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  • ohhhhhsnap0

    the straights' grindr/scruff

    • pango is this how you met the mermaid?ohhhhhsnap
    • "Gimp mermaid"
      I don't hang out with ordinary mermaid.
    • I met her at a show. She was performing orgasm on the stage. And thought "damn! She's a keeper!"pango
  • Projectile0

    Okay story time chaps! Meet up with a girl last night, one year my senior, she's out for a quick drink with colleagues but insists we meet up around the corner for a quick pint.

    She arrives, completely smashed, as in asked some guy for a light and just kept walking right into him level of smashed! Then she drags me to meet all her colleagues, they're awesome, I spend the entire evening drinking and making merry with them, but having to look after her a bit. We even have to give her a 5 min pep talk to get her past a bouncer, ....I had a glass of beer thrown on me by a colleague of hers (not intentional, I was caught in crossfire), I remember picking her up off the floor a good few times... shots are had, I'm getting rather messy too and so are the colleagues...

    Eventually it's home time, I get so massively cock blocked by her friend, basically telling her not to come home with me because I'm a stranger. I couldn't argue, I was just some random off the internet, and I'm the only one that knows I'm not a serial killer! ....but I can't give up either! I really like this girl!
    I'm like, "there must be a way in which we can all be happy in this situation!"
    Drunk Girl to friend: "Fuck that, it's been my plan the whole evening and you're not fucking this up for me!!"
    But the friend won't budge.
    Friend: "No! No fucking way are you going back to a stranger's house! ...You guys are staying in my lounge tonight and that's that!!"
    Me: "Yeah but I... um... well yes! That's exactly what we're doing!" Free cab ride home, and when I woke up I was 200m from my house. Made it into work on time and everything!

    I'm fucking loving Tinder right now!! And I think I love Drunk Girl too! (I like 'em crazy)

    • PARTY HARD!!!!pango
    • did the friend join in????inteliboy
    • Hate those friends. Fuck off dusty minge!
    • LOL!!!! The friend was nailing her bf upstairsProjectile
    • hahaha I love this storyernexbcn
    • Wait. Wait. Wait... You never told us if the friend joined and you had a messy 3some.OSFA
    • Or, if you ended up banging this drunkieOSFA
    • Yea he did...
    • which one?OSFA
    • Don't fucking post stories if you're not gonna finish them.OSFA
    • He said in the notes you twat!
    • Yeah of course I did. No, dusty minge didn't join us.. but the one was plenty!!Projectile
  • inteliboy0

    can you use tindy without a facebook account?

    • *tinder. though tindy sounds more fitting.inteliboy
    • Nope. I created one for it.
  • i_monk0

    So this is a hook-up app for straights? Cute.


    • It's a hook-up for people...
    • it's for everyoneernexbcn
  • ernexbcn0
    • apologies if timelineernexbcn
    • Damn. Sweden is where the party's at!OSFA
  • ********

    Literally just had a friend I introduced to tinder the other day call me up. He went and met a girl on his lunch break for a coffee just now. Apparently she was super disappointed he had to go back to work and so told him that she has a funeral tomorrow but can come to his at 10am tomorrow before it starts. haha... superb.

    • Quick shag and then off to mourn..
    • from moan to mourn.OSFA
    • LOLOLOLpango
  • Al_dizzle0

    I just spent the entirety of a conference call playing on tinder.
    Despite the stupid new 'features' It's still a fun game.

  • pango0

    Fuck... cuz i'm 101 years old on FB. it's only trying to suggest me 91 to 110 years old people...
    i'm forever alone on tinder...

    • well you can change thatfourth
    • on facebook? well only to previous set year... which were 4, 80, 95 years old...pango
    • Go with 95. Lots of bangin' 95 year old honeys.nb
  • pinkfloyd0

    • that was funnycbass99
    • was it?
    • yesOSFA
    • yes i reckon its funny as well.sureshot
    • @2.53 I think he meant to say 'poor man's James Franco'Wolfboy
  • sureshot0

    Its fun.

  • Weyland0

  • nb0

    The most amazing part is how many people are looking for love on Tinder. Straight people can't even handle having a hook-up app, they have to ruin it by turning into half-hookup, half-dating.

    I love hearing my friends (mostly women) complain about how shitty Tinder is, when they're all using it wrong.

    Plus, what did you expect?

    Not everyone on Tinder is a psycho or douchebag. But every psycho and douchebag is on Tinder.

    • Buddy just shot a wedding from two people that met on Tinderformed
    • Well, we all know weddings last forever!nb
  • ********

    I met quite a few girls on tinder, maybe 10. Had some fun, no surprise fatties luckily... met some very cool people actually. Got expensive though. Industrial dating is hard work.

    After all that I'm seeing a girl I met in the real world so I guess that says it all...

  • ********

  • sine0

    girls with group photos on tinder... they're always the least attractive one.

    • them: no, that's my friend. i'm the blonde.
      me: oh. she's sexy.
  • orrinward20

    I've been coming to some cowboy conclusions lately after speaking to friends of all types using Tinder, "conventional" dating sites like Match.com and in-real-life, and at least from my small pool of friends' experiences and my own wild spin on it, I think Tinder is more efficient at finding a good partner for most people than in-person spontaneous dating attempts or the more meticulous online-profile skimming and matching.

    I have several friends that have started relationships and kept them going for more than a few months now through Tinder.

    My theory is that with Tinder, it shatters the confidence barrier of approaching someone, and also doesn't give you enough opportunities to turn someone down based on an interest. It gets you talking faster.

    Match.com/OK Cupid, other profile-heavy sites - It takes ages to get yourself a decent profile and people often judge by that first picture anyway. Those that don't judge purely based on that first photo then spend time reading through lots of info about you, before starting to talk. I've seen people going through OKC profiles like it was a CV for a new CEO. "Oh, she likes Miley Cyrus - NOPE!", "She mentions liking football, tomboy, NO!". When on OKC a lot of people end of looking for one excuse to not pursue someone, rather than the many reasons they should. Tinder gives less opportunity for your brain to make you hesitate and gets you talking immediately, and in a more raw and natural way.

    In-person "Hi how are ya" - I know very few people that have the confidence, when in a normal state, to approach anyone they find interesting. Those that have that confidence also use Tinder. If you insist on "meeting someone online is weird", perhaps consider that relying on getting smashed so you can muster the confidence to approach a girl and say "Hey, that's a really interesting jacket you have, I'm ..." is also kind of fucking weird. Tinder eliminates the confidence issue.

    Tinder - Whether in-person or on OKC, most people will make a big judgement of someone based on appearance. Tinder makes that simple and effective. It doesn't give you a huge amount of info for you negatively judge an opportunity, other than personality from the first messages you exchange. Friends that are in relationships because of Tinder have all have a few things in common - they didn't actually talk much on Tinder, they just went into "Hey lets meet at XXX tonight". Once the ice is broken, the in-person stuff gets easier and more natural. The other thing they had in common is that they met with a lot of people, and a lot of them they didn't hit it off with, and they all see the bad dates as no-big-deal situations.

    I think if you're critical of Tinder for being shallow etc then you're probably not that good at dating or meeting people generally. Anyone I know who is sociable and single, or flexible, has been enjoying Tinder an awful lot.

    • This seems true. Everyone on OKC seems to be looking for their soulmate which will 99% not happen.
    • Tinder is for talking to hot people, which is why 50% of marriages end in divorce.
    • Agree Orrin
  • inteliboy0

    Problem with Tinder is you need a FB account. Which I don't have.

    • I just made one for it... easy.
    • easy (no pun intended)bklyndroobeki
    • No FB , no smart phone, i'm clearly missing something.ApeRobot
  • formed0

    set - so this Tinder thing, you made a fake profile using your real name?

    I am in the 'reluctant to try this new thing' category, especially using my regular FB account that has business names, etc.

    You have to then re-friend a ton of people to get matches, right?

    • you refriend noone, it just grabs pics from your FB account basicly and sets up an idea of trust nicelyWeyland
    • doesn't it suggest things based off of your existing friends? If you have none, you get less results, or am I wrong?formed
    • Nope it just takes your name and profile photos and feeds everyone the same nearby people.
    • I'm using a Facebook account with no friends on it and have had hundreds of matches...
    • Perfect, thanks!formed
  • formed0


  • fourth0

    ok so I used it for a bit after starting this thread then deleted it.

    restarted using it a few weeks ago:
    • 98% of my matches are bots. can spot them from a mile away
    • rarely get "real" matches and when I do they are surprisingly attractive.
    • usually they never respond back, or if they do its the attitude that I have to ask all the questions and do all the work
    • maybe it's a southern california thing but I got a lot more quality matches when I'm traveling else where
    • have talked to a few girls that were genuinely interested but all have backed out once a dates been set
    • talking to a couple of cute ones and have a date with one tomorrow although a bit older than I'd like
    • talking to another thats wants to chill after the break but she's younger and not my type. but worth a shag attempt

    will update later

    • Sounds like a typical dating site.formed
    • obviously it's a location thing. I get fucking hundreds of matches when in central london..
    • and next to none when further out in the sticks
    • lol @ worth a shag attempt