The Healthy Thread

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  • instrmntl0

    Watching this today as I switch to juice.

    • juice is pure carbs. don't do itsrhadden
    • ^^^ Plus, taking out the fiber is moronic. just eat the vegetables.section_014
    • True datnbq
  • drgs1

    Do you want to live longer? Leave your house every day…

  • NBQ00-2

  • Bennn2

    I ran for the first time this morning.
    2,65 Km (1.64 Miles) in 19m 43sec

    • What do you mean by "for the first time?"garbage
    • i never ran before. As a trainning activity... Am I clear?Bennn
    • Ha, sorry. Just seemed like an odd sentence. Pace yourself and google "forefoot striking". It'll save your legs.garbage
    • thanks!Bennn
    • 8km/h, er? Short legs?

      J/k, congrats, take care of your knees
    • My walking time is better than that brah.utopian
    • You could walk it faster.. But well done etcDoris_McSquirter
    • haha :DBennn
    • was it an uphill run?uan
    • lol noBennn
  • ok_not_ok2

    • i hate rock stacks when i go hiking... it reminds me of humans and the less traces of humans i see in the wild, the best it isBennn
    • * image of angry frenchman crashing through woods destroying all rock piles In his path *Gnash
    • lollBennn
  • Bennn0


    Before OR after running ?

    • Aftermoldero
    • Just skip it, better for youmoldero
    • Yes, skip running.deadsperm
    • my app keep running when i walk thats why my times are shitty lolBennn
    • just ran 2,75KM in 15minBennn
    • ^thats not a bad pacedmay
    • But if you only run for 15 minutes, you can skip or eat a piece of fruit so you don't fill your stomach emptydmay
    • coolBennn
    • If you're only running for 15 min you shouldn't be worrying about fueling or hydration even.deadsperm
    • I would only recommend running without breakfast for up to 1 hour. Sometimes you can do "fast" runs as part of a training but I wouldn't recommend it long term.deadsperm
    • If you're running around 30 minutes it's just a matter of personal taste. You shouldn't worry about it unless you're training for something specific.deadsperm
    • afterdrgs
    • cool. i just started running. iam starting with 2,75KM. I'd like to push it to 4KM before Fall.Bennn
    • Small breakfast and a coffee.


    • After. You're done with a coffee for a run of less than an hour.OBBTKN
    • If you're taking tips:
      Focus on increasing your time running, not the distance. Adapt your pace accordingly.
      You'll be running 10K in a couple of months.
    • just fix mr yaris lolsted
    • Whatever you feel comfortable with. Personally I can't run too soon after eating. But I also wouldn't do a long run on an empty stomach eitherBaskerviIle
    • @deadsperm, good tip, i should probably start by running the whole 2,75KM without stopping and running faster when my body will say its ok :PBennn
    • duringpango
    • Before. I need the energy to last all four miles.imbecile
    • never do the running, but instead enjoying 2 meditarenean breakfasts.neverscared
    • I eat before running.SimonFFM
    • I eat breakfast after running. Eating before gives me un upset stomach.instrmntl
    • why not both?Nairn
    • I eat breakfast about 15 to 40 times between runs.nb
    • I eat running before breakfastChimp
    • Full English, during.calculator
    • Nairn, I prefer to eat then burn calories as opposed to eating then becoming sedentary.imbecile
    • Lol calculatorscarabin
  • autoflavour0

    so after the first lockdown and an excessive amount of whiskey, pizza and general terrible diet, 3 weeks ago I decided to switch to OMAD.. well, Mon-Fri is OMAD, black coffee and water..

    That one mean tends to be on the healthier side, although the occasional pizza or Enchiladas has happened.

    Weekends its 2 meals.. Brunch and a dinner.. again, same type of food..

    No coke or energy drinks, no chocolate or chips..

    lost nearly 6kgs so far..

    first couple of days were hard.. but once you get the hang of it, its not that hard at all.. we usually eat around 6pm.. so by 4:30 im definitely feeling like im hungry.

    but honestly, its actually been really good. I have been sleeping way better, a bunch of aches and pains I have been having the last few months have gone away and I feel my head is a lot clearer..

    On the weekend I smashed out a 2000 word essay in 4 hours..
    granted it was a first draft, but it was a solid draft..
    that would normally have taken me a week at least.

    anyway, OMAD for the win.

    • that said, I definitely have KG to burn.. so im sure the weight loss will taper down a bit.. but for now, its goodautoflavour
    • trying to make those meals with low GI foods.. definitely offsets the hunger betterautoflavour
    • This has essentially been my natural state my entire life. Always getting crap from family and friends how unhealthy it wasGnash
    • not going to lie, it was pretty brutal the first week.. but that was also sugar detox combined.. but now, its pretty goodautoflavour
    • omad ftw, i lost 16kg doing it. was getting really fat for my height even.renderedred
  • Continuity0

    Since gyms re-opened on 8 June after lockdown, I've been on a 750 kcal cut, been doing a 6-day PPLPPL split (at least I have time for this, being unemployed, eh?), and four 15-minute HIIT cardio sessions per week.

    Went from a disgusting (on my frame) 82 kg to 76,5 kg as of this morning, and packed on a fair bit of new muscle.

    I've got veins popping out everywhere: forearms, biceps, neck, there's a web of them coming up in the deltoids, and two big fat ones are making themselves known in the right light across one pec and the centre of the first and second row of abs.

    Yet — for all that — my stupid BIA scale says I'm still at 17% BF, and I can't get rid of my fucking love handles for the life of me.

    It's fucking frustrating.

  • mg330

    I need to get back on track... I went most of this crisis with little exercise and lots of comfort foods and sugar. I like to weigh in the mid 160s but I'm in the mid 170's right now. I was doing Keto for three weeks right before this started and I should have kept it up.

    I'm thinking about doing it again because it's the one way I can cut sugar and carbs significantly, feel more mentally alert, and drop fat quickly. Then the ideal transition is to a slow-carb diet with a cheat day on Saturdays. I just need to do it. Keto has been the one thing I've found that I can have the fastest success with in getting lean.

    • I'm really, really, really not a fan of the keto diet. It's simply not sustainable, especially if you work out. Complex, low GI carbs really do fuel ...Continuity
    • ... your workouts.
      Seriously, try a 40/40/20 macro split (p/c/f).
    • Also: no amount of fad dieting will change the fact that in order to lose fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. It's the simplest thing in the world.Continuity
    • Drink to thirst. Eat to hunger. Move as much as you can whenever you can.

      ; )
    • you got off easy, met a guy walking the dog today that's put on 3 stone since march :|kingsteven
    • 8 pounds for me and worked most of it off in the last 2 weeks with <1000k/cal and walking 6 miles a daykingsteven
  • mg333

    And... back on track. Started slow-carb on August 22nd and nailing it so far. I’m up around 175 at the start and aiming to get back into the mid 160’s where I prefer to be. It’s crazy that I weighed around 190 until late 2015 when I started getting into shape.

    Targeting about 1,550 calories a day
    50% / 30% / 20% Protein / Fat / Carbs - 195g / 52g / 78g

    It’s amazing how easy it is to hit these targets every day with three full meals and no snacking.

    On my first cheat day this past Saturday, I had donuts for breakfast, cheese curds and a huge spicy fried chicken sandwich, and a giant piece of birthday cake from a neighbor, handful of cookies, a bottle of barrel aged beer, dark chocolate almonds, and this obscene lemon cinnamon role a neighbor gave me earlier in the day.

    I like the concept of the “cheat day.“ It is a nice goal to work towards, and during my evening workouts or peloton rides, somehow it makes the exercise all the more worth it to know I can take one day to just be carefree about what I eat.

    Most major meals have been consisting of black beans or kidney beans, broccoli brussels sprouts and peppers, and chicken, skirt steak, or pork / ham, and eggs. Even this simple of a list of food can be cooked in so many different ways, and I don’t think I would tire soon of any of them.

    • I was eying those fried curds you posted the other day! I quit drinking and replaced two meals a day with Soylent a couple weeks ago and lost 7 poundsscarabin
    • Nice going!mg33
    • The additional benefit of a cheat day is that it actually helps two things: keeps your metabolism fired, and replenishes your muscle glycogen.Continuity
    • The muscle glycogen is really crucial to give yourself the fuel for lifting.Continuity
  • bezoar4

    A series of events has lead to evening panic attacks for over a week–arrhythmia, moody, and sleep loss. The triage nurse recommended, in short, I do some deep breathing exercises and have a walk outside. I'll definetly work these activities into my daily routine. Was wondering if anyone else deals with it here?

    • *ledbezoar
    • Yes, last time 5 or 6 years ago, exercise and a "turn off your computer and get the f** out" routine was my solution too...OBBTKN
    • Take care of yourself during those episodies, body is "screaming at you" for somethingOBBTKN
    • I'm on a rage period now, and I know the problem is the same: Too much work, preocupations, in-home and in front a pc time, no time out...OBBTKN
    • I'm not leaving home and biking or hiking as would be necessary, I know... but my effort to fight this shitty economy...OBBTKN
    • And take care of my family is my priority. Ouch! Sometimes is not easy the get this stuff balancedOBBTKN
    • Loooool... Crazy long side note! Sorry. But srly. exercise and steal at least a pair of hours a day to focus and workout, life's short!!OBBTKN
    • Health is wealth; been their, done that (panic) and it ain't great.ideaist
    • Try zinc supplementsdrgs
  • srhadden1

    I started out by reading and applying the teachings of a low-carb book (The Food Hourglass) (great book, changed my life) and getting immediate results. Than I reached a plateau circa 5kg above my ideal weight. I slacked off and dragged those 5 kg around on my belly for a couple of years. I kept drinking alcohol quite regularly and cheated on carbs a lot. But I could always reach the plateau again by cutting carbs for a while.

    Now I progressed to healhy KETO + intermittent fasting.
    I do 20:4 or OMAD during the week, relaxing it to 18:6 or 16:8 on weekends .. once in a while I have treat day (parties, hanging with friends.. )

    Once a month I'm doing a 48h fast. Every couple of months I'll do an even longer fast. Just because of the health benefits, not for losing weight. Longer fasts are the only true detox.

    A couple of times a week I do some light exercise before I break my fast (an hour of light cycling mostly, sometimes swimming ) I'm planning on adding a bit of calisthenics, only to get some muscle tone without spending money.

    Once you get adjusted 20:4 is easypeasy, as is OMAD. I try to finish eating by 4 or 5 pm so my bloodsugar is normal by the time I go to bed, so I sleep like a rose now. I didn't really have sleeping problems, but I did used to wake up with a foggy brain or even get out of bed tired, even though I just slept for 8 hours. Probably because my body was busy digesting all night long from late night drinks and snacks. Once you put anything in your mouth, your body needs 8 or 9 hours to regulate bloodsugar to normal levels. That's a loooong ass time your body can't recuperate because it's busy digesting. Think about that before you snack or drink or booze in the evenings. I wake up completely sharp now and feel great.

    I will still drink alcohol when I'm friends.

    sugar cravings have stopped after a week or so.

    of all the channels on YouTube dedicated to this, I found Dr. Sten Ekberg's to be the most accurately explain the science behind it all. It's a treasure trove of information, and actually fits lock and key with the food hourglass.…

    This one on carb reduction is also very informative…

    and this is one is also very enjoyable and full of info…

    The dude has a nice keto recipe channel also…

    I like this guy also. He really knows every effin molecule in your body I think (which is a bit much for me and my personal goals) Still, you're gonna learn for him also.…

    To top it off, this girl also has a great channel about all things KETO + IF…

    the more you get yourself informed on all this, the better you'll understand how your body works, and you'll also get better at spotting video's on YouTube that are just trying to jump on the trend.

    I use an app to track my fasts and eating windows, very handy. It comes with water intake tracking, weight tracking etc

    Because I haven't been doing it for that long I also use a nutrition app to calculate my calories and percentages of fats, carbs and protein in my diet. I 'm sure after a while you can more or less just wing it when you're cooking and not obsess about the perfect percentage ratio or the amount of calories. For now it's just fun for me to log everything and see what I'm actually stuffing in my body.

    On top of all of this I'm a vegetarian, so it's a bit different for me because I don't have access to protein and fats from meat or fish, so that's where the nutrition app comes in handy also.

    Anyway, it works great for me. I feel great, lost all the weight I wanted, I'm mentally sharp, I have plenty more free time because I don't have to spend it preparing and eating food (and cleaning), I don't feel hungry at all, I'm not constantly tempted by snacks...

    The only thing that makes it a bit hard is the social setting, where everybody thinks you're weird for not constantly eating. So I don't really talk about it.

    Well, there you go, check it out, learn from the pro's, get carbcutting and fasting. If you're at all struggling with weight, health, it'll change your life.

    • there's no such thing as a "detox"inteliboy
    • Autophagy is detoxsrhadden
    • There is such a thing as a cunt that sifts through a page of text looking for any semblance of a shred to criticize thoughsrhadden
    • Detoxing and cult diets are pseudo-science. Weight loss is not intrinsically linked to health.
      Live your truth.
    • LOL @ Keto and OmadContinuity
    • @palimpsest: well, it kind of is. If you're morbidly obese, weight loss is kind of an urgent to-do.
      Otherwise, fat loss is more important than weight loss.
    • "Weight loss is not intrinsically linked to health."
      Read it again, slowly.
  • Continuity2

    Well, I finally got there.

    Just did a fat caliper test this morning: it took a 750 kcal/day deficit, 6 days a week of lifting, and 4 15-min HIIT cardio sessions per week, but I went from a revolting 21-22% BF @ 82 kg on 8 June to just shy of 8.3% BF @ 78 kg this morning.

    Time to start a lean bulk!

    Oh, and lesson learned: BIA scales are as useless as tits on a bull.

    • Also, eat your fucking complex carbs.Continuity
    • Lean mass from 65kg to 71,5kg, I did the math...drgs
    • Yeah, which sounds a bit impossible in a three-month span.Continuity
    • The other possibility is that I way over-estimated my starting BF%. Which is possible, I was using a combo of the mirror, reference photos and my stupid scales.Continuity
    • Assuming you have been lifting before and have some muscle memory, perfectly doable. Professional bodybuilders gain 5kgs in a day when carbing updrgs
    • I weighted 58 kgs at my lowest in 2003 (my problem was the opposite, I was too skinny). I gained 15 kg the first year, all lean. 82 kg nowdrgs
    • 5 kg in a day? That's gear, my friend, not carbs.
      But yeah, I've overall been lifting for about 1.5 yrs, constantly (except for lockdown).
    • They cut down on carbs for some weeks before a competition, the muscles become sensitive to insulin, then they carb up on the very last daydrgs
    • Muscles are mostly glycogen and water... Density comes with years.drgs
    • True.
      Wait ... 58?! God damn, man. How tall are you?
    • Though I shouldn't be surprised ... I spent my teenaged years, my 20s, and part of my 30s looking like I only occupied 2D space, I was so skinny.Continuity
    • I'm 181cm. That's BMI 18, underweight, well not anymoredrgs
    • I'm 183, so standing next to you, I would still look rail thin.Continuity
    • In any case, I want to try finishing the year out with 82-83 kg @ 10% BF. We'll see if I can make that happen, and then see where I go from there.Continuity
  • mg336

    A month into Slow Carb, I've lost about four pounds, but more importantly, when cheat day rolls around, my impulse to just gorge on garbage actually decrease. All week long I think "can't wait to eat ice cream... a burger... candy..." and then Saturday rolls around and I'm like "yeah, uh... but I feel so good without that crap in me..."

    • Dude it took me almost 5 years to put on 5kg, I can drop your "four pounds" in one night pissing 5 beers, go to a nutritionist if you want to lose weightgrafician
    • Or try to keep a balance with everything you eat...grafician
    • But sure, I'm upvoting your effort. Pussy!grafician
    • Also try to imagine our ancestors between hunts "oh uh ugh, need to cheat, uh to day, no mammoth for me ugh ugh this season"grafician
    • Fucking hell, graf, what is up with you this weekend? Not content with pissing all over a PotD post, now you're pissing on people's fat loss progress.Continuity
    • Grafician: Master Street Photographer and Fat Loss Hero.

      Man, come on.
    • Yes it's crap, too much salt too much sugar, that's why this society is fucked up, sugar is evil, only real and good sugar comes from fruits.i_was
    • And McDonald Sundays.i_was
    • Sundae, never ate this crap so can't even spell it righti_was
    • @Continuity You're absolutely right, I apologise to mg33 for my bad jokes, weight loss is no jokegrafician
    • Seriously, though, what is it? Did a girl dump you? Someone shat on your Mititei? You're on the fucking warpath this weekend.Continuity
    • If you're referring to me posting my oponions in Pic of the day on that street photo post yes, it was my pov and I stand by it.grafician
    • But here I was totally out of line with my comments, hope mg33 could forgive my outburst, I'm usually decent as you know, but here I messed up!grafician
    • Just saw all these comments. No worries @graf. :)mg33
  • grafician0

  • NBQ000

  • grafician6

    LONDON (AP) — Ireland’s Supreme Court has ruled that bread sold by the fast food chain Subway contains so much sugar that it cannot be legally defined as bread.

  • kingsteven5

  • mg331

    So I've been doing slow carb for 5 weeks and tracking all my meals as I usually do. I don't know how fast an increase in cholesterol can start to cause effects - my chest tension is likely from anxiety - but I noticed that my cholesterol totals per day have skyrocketed because I'm eating eggs every day. Usually 2-3 whole eggs with breakfast, which is WAY more than I every eat at other times. Been like 4-5 weeks of that every day.

    Thinking about going to get my usual physical and bloodwork to see if this has had a bad effect on me.

    Switched to Egg Beaters, too.

    • Just remove a yolk or two from the lotscarabin
    • Did the chest tension start when you started the diet?garbage
  • grafician0

    "September 28, 2020

    Effects of Time-Restricted Eating on Weight Loss and Other Metabolic Parameters in Women and Men With Overweight and Obesity
    The TREAT Randomized Clinical Trial"



    • The results in a controled study = no weight loss, but is fasting about that?!grafician
    • Fasting will shake up your eating habits, most people experience a positive outcome because they clean away their bad eating routine.zarkonite
    • but this survey is in line with the rest of the scientific litterature, fasting doesn't produce weight loss in itself.zarkonite
    • fasting is good for your brain.imbecile
    • ^yeah, that's why
      but ppl seem to do it to lose weight, weird
    • The theory that I read in terms of weight loss is that intermittent fasting can reduce insulin levels, which makes you less hungry as a result.yuekit
    • In my experience it does work. Within the past month I tried exercising and controlling my diet for a couple weeks and lost almost nothing. Then did veryyuekit
    • simple fasting from 8pm to 12pm everyday and surprisingly lost weight even without exercising much. The most interesting part was my hunger level droppedyuekit
    • significantly after about a week of doing this. So overall I think there is something to it, might not work for everyone but if nothing else you will save moneyyuekit
    • on food :)yuekit