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- TheBlueOne0
Newton, one of the godfathers of science, was on a religious quest to discover how the universe worked. Although his output and legacy was science, what he was doing in his head was a religious endeavor.
this is generally true for most of the early generations of "scientists"...Galileo, Copernicus, et. al. weren't inventing "science" per se, they were searching for the mind of god in their own ways, usually via an empirical process.
- moldero0
- Hmmm. There are flood myths from around the world dating 200 years before the bible was written. Check out Gilgamesh.
Morning_star - that should have been 2000. Sorry.
Morning_star - There are flood stories everywhere there are annual floods, strangely enough.i_monk
- Noah's ark was more likely a DNA archive. The worldwide flood was recorded by almost all indigenous people... It happened.********
- Hmmm. There are flood myths from around the world dating 200 years before the bible was written. Check out Gilgamesh.
- ernexbcn0
In the end, we might be all living in a simulation developed by a superior being. The difference between religion and science is that science is at least trying to untangle how everything works in order to attain a complete understanding of the universe. Religions or at least christianity wants us to believe the words of a book and take everything there for granted.
I can't really have an intelligent discussion with people that believe earth is 6000 years old.
- Or maybe God just has a differnt number system. How come no one ever thinks of that...TheBlueOne
- you know..likYouYou know, like dog years and cat years..maybe there is god yearsTheBlueOne
- 6000 god years = 5 billion human years or somethingTheBlueOne
- < thats what they say and what I was taught as a kid, and even as a kid i thought that was a cop-outmoldero
- Sure, it's a cop-out, but at least it will prevent all the bullshit argumentsTheBlueOne
- its like they adjust things the bible says as humanity gets smarter.moldero
- according to christianity time started with the christ.74LEO
- I know that not all christens believe in "intelligent design" are there levels of atheists ?plash
- That's when BUSINESS started for them.ernexbcn
- Atheism isn't a "belief," therefore there are no levels.monospaced
- i am a level 6 athiest warlock. mono doesn't know what he's talking about.TheBlueOne
- you can't project your beliefs onto others like that, atheism is a thing like religion so stop asking what the equivalent procedure is in our world.zarkonite
- in our world. That's ethnocentrism bordering on condescension.zarkonite
- ... is NOT a thing like religion...zarkonite
- TheBlueOne0
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
- ernexbcn0
“Dinosaur fossils? God put those there to test our faith"
- plash0
don't both books of science and religion have to have a some type of revision process. with science it would reveal that being wrong is part of the journey to find the correct. with religion it's a bit harder since they view their book as "history".
@albums . no one is upset but i suspect you might be since "the noise that is your input is quickly fading. "
- TheBlueOne0
I spoke with a well known biblical scholar once and he said "I don;t understand all these people coming up to me with this chip-on-their-shoulder athiest arguments about how there are errors in the Bible. Of course there are errors in the Bible. It was written over thousands of years and had hundreds of editors in different time periods trying to justify different things. It's as if you had a book that Plato wrote the first chapter and Stephen King wrote the last one and everyone edited along the way. Of course there is contradictions. The contradictions are really no argument about the inherent human truth of the document really."
i thought that was rather wise.
- the book isn't right because it was made up by a lot of people is your statement?albums
- He was a devout jew btwTheBlueOne
- No, saying that truth is one thing, inerrancy is anotherTheBlueOne
- that guy was a scholar, not a bible-as-literal-tru... bible-humper... very different people!vaxorcist
- antagonlsta0
you agnostics are like them god believers!
annoying and can't keep your god damn mouths shut.
believe don't believe, what's it matteryes, people die kill and treat others like shit. that's not exclusive to god touters. no one is forcing you to go to mass, shut the fuck up already!
- Well argued and stated. Do you owe money on that education?TheBlueOne
- are you being demanding of a fellow human being? holier than thou with a chip on your own shoulder i see.albums
- well, first of all, i take bigger shits in the morning than the crap you spew.antagonlsta
- Well, you certainly have defeated me with your words.TheBlueOne
- ill let this one slide but don't you forget it.antagonlsta
- Sure thing pal.TheBlueOne
- we wont. he has spoken.moldero
- But anyway, you have an outstanding student loan or not?TheBlueOne
- I've not had to deal with such matters in a while. some of us are a bit more established than others.antagonlsta
- Morning_star0
Atheists, is everything you do pre-determined by your DNA?
- Are you serious? DNA doesn't work like that.i_monk
- Why is this important to you?TheBlueOne
- We don't know that yet. Evidence points to predispositions to certain behaviours exposed by environmental influence.zarkonite
- is this really an argument? LOLscarabin
- I think he thinks everyone behaves like drones, following the leader... makes sense if he's the church going type, I guess.zarkonite
- Gosh. How insightful you are. Your friends must think you're Sherlock Holmes. Well done.Morning_star
- i_monk0
Remember when this thread only had five posts? Seems like years ago...
- TheBlueOne0
"God Hates Us All."
- Slayer
- vaxorcist0
ah..... you can always have fun with a bible literalist...sometimes even better if the person is female....
1. ask him/her if every word of the bible is true? he agrees
2. ask him if he/her if they believe everyone should practice their lives according to the words in the bible?
3. ask them to pick up their bible and read Ezekiel 23:20 aloud...
4. try not to die laughing
- Dick jokes? There are much worse things in there.i_monk
- like Leviticusmonospaced
- and Deuteronomy.i_monk
- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And Revelation.mikotondria3
- go on.. nice list keeps going...vaxorcist
- TheBlueOne0
The Book of Job was always the most profound for me because it's really God telling humans that they are out of their ever-loving minds if they think they claim they know what he's doing. It's pretty explicit in that point. But everyone just seems to take away the lesson of Job's blind devotion from it instead of the larger very clear textual point. I always find that very curious.
- Miesfan0
At this stage of the game, S. XXI, talking about religion? ...
Galilleo, Darwin, The Inquisition, the Crusades, Holy War, Pope, Al-Qaeda, prohibition of condoms, subjugation of women ... pfffff...
I'll be at the Dojo.
- monospaced0
we done here?
- pango0
who's winning so far?
- Morning_star0
"Pick. up. the gun"
- ukit20
A List Of Gods Throughout History
Throughout history human beings have believed in gods—thousands of them. And just as past cultures—many great and lasting civilizations—have all but slipped from our memory, so have the gods they worshiped.
While today's dominant religions fixate on (and wage wars over) a few prominent deities, we would be wise to remember that billions of people from past centuries believed in—and devoted their lives to—entirely different gods.
- and, ad, they were all adamant that their god(s) was the right one... think about thatmonospaced
- monospaced0