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- Morning_star0
Slightly apprehensive about asking this but heh ho.
Do most atheists here expand their stance on religion to cover paranormal phenomena, ESP, Telepathy etc?
*Ducks*- Your troll net has a few holes in it.TheBlueOne
- Apparently they only hunt in packs round here.Morning_star
- You started this, remember?i_monk
- No complaints here i-monk. Fancy answering the question?Morning_star
- I'd venture to say most atheists consider all paranormal activity to be false.monospaced
- M_S you'll learn someday (hopefully) that the beliefs of one do not represent the beliefs of allalbums
- It's a question. Why are you so threatened by it.Morning_star
- i_monk0
M_s – see my answer to your other question. tl;dr, I've no reason to believe in those.
- mydo0
hi guys. how is everyone getting on today? I see you're all talking about religion on the internet. I only read the first page and guess it must be going really well. it always does.
let me know if you need any snacks.
- albums0
some things to note that are wrong with religion...…
"If you’re noting these things, you are not alone. To date, over 2.3 million parents in America have a child who is secretly partaking in a new music called ‘dubstep’. This dangerous music is of Satan and is used to brainwash children into doing dark demonic ceremonies that masquerade as ominously cute names as ‘Tobasco Tot Creation’ and ‘Freaky Leashy Flesh Party’."
Phallus’fuck me that's funny
- albums0
The hidden, Latin anagram of the word sums up what we know about the ancient rite of Skrillexing: it is all about backside attacks and colonic pacts.
- Morning_star0
"Leading skeptic Richard Wiseman has admitted that the evidence is so good that "by the standards of any other area of science, [telepathy] is proven."
It's interesting that given positive proof from documented, repeatable scientific experiments (Placebo Effect, Human and Animal Telepathy, Remote Viewing, ESP) carried out by reputable labs, the answer of choice for an atheist is to deny the validity of the experiment. This seems to be because it tends to fuck up the fundaments of the science they subscribe to and 'oh heresy' that cannot possibly be allowed.
Yet, there's good old gravity. Is it a wave or particle? Force or deviation in space-time? Does science have an answer for that yet?
Science is becoming dogmatic, much like the church did. And humans are doing their instinctive best to screw it up. The pop-science celebs consistently promote their own agendas at the expense of a skeptical but open minded approach.- Atheists don't subscribe to science, scientists do.i_monk
- Science at least is trying to define gravity, unlike religion.monospaced
- albums0
God no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the Universe due to a series of developments in physics
- Stephen Hawking
- albums0
- mikotondria30
^^ Oh ffs. What the feck does that have to do with atheism ?
Dubious results from yet another paranormal experiment (no hypothesis, no proof, no science)...therefore god exists. What a bunch of crap.
"...the answer of choice for an atheist is to deny the validity of the experiment..."
We're educated, professional people, in our 20s, 30s and 40s - you're writing like a 15 year old stoner who has absolutely no experience of the arguments for or against religion. Please avail yourself of some of the fantastic literature out there and come back for a real discussion.
If you think science is becoming 'dogmatic', whatever you think that means, then join in the scientific debate after becoming educated in it. Real scientists will listen to your points and you can discuss them. If your ideas are rejected, you will be told why, in no uncertain terms by people with a vested interest in being very harsh and very correct.
- Morning_star0
"Dubious results from yet another paranormal experiment (no hypothesis, no proof, no science)...therefore god exists."
I have never said god exists, in fact if you bothered to look i have said exactly the opposite.
I never said this had anything to do with atheism, i merely asked a fucking question and if you are such an arrogant cunt that your closed-mind and all-knowing brain is offended then..."well that's like your opinion man"
You sound like Dawkins.- the opposite would be does not exist, though you have clearly stated might.albums
- I don't know if he does or doesn't exist. Do you?Morning_star
- I don't care if you think I'm an arrogant cunt, mate, I'm just a few years further down this discussion than you. Wise up.mikotondria3
- albums0
Miko, don't respond, he's resorted to name calling as your strong will has offended M_S by not joining his beliefs
- agreedmonospaced
- Yeh, sorry about that. The Dawkins thing overstepped the mark.Morning_star
- I am proud to sound like Dawkins to you, in all aspects. I'm a grown, educated, 40yr old Englishman with a science..mikotondria3
-, what'd you expect ?
Dude.mikotondria3 - I hope you weren't offended, truly. I liked what you said on the previous page. I have questions, that's all and you're..Morning_star
- right, they are rudimentary and naive. But It annoys the tits off me the complete dismissal of compelling evidence that runs...Morning_star
- contrary to the current scientific view.Morning_star
- For me it's neither about god or religion, it's about the certainty of a over growing set of folk, usually gathered under the banner of Atheist that they...Morning_star
- Atheist that they know all there is to know and that the central fundaments of science hold true, always.Morning_star
- It's cool, it's a natural response to what you perceive as an approach that runs contrary to discovering what could be...mikotondria3
- .. exciting fundamental things about the universe. Telepathy, psychic phenomena all get excluded from 'mainstream..mikotondria3
-" because, at the moment, they aren't science, and are not experimentally valid. Nothing about atheism.mikotondria3
- I totally understand where you're at, I was there for many years. Sometimes I miss it. It's hard to let go of that dream...mikotondria3
- ...but it's not fact, and there are no shortcuts to the scientific method. The moment it is proved to be real, bingo !mikotondria3
- i_monk0
Five atheists who ruin it for everyone else…- Bullshit, they're all awesome.mikotondria3
- Lost me at Sam Harris.e-wo