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- PonyBoy0
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I don't recall making this thread...
- have a little faithmonospaced
- God made you do it.TheBlueOne
- sinner.maquito
- TheBlueOne0
At the end of the day I can only believe that God finds dick jokes funny.
- ArmandoEstrada0
"Over money and religion theres more blood to spill..."
-Talib Kweli
- georgesIII0
A jew, a catholic, an atheist walk into a bar...
- ukit20
"Fucking Jews... the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."
-Mel Gibson
- georgesIII0
Mel gibson is after all mel gibson..
the trend in some online forum is to always criticize Christianity, sometime Islam (because they're scaryyy),
They are all abrahamic religions, yet no one ever dare to even question the book from which they all stem.
- pango0
As for the argument for Buddhism.
as far as i understand. It didn't started off with a god in the core of their believe. God like or human look alike figure was added later on because people need a face to feel associated with. and it's like marketing, a face on the packaging has alway and alway will attract attention quicker than anything. Assuming most peasants don't read back in that time.
It started to become a religion through time as people went to the tomb and pay respect to the first buddha (who started the teaching), and the gathering of people to study his teaching and all the story telling. With all that, soon enough one guy would come up with idea to pray that the buddha would bless him to help him get through whatever hard time he had. And the another guy... and another guy.... And finally, I present you! a god worshiping religion! :Dit's really in our gene to look for something higher power to warship. to seek answers to all the questions that's very unlikely for any living human to answer. (what's the meaning of life?!?!? what's the meaning of my existant?!?!?! Do i just exist like everything else with no purpose?!?!?!?! Does my life really end when i die?!?!!? or do i go somewhere els?!?!!? What is right?!?! what is Wrong?!?!?! OMG!!?
yup... i could be wrong... i could be bat shit crazy...
- buddha is not a god and is emphatically not considered such.scarabin
- he is revered as an intelligent man who discovered a system for obtaining happiness. nothing more.scarabin
- you are correct! but like all religion. there are different branches from a single religion group.pango
- unfortunately. good number of people do believe he's a devine being and can cure suffering.pango
- buddhism = god worshiping religion? yes and no. depends on which group you are talking about.pango
- i like it to be a godless religion. focus on the teaching instead of an idol. has there been a war initiated by buddhism?pango
- Burma?dobre
- what sect worships him as a god?scarabin
- if that's true they're not paying attention to anything he saidscarabin
- TheBlueOne0
- mikotondria30
^^ You just need to realise that just because such questions make grammatical sense, they aren't necessarily a valid inquiry into the way the world works. 'What is the meaning of life ?'. What does that even mean ? There is no singular, overall meaning. That's not what meaning means. 'Does my life have a purpose ?'. If you want it to - there's no external record describing events that your life needs to encounter to fulfill some tertiary purpose. If you want there to be, then it's of your own initiative, according to your own values. That's the big, hard truth that religion tries to steer away from. It's a port from the storm that, contrary to there being an overall, possibly somewhat benevolent, oversight and singular source to the universe, that pervades all events, big and small, external AND internal - contrary to that idea, the real terrifying truth is that there is no one in charge, you are more or less alone with your thoughts and conclusions and wisdom, responsible for whatever you decide according to whatever morality you see fit to adopt or create. Responsible for the suffering of others by omission of your own intervention, or by your own cruel or justified hand, responsible for your own understanding of complex natural systems, and your place in it, either as a dumb primate, or a conscious human. The only rewards are knowledge of a proposed legacy of your liking, the only damnation the realization of potential wasted - both your own and your wider kin. The burden of self-consciousness IS the very fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil - with it we are indeed cast out of the ignorant bliss of our animal past, labored with an inner vision of ourselves, subject to our own judgments as we stand astride the natural world within us, and all our survival instincts, group and societal impulses as primates, and models of a better version of our world that we can create; a happier and more advanced idyll. Alas, we will not reach it by externalising our internal processes - the gods we seek are not without, but buried deep within us - our greatest glories and our darkest hells. Our gods as men and our fantasies of escape from earthly bodies.
- thats what i meant! we ask stupid questions that can't be answered!!pango
- sorry for the poor grammar... it's hot monday afternoon... i've got nothing todo other than drinking beer....pango
- god is like this imaginary (IMO) guy someone created who is all mighty and bends all known rules of physics to answer our question.pango
- questions. he's like this kid playing pick one power and he goes and pick the power to have any power!pango
- i personally don't think there's such a standard as good and evil. everyone decides where the line is for them self.pango
- "some people just wanna watch the world burn!" ohhh 4 more days!!pango
- ukit20
This whole "meaning" thing is just a mechanism that exists in our brains to help process reality. We assign meaning to things, but there is no external meaning floating around in the outside world.
- pango0
yes and religion give meaning of life to people who really needs one to live with out the struggle of doubt. To have something to look forward to in hardship. To seek that slightest hope we all know it's really not gonna happen.
I do believe most (most) religion started off with good intention and someone ass holes just had to go and manipulate it for their own gain.
I'm cool with poeple having religion. Just don't come and fuck shit up for me.
- ukit20
Yeah I'm cool with it. I'm not mad at religious people for believing what they want. It still boggles my mind that so many people are religious, but I think it's a product of upbringing. It's really hard to reject something your parents, family and society told you from when you were a kid, especially when it becomes part of your culture and identity.
- I oppose religion in it's first instance - it contends that we no not right from wrong without divine revelation of how to do somikotondria3
- , asserts that we have no privacy from the celestial dictatorship that creates us sick and commands us well.mikotondria3
- I do think that the recent wave of atheist pundits like Dawkins and Bill Maher has resulted in a lot more people rejecting religionukit2
- religion. Going by the numbers millenials are the least religious generation of all time.ukit2
- Maaku0
\m/ \m/
- trooperbill0
after being so involved up to 2k years ago... God is suspicious in his absence... where are the modern prophets... genuine miracles.
we are abandoned people... maybe we shouldnt of killed his son lol
- that's not what other religion says...pango
- Aren't they on Fox?TheBlueOne
- GeorgesII0
I'm launching the next crusades,
who's with me??- I think you're ten years too late on that one.Morning_star
- George Bush beat you to it George74LEO
- GeorgesII0
But my crusade is against science, technology and atheists...
Us GOD loving, bible reading, Jesus worshiping zealots outnumber atheist,
we could take them down before the lamb of god comes back,
who's with me??