No. It's much more logical that a magic elf would put the plane together from his imagination.monospaced
- are you able to put things together?yurimon
- if the universe is infinite, then ther are infinite permutations that can happen.locustsloth
- Again, yuri is too cowardly to put forth an actual opinion.hereswhatidid
- We could be one in quadrillion, but we're able to ponder (and even doubt) that because we were the permutation that allows itlocustsloth
- it. And if the universe is truly infinite, there are copies of us somewhere in itlocustsloth
- My opinion is open as Im always learning. Current opinion as follows is that the universe is fractal, holographic, a mesh of frequencies and alignments. extremely mathematical.yurimon
- frequencies and alignments, as very general, opinion. I think consciousness is main driver of everything created at its core.yurimon
- there you go folks, a bullshit non-answerhereswhatidid
- You are extremely consistent about never giving an opinion, thoughhereswhatidid
- And nature displays it in fractal crystallization. Like a tree etc. Everything is harmonic and highly mathematical.yurimon
- that is answer. You dont know what these words mean? you want a novel? frequencies? resonance? harmonics? electric universe.. look it upyurimon
- universe, math? Fibonacci sequence. fractals in nature? come on yo. looks it upyurimon
- Science doesnt do a good job at explaining consciousness however.yurimon
- heh, that was delightfully obtuse! thanks!hereswhatidid
- I could ask you what you had for breakfast and you'd come back with 4 pages of bullshit theory and youtube linkshereswhatidid
- it would screw the screws and shit like that? nah!...get out of here. not talking about the electric part and high!********
- I see electric universe theory not as main stream but the revolution of paradigm shift is going on in cosmology.yurimon
- ok, now that was just complete nonsense, man. You gotta be giggling as you type thathereswhatidid
- and plasma physics. This is where perceptions will be changing alot of perceptionsyurimon
- I mean, that sounded like something a non-english speaking person would get as a deep, meaningful tattoohereswhatidid
- about religion and science mergeyurimon
- I can explain alot in these post it notes. sarcasm. What i mentioned are subject within themselves, you can research it.yurimon
- a lot can happen in 13.77 billion years, like that Boeing-747 might be a godmoldero
- science does a great job at explaining consciousnessscarabin
- An African whirlwind or a European whirlwind?
- MrT0
^ And this supposedly questions what exactly? Evolution?
- it pokes at probability atheists who claim the statistic of random life in the universeyurimon
- I guess the creationists are the ones who use more in their arguments against random theory. prob it goes along with intelligent design theorists.yurimon
- intelligent design theorists.yurimon
- http://www.patheos.c…hereswhatidid
- ********0
A graveyard contains all the bits and pieces of a lot of chicks, dismembered and in disarray. A whirlwind happens to blow through the yard. What is the chance that after its passage a fully assembled Nancy Archer, ready to fuck, will be found standing there?
- moldero0
I know at least SOME Christian denominations dont believe in any form of evolution at all, but do they all? and if they dont, and they believe in the great flood story, how do they explain the existence of fresh and salt water fish?
- gimme a sec,
I'll ask godGeorgesIV - You know Christians? (blink)yurimon
- I think that was the same arrogance that justified taking of indain land you display thereyurimon
- that is a ridiculous thing to say, yuricuntmonospaced
- it doesn't even make sensemoldero
- Logic is not their strong suit.********
- gimme a sec,
- GeorgesIV0
if only she had a god to pray to!!
dammm you chinese atheism!!!Chinese ‘paranormalist’ arrested for exorcising a ‘haunted vagina’ with his penis
- GeorgesIV0
- isn't speaking on God's behalf not allowed?monospaced
- haha, Christians are retardedmoldero
- all christians are 5 year oldsdrgs
- Christians?!?
I guess you must believe in one and only true god.******** - Yes, Christians. This is obviously a Christian thing.monospaced
- mikotondria30
I am full of praise and teh halleluiah that He has finally seen it is Good to use teh internets to help modestly-dressed middle class Americans come together on teh dating site 'Christian Mingle'. I did some research at my church and it's true - it does officially use teh Wordz of god to find matches for the peoples. It's a pthyon script apparently, that interfaces with a special quantum card that fits in teh PCI Express slot.
Pass it on, or you love the devil and all his works.- Thanks for clarification. I actually wonder about this every time I see the ads.monospaced
- GeorgesIV0
so it begins... I guess they don't see the irony
Organized Atheism is now a franchise.Yesterday, The Sunday Assembly—the London-based “Atheist Church” that has, since its January launch, been stealing headlines the world over—announced a new “global missionary tour.” In October and November, affiliated Sunday Assemblies will open in 22 cities: in England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, the United States and Australia. “I think this is the moment,” Assembly founder Sanderson Jones told me in an email last week, “when the Sunday Assembly goes from being an interesting phenomenon to becoming a truly global movement.” Structured godlessness is ready for export.
-…- fuckedApeRobot
- You see, this is human nature.Morning_star
- give it another 5 years…GeorgesIV
- reanimate0
New Christian Trend Sweeping America: Husbands Spanking & Punishing Wives
- GeorgesIV0…
In 2011 by one estimate the most photographed landmark in New York City was not Rockefeller Center or Times Square; it was the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue. The shimmering glass cube is otherworldly. The $7 million structure stands thirty- two feet high and features a glass spiral staircase wrapped around a glass elevator. A glowing Apple logo floats in the center of the cube. Inside the store, there are no shelves or boxes, just wooden tables with Apple’s glowing products on display. Faithful consumers wander the cavernous interior admiring Apple devices in a virtual “cathedral of consumption.”
- pango0
religious people need to respect other people's believe. They need to fucking stop exploiting unfortunate event and push their believe towards others. Fucking sick of it.
what i don't like about them is not because they believe in none sense.
it's because they are fucking annoying.
Christian, Jehovah, Mormon and Catholics of all religion are the worst.- sounds like you need jesus in your life. :-))yurimon
- http://4.bp.blogspot…moldero
- he already in my life and he kept fucking up my schedule! fuck off Jesus! god works in a mysterious way. right. fuck you!pango
- the devil is in pango tonight!moldero
- just over worked and shit happening. http://images.sodahe…pango
- haha
take a break, come down heremoldero - I haz extra room and surfboard for youmoldero
- I don't know how to surf. but I guess I can learn it from you. and Ian scared to go Mexico. lolpango
- have to go to a funeral first. ya fuck you Jesus!pango
- haha, yeah Ill teach you, I have a foamy you can usemoldero