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  • NBQ00-2

  • mekk1

    Tried it for some time, I think the game been played there is just despicable. I am loosely dating a girl on and off for some time now (met offline). We have a great time together. Both found our profiles and would never have swiped right on each other, so yeah, IMO total arse. Just look at all the low effort pics people put on there. Is that how people present themselves? WTF.

    Online dating is still the game of women having basically free choice, everyone showing off a false personality and tricking men into paying services because so much more men are on this sites.

    I Deleted. It really had a negative impact on my positive mood.

    Also, Tinder has privacy issues and a tremendously bad designed app with horrible UX.

    • interesting - a friend is on tinder and asked me whay i thought of her profile. i said it was a poor reflection of her, buthans_glib
    • asked that she show me what other people's profiles were like. and you're right - they're all piss poor photos, out of focus badly exposed etchans_glib
    • so i guess that's the style people see as 'normal'. if i helped her with her profile she'd probably seem suspicious, like some honeytraphans_glib
    • Do you really think it’s so badly designed? Seems like the opposite to me, a case where they came up with a new UX concept that changed the entire industry.yuekit
    • ^ swiping feature is cool and ecouraging but the rest looks total trash. Sliders are barely usable, words break weirdly, settings and personal info have nomekk
    • clear hierarchy. And it is trying super hard to sell me stuff. I already got Premium for a month, now leave me alone with ANOHTER subscription.mekk
    • Maybe changed it for the worse by making people extremely superficial ;), but nonetheless successful.yuekit
    • yeah my main point is my disappointment with the low effort people put in there. I remember OKCupid times when people actually had good profiles and questionsmekk
    • about themselves and you got matches based on their views. This Tinder game is too depressing for me, it makes you think rejection is curable with premiummekk
    • Hmmm yeah that’s interesting. I have seen both incredibly bad profiles and amazing ones (in terms of quality of photography).yuekit
    • I think it may have to do with the score Tinder assigns you behind the scenes based on some unknown factors. Low score = poor quality profiles.yuekit
    • Tinder is better than nothing. Still better than hitting up women on the street or in bars. When you don't know if they're single or even interested in you.NBQ00
    • ^ They'll tell you if you do that in a bar. As long as you're polite and respectful you get a polite and respectful answer back in 99%mekk
    • Too tedious. And at a bar you may only go up to one girl in an evening without looking like a douche that is hitting up all the girls.NBQ00
    • Hm, usually I have a drink or two and look around who responds to eye contact and a little smile here and there before actually approaching a girl. Works goodmekk
    • Tinder is a slice of society, nothing more, nothing less.
      As for the pics, I see a billion snapchat filters. They did a great job making everyone look "better"
    • mekk, The pickup artistMaaku
    • I've tried online dating, but i generally found tinder depressing, vacuously pertaining to the idea that relationships are disposable.Ianbolton
  • ********

    People are good at picking their best 5 or 6 photos from the last 5 years so it's not a great reflection of what they look like on an average day. Sometimes a girl is attractive and has some good straightforward shots but chubby girls are good at cropping which is misleading.

    For the most part I've chatted with girls and then realized they're probably not people that would even really spark my interest if I met them any other way.

    Every kind of person is on there so if you actually match with a normal looking girl, she becomes so much more desirable.

    But there are more attractive people out everywhere. Go to a bar in a nice neighborhood and there will be dozens of attractive women. Are they single? Who knows.

    • The girl you meet at the bar could easily turn out to be crazy or not who she says she is too. At least online you can take your time, get to know them etc.yuekit
    • Anyway do attractive women really sit at the bar waiting for strange random guys to come up to them?yuekit
    • I only made good experiences with Tinder matches that I ended up meeting. Even ones that were a bit weird/ awkward.NBQ00
    • It's not all that bad. People just need to laugh about it and see it with humo too.NBQ00
    • I guess my point was that it's a lot of effort and it's still a gamble if you decide to meet someone.
  • NBQ005

    • If it seems too good to be true, it usually is.PhanLo
    • "you could see he had all this shit I wanted"cannonball1978
    • Both living parasitic lives.PhanLo
    • "Good night my love" lolNBQ00
    • i ain't saying she a gold diggerMilan
    • A YouTube channel, an Instagram influence account and a Tinder trickster account = the new career matrix for 20 somethings in 2020.shapesalad
    • Hedge?utopian
    • one look at this guy and you can conclude he's a complete douche :)renderedred
    • So she flew to meet him places on other girl's dime? This guy just travels and goes to clubs or something?
  • BusterBoy4

    My 72 year old disabled Uncle went on some dating site for older people. Paid a couple of hundred dollars (moronic) and posted a profile. Now this is a man that has zero social skills, has a hunchback, mumbles when he talks, has anger management issues, has difficulty walking, looks scruffy with a long beard. Just an unattractive man. What a catch!

    He didn't get any responses (surprise!) and according to my brother, sent an abusive email to the company demanding to know "where are all the women! I paid for women!".

    Fark me...

  • NBQ004

    • The good stuff comes after half into the video. WTF insaneNBQ00
    • This is like science.wagshaft
    • Can I get the tldr version?HijoDMaite
    • hahahaha fuckin gold!
    • Just as brutal as the data culled from OkCupid... https://theblog.okcu…robotron3k
    • Stupid incel bullshit. "Hot girls don't like me, they only like chads." *Only wants to date the hot girls he makes fun of*noneck
    • noneck did you even watch the video?NBQ00
    • I watched the bit about pretty girls talking to Chad even though he was an admitted pedo. Which is totally fucked too.noneck
    • But he opened up by talking about how he has everything these women want, except the looks/body.noneck
    • So he's bitter that the pretty girls won't see past his looks, but it doesn't seem like he's willing to do the same.noneck
    • No noneck hes bitter that women only see lookscannonball1978
    • I agree. this is incel-ly bullshit.sarahfailin
  • NBQ000

    I don't think this speaks for everybody as his success rate is quite low (he did swipe left on a lot though) but it's quite telling anyway.

    "Nearly 4 years of Tinder data as a Male"

    • Thats a lot of swipingdrgs
    • Yup, Tinder (and other dating services) don't want you to ever find the right match but keep swiping, keep swiping. Endless game.NBQ00
    • 4 meetings from 110 matches is sad.
    • Indeed but that's how it is on Tinder. Matches don't automatically mean = meetings. A lot of women just do it for ego and have many other options.NBQ00
    • expectations.sted
    • 2 relationships in 4 years is not bad at all!grafician
    • Unless they lasted only few weeksNBQ00
    • i worry about men who speak so certainly about the behavior and intentions of women.imbecile
    • should have tried Okcupid instead....shapesalad
  • NBQ00-2

    • There's a direct correlation between the number of sensational articles on the web to the number of creative writing courses out there.shapesalad
  • ********

    What's with the soulless models?

  • drgs-1

  • NBQ001

  • NBQ00-1

  • grafician-3

    The stuff is on Bumble now it seems

    We can end this thread bye

  • bainbridge0